Okay so I think everyone's pretty sure of what hotel it is (at least that's what I read) and I don't know if someone's posted pics but I got this still.......
Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel
Just posted for maybe like some confirmation or something but that looks pretty much like the still to me.
you guys are so smart! lol (or at least good puzzle solvers)
Hotels look all the same to me, but it looks kind of familar. A year ago I spent my birthday in a Hilton hotel in San Diego, it looked like that... but I'd have to see more. Lot's of hotels in SoCal look the same... it's hard to go by what we were given... it's definitly Hilton carpeting, that is assuming Hilton carpets are unique...
"If the human mind were simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it." -Pat Bahn