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Off-Topic OA Posts Banished! :)

Post by kellylen »

omggg all this is getting so intense.

i was kind of hoping to see Gemma fall to the ground lifeless, but then again that would be giving away too much and isnt coded like brother/tach style
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Post by Killthesmiley »

shifty wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:the silver SUV in this video is featured in the new Lonelygirl video

its drives through the shot when they are i nthe parking garage right before bree and her father walk into the shot...

i'm going to attempt to screen shoot it.
This the one you're talking about?
yea you got a bit of a better one...hard to see the color in yours though...

looking at it they look identical (the boxing, the mirrors, the length)

at least to me.

edit : hard to see the color in both of our screen caps.
Last edited by Killthesmiley on Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by shifty »

I was rewatching the video and I noticed that at about 0:33 Gemma's legs disappear for some reason:


I wonder if this was intentional or not...
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Post by mourningbelle »

I think it might be in part the tree blocking her legs, a weird shot, and movement blur.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

shifty wrote:I was rewatching the video and I noticed that at about 0:33 Gemma's legs disappear for some reason:


I wonder if this was intentional or not...
i'm thinking its because he shot her in that spot. nd that was jut a hidden camera. and where they can't show some one actually get shot, that is their wy of hinting to it.

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