A Message From the Creators
- Suspiciously Absent
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:24 am
What about the press?
So does this mean you even had the press fooled? Or were those fake articles?
i am amused by all this
all this bickering of whether shes real or not,or fake ornot, it reminds of that kobe bryant commercial,
Love me or hate me — it's one or the other.
Always has been.
Hate my game, my swagger.
Hate my hunger.
Hate that I'm a veteran, a champion.
Hate that.
Hate it with all your heart.
And hate that I'm loved for the exact same reasons
heres my lonelgirl15 version
Love me or hate me — it's one or the other.
Always has been.
Hate my videos, my editing.
Hate my persistence.
Hate that I'm an actress, a youtube celebrity.
Hate that.
Hate it with all your heart.
And hate that I'm loved for the exact same reasons
all this bickering of whether shes real or not,or fake ornot, it reminds of that kobe bryant commercial,
Love me or hate me — it's one or the other.
Always has been.
Hate my game, my swagger.
Hate my hunger.
Hate that I'm a veteran, a champion.
Hate that.
Hate it with all your heart.
And hate that I'm loved for the exact same reasons
heres my lonelgirl15 version
Love me or hate me — it's one or the other.
Always has been.
Hate my videos, my editing.
Hate my persistence.
Hate that I'm an actress, a youtube celebrity.
Hate that.
Hate it with all your heart.
And hate that I'm loved for the exact same reasons
The creators revealed
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/ne ... &cset=true
Lonelygirl15: The Creators Revealed
The aspiring filmmakers behind the YouTube sensation reveal the truth about "Bree" and "Daniel."
By Richard Rushfield and Claire Hoffman, Times Staff Writers
7:05 PM PDT, September 12, 2006
It turns out the people behind the wildly popular website lonelygirl15 are not studio executives, Internet moguls or, as some suspected, Satanists. Instead, they are aspiring filmmakers who met at a mutual friend's birthday party in April: Miles Beckett, 28, a Web-obsessed medical school dropout, Mesh Flinders, 26, a screenwriter, and Greg Goodfried, a 27-year-old lawyer.
The lonelygirl15 story unfolded in a series of confessional video blogs, supposedly made by a home-schooled girl named "Bree," Since June, viewers have questioned whether "Bree" and her friend "Daniel," who also appeared in the videos, were for real or part of some larger project or promotional scheme. An ominous hint of a satanic plotline to come suggested a horror film in the making.
Studio 60 - Phase 2
In their first press interview, the three said they are amazed by the reaction they have gotten, with audiences in the hundreds of thousands for each episode of their story, which was posted on websites such as YouTube.
"We did this with zero resources. Anybody could do what we did," Flinders said Tuesday. The sum total of the equipment they used to create a sensation on the Internet, as well as perhaps the Web's biggest homegrown mystery: "Two desk lamps, one broken, an open window and a $130 camera."
Goodfried said the CAA connection came about a month ago -- well into the lonelygirl15 story -- through a friend who works at the agency. "We get in there one afternoon. I walked around the place, and met some cool young guys that got the idea and said they would help us," he said.
A CAA spokesman said Tuesday that the filmmakers are now agency clients.
The lonelygirl15 story began early this year, when Beckett hatched the idea of creating a mystery story online, one that could roll out small mock-confessional bites in real time.
"Our goal was to tell a very realistic fictional story in this medium," Beckett said. He dreamed of using the various technologies of the Web, from comment boards to social networking sites, to both build a rich identity for a character and to let fans influence the story's direction.
In April, at a karaoke-bar birthday party, Beckett met Flinders, who had been struggling in Hollywood as an assistant and maker of short films. Flinders' recent screenwriting efforts had been focused on a recurring character, a shy but precocious teenage girl. "It was like I had found my creative mate," Flinders said. "We spent the entire night talking about the idea, the next day we talked on the phone, and the day after that." The pair then joined forces with Goodfried, who supplied the know-how to make the shoot happen.
Through a casting director friend, they quickly met with potential actors, using a borrowed room at the offices of Film Independent to shoot the auditions.
The filmmakers declined to identify the actress who played Bree. However, in the past day, various websites have identified her as Jessica Rose, a 19-year-old New Zealand native who is in Los Angeles to attend acting school. Rose could not be reached for comment.
The videos were shot on a shoestring at the bedroom of a home "in the Greater Los Angeles area," said Goodfried. Contrary to Internet speculation that the videos were all shot at once and rolled out in drips and drabs, the team revealed that each installment was filmed only after the previous one had been posted. The intent was to allow fan response posted in the comment section of lonelygirl15's YouTube and MySpace pages to determine the direction of each subsequent episode.
As an example of fans' influence over the story line, what the team calls "collaborative storytelling," they point to an episode in which Daniel reveals his romantic feelings to Bree. According to Beckett, "In the 'Hiking' video, where Daniel filmed her, there were a ton of comments saying, Daniel likes you, it's obvious that the cameraman was completely in love with you. We saw the comments and said this is the perfect opportunity to address this."
But as the mystery unfolded on computer screens, fans who became obsessed with the series took the investigation in a direction the filmmakers had not expected, searching for their identities and the true nature of the production itself. Having decided to keep themselves anonymous, they found themselves unprepared.
"Our hats are off to the really impressive investigators," said Goodfried, who found himself on the hot seat when the news swept the Internet that a copyright on the lonelygirl15 name had been filed by his father, Kenneth Goodfried, an Encino lawyer. "We really didn't know what to do," Greg Goodfried said.
As to where the story is going now that the curtain has been lifted, the team said the story of lonelygirl15 will continue, with the hope that the focus can now return to the onscreen mystery. They would not comment on whether the lonelygirl serial might someday leap to other mediums.
As for the actress' ability to remain undiscovered until now, the team says they took precautions such as removing pictures of the actress from MySpace and the Internet, But throughout the furor, they said, she has been living openly in Los Angeles. "There is no place better to hide then right in the middle of L.A.," Goodfried said. "Everyone is so focused on themselves that I guess they don't even notice."
Lonelygirl15: The Creators Revealed
The aspiring filmmakers behind the YouTube sensation reveal the truth about "Bree" and "Daniel."
By Richard Rushfield and Claire Hoffman, Times Staff Writers
7:05 PM PDT, September 12, 2006
It turns out the people behind the wildly popular website lonelygirl15 are not studio executives, Internet moguls or, as some suspected, Satanists. Instead, they are aspiring filmmakers who met at a mutual friend's birthday party in April: Miles Beckett, 28, a Web-obsessed medical school dropout, Mesh Flinders, 26, a screenwriter, and Greg Goodfried, a 27-year-old lawyer.
The lonelygirl15 story unfolded in a series of confessional video blogs, supposedly made by a home-schooled girl named "Bree," Since June, viewers have questioned whether "Bree" and her friend "Daniel," who also appeared in the videos, were for real or part of some larger project or promotional scheme. An ominous hint of a satanic plotline to come suggested a horror film in the making.
Studio 60 - Phase 2
In their first press interview, the three said they are amazed by the reaction they have gotten, with audiences in the hundreds of thousands for each episode of their story, which was posted on websites such as YouTube.
"We did this with zero resources. Anybody could do what we did," Flinders said Tuesday. The sum total of the equipment they used to create a sensation on the Internet, as well as perhaps the Web's biggest homegrown mystery: "Two desk lamps, one broken, an open window and a $130 camera."
Goodfried said the CAA connection came about a month ago -- well into the lonelygirl15 story -- through a friend who works at the agency. "We get in there one afternoon. I walked around the place, and met some cool young guys that got the idea and said they would help us," he said.
A CAA spokesman said Tuesday that the filmmakers are now agency clients.
The lonelygirl15 story began early this year, when Beckett hatched the idea of creating a mystery story online, one that could roll out small mock-confessional bites in real time.
"Our goal was to tell a very realistic fictional story in this medium," Beckett said. He dreamed of using the various technologies of the Web, from comment boards to social networking sites, to both build a rich identity for a character and to let fans influence the story's direction.
In April, at a karaoke-bar birthday party, Beckett met Flinders, who had been struggling in Hollywood as an assistant and maker of short films. Flinders' recent screenwriting efforts had been focused on a recurring character, a shy but precocious teenage girl. "It was like I had found my creative mate," Flinders said. "We spent the entire night talking about the idea, the next day we talked on the phone, and the day after that." The pair then joined forces with Goodfried, who supplied the know-how to make the shoot happen.
Through a casting director friend, they quickly met with potential actors, using a borrowed room at the offices of Film Independent to shoot the auditions.
The filmmakers declined to identify the actress who played Bree. However, in the past day, various websites have identified her as Jessica Rose, a 19-year-old New Zealand native who is in Los Angeles to attend acting school. Rose could not be reached for comment.
The videos were shot on a shoestring at the bedroom of a home "in the Greater Los Angeles area," said Goodfried. Contrary to Internet speculation that the videos were all shot at once and rolled out in drips and drabs, the team revealed that each installment was filmed only after the previous one had been posted. The intent was to allow fan response posted in the comment section of lonelygirl15's YouTube and MySpace pages to determine the direction of each subsequent episode.
As an example of fans' influence over the story line, what the team calls "collaborative storytelling," they point to an episode in which Daniel reveals his romantic feelings to Bree. According to Beckett, "In the 'Hiking' video, where Daniel filmed her, there were a ton of comments saying, Daniel likes you, it's obvious that the cameraman was completely in love with you. We saw the comments and said this is the perfect opportunity to address this."
But as the mystery unfolded on computer screens, fans who became obsessed with the series took the investigation in a direction the filmmakers had not expected, searching for their identities and the true nature of the production itself. Having decided to keep themselves anonymous, they found themselves unprepared.
"Our hats are off to the really impressive investigators," said Goodfried, who found himself on the hot seat when the news swept the Internet that a copyright on the lonelygirl15 name had been filed by his father, Kenneth Goodfried, an Encino lawyer. "We really didn't know what to do," Greg Goodfried said.
As to where the story is going now that the curtain has been lifted, the team said the story of lonelygirl15 will continue, with the hope that the focus can now return to the onscreen mystery. They would not comment on whether the lonelygirl serial might someday leap to other mediums.
As for the actress' ability to remain undiscovered until now, the team says they took precautions such as removing pictures of the actress from MySpace and the Internet, But throughout the furor, they said, she has been living openly in Los Angeles. "There is no place better to hide then right in the middle of L.A.," Goodfried said. "Everyone is so focused on themselves that I guess they don't even notice."
Fooled into thinking she was a geek like me
http://xtramsn.co.nz/technology/0,,1344 ... 83,00.html
Net Mystery Revealed As Kiwi Girl
A 19-year-old New Zealand actress has been revealed as the mystery girl named Bree, known to millions of people on the Internet as LonelyGirl15.
The San Francisco Chronicle today reported that former Mount Maunganui actress Jessica Rose has been posing as the 16-year-old home-schooled teenager posting "LonelyGirl15" online video diaries on sites such as YouTube and MySpace.
The New York Times also reported Bree had been identified as Rose, a New Zealand resident who is a graduate of the New York Film Academy.
She has been making a serialised version of a project planned to become a movie: episodes suggested Bree was the home-schooled daughter of strictly religious parents who was sneaking away to send Internet video blogs of her inner thoughts.
They have caused a cyber-stir not seen since The Blair Witch Project -- and the mystery has fuelled the popularity of the short videos on sites such as YouTube, where Bree's videos have become one of the most-viewed.
The San Francisco newspaper reported Bree had been tracked down by Internet sleuths, including Matt Foremski, 18, son of a former Financial Times journalist Tom Foremski, who helped his son trace images of Jessica Rose held by a New Zealand talent agency.
Jessica Rose's mother told NZPA she was not in a position to talk about her daughter's project but provided contact details for her in California.
Rose was separately listed on the Internet as having studied drama since starting at Mt Maunganui College in 2000, including a national youth drama course in screen acting in 2003.
She moved to Auckland in 2004 to study acting at Studio 111 in Ponsonby.
LonelyGirl15 started posting her dorky adventures on June 16, with a video of 'Bree' introducing herself and making a variety of goofy faces.
Over the next three months, 29 more videos hit the Internet each few days, with Bree giving hints about her life, saying she spent her youth in New Zealand, was treated for "lazy eye" and had an obsession with physicist Richard Feynman.
On YouTube, one of the most popular sites for amateur videos, 26,930 people are subscribed to the LonelyGirl15 'channel', meaning they regularly view videos posted there.
More than 2.3 million people have viewed Bree's videos, according to YouTube.
Internet fans discovered the Lonelygirl15 name was trademarked recently by Califorinian attorney Kenneth Goodfried, and that Bree's MySpace account was being controlled by someone using a computer at the Hollywood talent firm Creative Artists Agency.
Today the New York Times reported many of the LonelyGirl15 videos were shot in the bedroom of Ramesh Flinders, a screenwriter and film-maker from Marin County, California, with the help of Miles Beckett, a doctor-turned-filmaker, and Grant Steinfield, a software engineer in San Francisco.
Signing themselves as 'The Creators', they anonymously admitted on September 7 that Bree was an unnamed actress: "The biggest mystery of Lonelygirl15 is `who is she?" they said.
"We think this is an oversimplification. Lonelygirl15 is a reflection of everyone.
"She is no more real or fictitious than the portions of our personalities that we choose to show (or hide) when we interact with the people around us."
The New York Times reported that on learning that Ms Rose was a New Zealand actress whose interests -- unlike the scientific and religious issues that fascinated Bree -- were more in line with parties and posing, one fan wrote: "Very cute, but she's really not into Feynman and Jared Diamond.
"I'm heartbroken... but a wonderful actress had me fooled into thinking she was a geek like me."
Net Mystery Revealed As Kiwi Girl
A 19-year-old New Zealand actress has been revealed as the mystery girl named Bree, known to millions of people on the Internet as LonelyGirl15.
The San Francisco Chronicle today reported that former Mount Maunganui actress Jessica Rose has been posing as the 16-year-old home-schooled teenager posting "LonelyGirl15" online video diaries on sites such as YouTube and MySpace.
The New York Times also reported Bree had been identified as Rose, a New Zealand resident who is a graduate of the New York Film Academy.
She has been making a serialised version of a project planned to become a movie: episodes suggested Bree was the home-schooled daughter of strictly religious parents who was sneaking away to send Internet video blogs of her inner thoughts.
They have caused a cyber-stir not seen since The Blair Witch Project -- and the mystery has fuelled the popularity of the short videos on sites such as YouTube, where Bree's videos have become one of the most-viewed.
The San Francisco newspaper reported Bree had been tracked down by Internet sleuths, including Matt Foremski, 18, son of a former Financial Times journalist Tom Foremski, who helped his son trace images of Jessica Rose held by a New Zealand talent agency.
Jessica Rose's mother told NZPA she was not in a position to talk about her daughter's project but provided contact details for her in California.
Rose was separately listed on the Internet as having studied drama since starting at Mt Maunganui College in 2000, including a national youth drama course in screen acting in 2003.
She moved to Auckland in 2004 to study acting at Studio 111 in Ponsonby.
LonelyGirl15 started posting her dorky adventures on June 16, with a video of 'Bree' introducing herself and making a variety of goofy faces.
Over the next three months, 29 more videos hit the Internet each few days, with Bree giving hints about her life, saying she spent her youth in New Zealand, was treated for "lazy eye" and had an obsession with physicist Richard Feynman.
On YouTube, one of the most popular sites for amateur videos, 26,930 people are subscribed to the LonelyGirl15 'channel', meaning they regularly view videos posted there.
More than 2.3 million people have viewed Bree's videos, according to YouTube.
Internet fans discovered the Lonelygirl15 name was trademarked recently by Califorinian attorney Kenneth Goodfried, and that Bree's MySpace account was being controlled by someone using a computer at the Hollywood talent firm Creative Artists Agency.
Today the New York Times reported many of the LonelyGirl15 videos were shot in the bedroom of Ramesh Flinders, a screenwriter and film-maker from Marin County, California, with the help of Miles Beckett, a doctor-turned-filmaker, and Grant Steinfield, a software engineer in San Francisco.
Signing themselves as 'The Creators', they anonymously admitted on September 7 that Bree was an unnamed actress: "The biggest mystery of Lonelygirl15 is `who is she?" they said.
"We think this is an oversimplification. Lonelygirl15 is a reflection of everyone.
"She is no more real or fictitious than the portions of our personalities that we choose to show (or hide) when we interact with the people around us."
The New York Times reported that on learning that Ms Rose was a New Zealand actress whose interests -- unlike the scientific and religious issues that fascinated Bree -- were more in line with parties and posing, one fan wrote: "Very cute, but she's really not into Feynman and Jared Diamond.
"I'm heartbroken... but a wonderful actress had me fooled into thinking she was a geek like me."
- Suspiciously Absent
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:10 pm
- Location: Los Angeles, CA
Good job
Nice job, you had me going for a while there.
If you need any help with the website don't hesitate to ask, I've been developing websites for sometime now and clould give you a hand if you want.
Victor Bello.
Nice job, you had me going for a while there.
If you need any help with the website don't hesitate to ask, I've been developing websites for sometime now and clould give you a hand if you want.
Victor Bello.
- Casual Observer
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:48 pm
Re: Bree = Jessica Rose, link to pictures -- NOT in characte
Why do you keep posting links to your neopet?ackerrj wrote:Bree = Jessica Rose, link to pictures -- NOT in character.
edit:never mind - I get it...
This entire hoax is disingenuous and manipulative. You have abused the system, and have zero credibility in my book. You'd have been much better off I think just being straightforward from the get go.
- socialblasphemy
- Suspiciously Absent
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:16 pm
- Location: PANCAKE!
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Would you like some cheese with that whine?
(That's oddly hard to say on the internets. Oh well.)
So you were lied to... ON THE INTERNETS. It's not the first time it's happened, and it certainly won't be the last. The internet is a large community that provides a vast outlet for the world populace. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that somebody is gonna lie about something on it.
And beside all that, I can respect a social experiment or two (even though that technically wasn't what this was. It did, however, inadvertantly have the same effect). Not to mention the fact that the 'show' is funny and entertaining. To be completely honest, I thought it was real. It passed briefly through my head that the camera was a little too clear and the editing a little too decent for youtube. But then I remembered that some people can afford more than others, and a good deal of that editing can be done with things Windows Movie Maker and the like (I've done it myself).
The difference is that I didn't go off on a tanget when I found out it wasn't real. Ya gotta kind of roll with these things, otherwise you're gonna be stressed out 24/7. It's the difference between reality and youtube. A lot of people act like complete morons on youtube for no reason, and nobody gets mad at them. Look, I'm not the thought police or anything, and in the end everybody will think what they want about it. I'm just saying that getting really angry about it is just a little ridiculous, and doesn't do anybody any good.
So I've said my piece. And there it is.
P.S. Also, potatoes.
(That's oddly hard to say on the internets. Oh well.)
So you were lied to... ON THE INTERNETS. It's not the first time it's happened, and it certainly won't be the last. The internet is a large community that provides a vast outlet for the world populace. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that somebody is gonna lie about something on it.
And beside all that, I can respect a social experiment or two (even though that technically wasn't what this was. It did, however, inadvertantly have the same effect). Not to mention the fact that the 'show' is funny and entertaining. To be completely honest, I thought it was real. It passed briefly through my head that the camera was a little too clear and the editing a little too decent for youtube. But then I remembered that some people can afford more than others, and a good deal of that editing can be done with things Windows Movie Maker and the like (I've done it myself).
The difference is that I didn't go off on a tanget when I found out it wasn't real. Ya gotta kind of roll with these things, otherwise you're gonna be stressed out 24/7. It's the difference between reality and youtube. A lot of people act like complete morons on youtube for no reason, and nobody gets mad at them. Look, I'm not the thought police or anything, and in the end everybody will think what they want about it. I'm just saying that getting really angry about it is just a little ridiculous, and doesn't do anybody any good.
So I've said my piece. And there it is.
P.S. Also, potatoes.

They say that when we hate, we only hate ourselves.
You do know fighting over this is really dumb. You were all fooled very easily, Also the so called masters of disguise were found out quickly so everyone is on a losing end. BUT
Everyone is here because they watched these vids so surely reguardless of how fake or real something is you were all watching it.
Just like a movie, You don't just vanish because it's fake and sometimes it's based on a true story. This all seems pretty real for someone else and if some people would stfu and let things happen then maybe JUST MAYBE this whole crap could have helped someone. Like Bree was an inspiration to people. Media has ruined the inspiration because none of you can leave things alone.
Personally i don't give a damn if it's real or not the thoughts never actually crossed my mind. The reasons why you were watching this were because you were interested. so just keep it going it's not really going to matter.
BUT thank the media you are all total retards and just gave this site a lot more of a fanbase.
Everyone is here because they watched these vids so surely reguardless of how fake or real something is you were all watching it.
Just like a movie, You don't just vanish because it's fake and sometimes it's based on a true story. This all seems pretty real for someone else and if some people would stfu and let things happen then maybe JUST MAYBE this whole crap could have helped someone. Like Bree was an inspiration to people. Media has ruined the inspiration because none of you can leave things alone.
Personally i don't give a damn if it's real or not the thoughts never actually crossed my mind. The reasons why you were watching this were because you were interested. so just keep it going it's not really going to matter.
BUT thank the media you are all total retards and just gave this site a lot more of a fanbase.
no worries
the videos are made based upon how the audience responds... the more responses, the better teh sense of an audience the creators can get.
they are not doing this for free or little money (as of i know), but for recognition, to possibly help their careers.
in the meantime, they may (time willl tell) have been succesful in creating a new medium for commercial entertainment.
anyway, no one ruined anything. they will continue to make videos until people stop watching. and the videos will cater to the comments.
we, the audience, are the real directors of these videos. whatever we want to see is what we see... what we dont, we dont. and i bet even the creators didnt think of that cool punchline
'we the audience, are the creators'
they are not doing this for free or little money (as of i know), but for recognition, to possibly help their careers.
in the meantime, they may (time willl tell) have been succesful in creating a new medium for commercial entertainment.
anyway, no one ruined anything. they will continue to make videos until people stop watching. and the videos will cater to the comments.
we, the audience, are the real directors of these videos. whatever we want to see is what we see... what we dont, we dont. and i bet even the creators didnt think of that cool punchline
'we the audience, are the creators'