[Video] Lonelygirl15 - 0108 The Unthinkable Happened!

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Post by girlAnachronism »

Hooray a thread on the video that I can actually read in one sitting! My thoughts on several of the sounds is that they sounded like stock sounds (not really sure if that's a term). After all, if you listen to the car screeching in front of Bree and her dad, it sounds canned. That could also explain the gunshot because it is unlikely that they would have a real gun on the set, therefore it couldn't be relied upon to make a realistic noise.
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Post by butterfly »

Jengels2002 wrote:You would think a gunshot will sound different in a parking garage.
Are we sure it was a gunshot????
My husband is a collector of guns and I have gone to the shooting range with him a few times. Depending on the gun, the sound can really vary. Some are deafening loud, some are not. Don't ask me to describe how loud a gun shot should be in a parking garage; that's not my expertise!

But I can tell you that the gun shot could have been a 22, which sounds like a firecracker.
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Post by random lurker »

imagin wrote: Why does Jonas say "I bet she knows." She WHO?
Bree. I think Jonas was trying to think of the name of "that song" and assumed, since Daniel didn't supply it, that he didnt' know it, either. Bree is the only person they have in common, and she is the trivia type and probably would have been able to not only name Auld Lang Syne but also provide the lyrics and a complete background on the composer.

EDIT to add:

Maybe the title "The Unthinkable Happened" means "We wanted something to happen, but we couldn't think what it should be, so just check out this randomness and decide for us."
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Post by bethy »

I postd this over in the Video forum...but will post it here as well. It's all in fun. I had a meeting Sherman Oaks this evening, so I decided to have alitle fun:
Just for shits 'n giggles, I took my camera along this evening when I was in Sherman Oaks. I stopped off at the "scene of the crime" to snap some photos. It was dark, so it may be tought to see some of this...

This took place in the parking garage, near the upper level of the Westfield Fashion Center. This is more comonly known as the Del Amo Mall or the Del Amo Fashion Center in Sherman Oaks. It is right next to the 101 freeway, and can be seen from the freeway. If you listen closely to the video, you'll hear a dull roar in the background. That's the freeway...seriously, thy're less than 100 feet or so from the freeway here.

This parking structure is a little weird. The upper level has several levels to it, if that makes any sense. Where Jonas and Daniel were parked was on an "up" slope that led out to the upper level we saw at the end of the video. In fact, as they pulled out of their spot they would have filmed that last scene...it was right there. This whole scene took place along the western edge of the structure, next to Woodman Ave.

Here are two images from near the area where Jonas and Daniel were parked, looking toward where Bree and her Dad were walking. The building you see across the way is the Sunkist Building, across Woodman. It looks really close, but that's a bit of an illusion.



Here's the view from the other direction, up the ramp a few feet...this is what we saw in the last scene of the video and Jonas, Daniel and Bree were driving out...or trying to get out. This is an exit, sort of...you have to drive a bit to actually get out of the structure. The 101 freeway is immediately to the right.


Now for the good stuff. I went on a NikkiB style hunt for clues...and in classic NikkiB style, didn't find a whole lot.

I did find some fresh skid marks:

And a parking garage seems like an odd place to find an old chess piece:

But creepiest of all....

Two guys in black suits. :shock:
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Post by violagoddess »

Nice work Bethy! Might not add much, but still cool :)
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Post by bethy »

Nope...doesn't add a thing except to completely confirm filming location and to have a little fun, that's it.
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Post by Ganesha »

That chess piece is a bishop- possible tie-in to religion? Interesting coincidence, in any case.
While everyone ponders about who watches the watchers, I'll see who is cleaning up after the janitors.
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Post by bethy »

Nah...just a piece of garbage. :D I guess my lack of a video camera doesn't help, but I was really just making fun of NikkiB and her "sleuthing" at the video sites. She never really *does* find anything helpful.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

bethy wrote:Nah...just a piece of garbage. :D I guess my lack of a video camera doesn't help, but I was really just making fun of NikkiB and her "sleuthing" at the video sites. She never really *does* find anything helpful.
except when she did run into gemma
oo and he booty call

anyways good work

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Post by shifty »

Killthesmiley wrote:
bethy wrote:Nah...just a piece of garbage. :D I guess my lack of a video camera doesn't help, but I was really just making fun of NikkiB and her "sleuthing" at the video sites. She never really *does* find anything helpful.
except when she did run into gemma
She never ran into Gemma :X
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Post by Killthesmiley »

shifty wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:
bethy wrote:Nah...just a piece of garbage. :D I guess my lack of a video camera doesn't help, but I was really just making fun of NikkiB and her "sleuthing" at the video sites. She never really *does* find anything helpful.
except when she did run into gemma
She never ran into Gemma :X
well saw gemma...

same difference

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Post by shifty »

Killthesmiley wrote:
shifty wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote: except when she did run into gemma
She never ran into Gemma :X
well saw gemma...

same difference
She didn't see her either... That wasn't Gemma and Lucy in the vid.

Anyway, this is offtopic, sorry.
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Post by bethy »

The thing about Nikki's video with Gemma in it is that's the one location she refused to identify specifically. She didn't find that on her own...it was scripted.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Nikki did find that watcher symbol first... on the box at the bridge!
And yes Bethy, very cool. I like the skid marks the best. :)
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Post by Skyler »

Well according to the new video, it was Bree's dad who was shot and he is dead. What I am wondering though is that he didn't really appear to be shot dead immediately in the last video. And they grabbed Bree and drove off so quickly, so how do they know he actually died. Are they just assuming? I dunno, maybe I missed something.
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