Some info about Thelema, Masonry, and a few new "suspec

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Post by Kasdeja »

From the Catholic side, there are just many conflicting beliefs and such between the two.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

my computer is being stupid so it won't let me view more.
but if you go to that site, look under Thelemic.. theres a few familiar things listed: Liber XV: "The Gnostic Mass. The central celebratory ritual of the Ordo Templi Orientis." anddd "The Supreme Ritual of the Aeon. A Qabbalistic ritual in the tradition of the Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, and the writings of Aleister Crowley and his contemporaries. By Frater Amadeus (Brett Genger)." hmm..
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

something I wrote on another thread may be of interest to you. I saw someone was talking about chaos magick or something.
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Post by William »

Jacktwan wrote:Among other things I have noticed, some lodges will not let you become a member if you are not a member of local church. It promotes community or some drivel.
Such lodges are probably irregular, that is to say, they're impostors. One of the basic landmarks of Masonry is that your religion is your own business and any discussion of it inside the lodge is inappropriate. Such discussion breeds disagreement, which can be harmful to unity. As far as religion goes, the only thing the Masons care about is whether or not you believe in a deity.
Jacktwan wrote:As for Wikipedia......I seriously doubt that you will find the Higher Masonic doctrine there, believe me, it is far the end all be all for the masons.
Masonry has no "doctrine." Doctrine is a specific religious belief. The closest thing Masonry has to doctrine is the idea that a creator God exists. Beyond that, Masonry does not elaborate. You've also been hoodwinked into thinking there is such thing as "higher Masonry." The highest degree in Masonry is the third degree. In most jurisdictions, one has to attain this degree just to attend meetings! It's not uncommon at all. Furthermore, the teachings of all the blue lodge degrees are effectively public. Non-masons can read the monitor, which contains the ideas presented in the degrees as well as interpretation of much of the symbolism presented. The only real secrets in the blue lodge are the explanations of some of the symbols used and some signs, handshakes, and passwords.
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Post by bellamax »

hi, I just wanted to add that i was in a masonic youth group for girls. It's called Triangle and is only based in NY. another one that hasn't been mentioned (if it has i apologize) is Constellation which i think is either national or world wide. anyway, what religion the members were, was never an issue. i myself am roman catholic and a few of the members of my chapter were jewish. the whole not excepting certain relgions is bogus. like others have said, the only "requirment" is believing in a higher power.

a few pages back someone posted that the women's and youth groups were boring. i have to say that the years that i belonged to triangle (from the age of 11 to 21) were some of the best years of my life. it's a great organization for young girls to belong to. yeah.. the meetings could be boring but it was so much more than that. it defintely helped my social skills with all the get togethers with the other chapters and the amount of charity work we did and they still do is amazing. i had a lot of fun and i miss it a lot when i look back on all those wonderful memories.

okay, i'm off my soap box now... lol sorry.
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