Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

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Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

Post by Friar »

I know there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bree's Dad was being controlled by the Order or not, but I have a theory. I think that somehow Bree's parents escaped from the Order and were hiding out near that parking garage. They decided that they would try to contact Bree, and that only one of them would go. That way if the Order caught up to them (like they did), only one of them would be taken and the other would be able to survive. I think that Bree's parents have very important information that Bree's Dad told her while they met. Bree's Mom is probably still out there, and when she realizes what happens I bet she's going to be a bit more important in the story.
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Re: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

Post by annie »

Friar wrote:I know there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bree's Dad was being controlled by the Order or not, but I have a theory. I think that somehow Bree's parents escaped from the Order and were hiding out near that parking garage. They decided that they would try to contact Bree, and that only one of them would go. That way if the Order caught up to them (like they did), only one of them would be taken and the other would be able to survive. I think that Bree's parents have very important information that Bree's Dad told her while they met. Bree's Mom is probably still out there, and when she realizes what happens I bet she's going to be a bit more important in the story.
I hope you're right, Friar, that they had in fact escaped AND that Bree's Mom will become more a part of the story...

I'm wondering where Bree and Mr. Bree went after they parked the Lexus in that garage, and while Daniel and Jonas hung out, waiting. Maybe to see Bree's mother... Anyone? Theories on that?
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Re: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

Post by krmurr87 »

annie wrote:
Friar wrote:I know there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bree's Dad was being controlled by the Order or not, but I have a theory. I think that somehow Bree's parents escaped from the Order and were hiding out near that parking garage. They decided that they would try to contact Bree, and that only one of them would go. That way if the Order caught up to them (like they did), only one of them would be taken and the other would be able to survive. I think that Bree's parents have very important information that Bree's Dad told her while they met. Bree's Mom is probably still out there, and when she realizes what happens I bet she's going to be a bit more important in the story.
I hope you're right, Friar, that they had in fact escaped AND that Bree's Mom will become more a part of the story...

I'm wondering where Bree and Mr. Bree went after they parked the Lexus in that garage, and while Daniel and Jonas hung out, waiting. Maybe to see Bree's mother... Anyone? Theories on that?

I was wondering about that...someone said that the lexus was actually the car that bree stole from Jonas and they were just following them to the garage where bree left it
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Re: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

Post by annie »

krmurr87 wrote: I was wondering about that...someone said that the lexus was actually the car that bree stole from Jonas and they were just following them to the garage where bree left it
Ah, that makes sense krmurr87... If Bree's Dad is on the lamb, he probably wouldn't have a car readily available and it's plausible ol' rich- young-heir Jonas would have a Lexus, though why he wouldn't get a Porsche Cayman, at least, is baffling.

But, after Daniel and Jonas followed Bree and her Dad to the garage and saw them park, then had to hang out and wait for a while (Daniel: "Now, we just gotta wait"; Jonas: "Wait?!") I wonder where Bree and her father went for that while?
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

Who knows what they did during that short time (you could just say that was due to filming by the Creators and such i guess). However, i am really digging the idea of Bree's Mom being out there and escaped. :-k
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Re: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

Post by EternalGoddess »

Friar wrote:I know there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bree's Dad was being controlled by the Order or not, but I have a theory. I think that somehow Bree's parents escaped from the Order and were hiding out near that parking garage. They decided that they would try to contact Bree, and that only one of them would go. That way if the Order caught up to them (like they did), only one of them would be taken and the other would be able to survive. I think that Bree's parents have very important information that Bree's Dad told her while they met. Bree's Mom is probably still out there, and when she realizes what happens I bet she's going to be a bit more important in the story.
That's a good theory. I hope Bree's mom gets more important in the story because it wouldn't make sense to make Bree's father the only important one when they both got taken.
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Post by Friar »

Well, for that short time between when Daniel/Jonas found the car (Daniel does say at 1:36 "Where'd they go?", so I assume he and Jonas lost them somehow), I do think they went to go see Bree's Mom. Maybe they were all going to go back to Jonas', and Bree and her Dad just went to go get Jonas' car? We know Bree's Dad had a car, because I think that's the one they drove from the cafe to the parking garage. Or is that one the same that Jonas and Daniel are watching inside the garage?
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Re: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

Post by nobackspacebutton »

EternalGoddess wrote:
Friar wrote:I know there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bree's Dad was being controlled by the Order or not, but I have a theory. I think that somehow Bree's parents escaped from the Order and were hiding out near that parking garage. They decided that they would try to contact Bree, and that only one of them would go. That way if the Order caught up to them (like they did), only one of them would be taken and the other would be able to survive. I think that Bree's parents have very important information that Bree's Dad told her while they met. Bree's Mom is probably still out there, and when she realizes what happens I bet she's going to be a bit more important in the story.
That's a good theory. I hope Bree's mom gets more important in the story because it wouldn't make sense to make Bree's father the only important one when they both got taken.
Gemma stated once before about how Bree's mom was a very important figure in the community...I'm sure that she will play more of an important role in the upcoming videos.
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