yeah, that's true that he showed up for the test. i'll give you that. however, how many times has he gone that far? or at all besides this? desperate times call for desperate measures

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Just because someone is under house arrest, it doesn't mean that that person can't try to leave the house. It's just against thier parole. In other words, if he were under house arrest he broke his parole by leaving his "designated area" to meet withBree and Daniel...shifty wrote:Well, like Ganesha said, he did leave his house to meet with Bree and Daniel for The Test.kageyuki wrote:I guess that would add more to the theory that Jonas is under "House Arrest"... Has it ever been said who could have put Jonas on house arrest (if he is?) and why?shifty wrote: Jonas said in one of his videos (The Anti-Cribs one, I think?) that he "hangs out with his boys" at his house.
i'm saying the one u met wasn't Brother after all. maybe Brother was intended to be that person, but then Jonas came into existance and the Creators decided to make Jonas multi-task, making the "Brother" you saw a friend who masqueraded as Brother to protect the real Brother.Luv2Luvem wrote:Jonas is not Brother. Unless I am told personally to disregard everything I saw in Petaluma, I cannot believe this theory.
I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it. A "friend" masquerading as Brother who just happens to have same voice. It just doesn't add up for me.Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote: i'm saying the one u met wasn't Brother after all. maybe Brother was intended to be that person, but then Jonas came into existance and the Creators decided to make Jonas multi-task, making the "Brother" you saw a friend who masqueraded as Brother to protect the real Brother.
i'm trying to stay in character; the person who created OPAPHID had in mind for this person to be Brother. The Creators take the idea. This guy keeps a fraction of his intended role by sorta being Brother's front man.Luv2Luvem wrote:I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it. A "friend" masquerading as Brother who just happens to have same voice. It just doesn't add up for me.Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote: i'm saying the one u met wasn't Brother after all. maybe Brother was intended to be that person, but then Jonas came into existance and the Creators decided to make Jonas multi-task, making the "Brother" you saw a friend who masqueraded as Brother to protect the real Brother.
::imagines scene::Luv2Luvem wrote:I totally get what you are saying.I just don't think the creators have that much control over OpAphid.
Although there does seem to be a greater attempt at collaboration than I think any of us anticipated. Hardly a vid gets posted without a reference from one side to the other.Luv2Luvem wrote:I totally get what you are saying.I just don't think the creators have that much control over OpAphid.
I guess nothing is impossible....however, I still don't think this was the plan from the begining. Just my opinion though.trainer101 wrote: Anyway, here’s my real question. If you had not inadvertently run into “Brother” at the drop (assuming it was inadvertent) is it possible that Jonas would have been revealed as Brother later in the series? Hmmm…
We may never know.
I like that idea, but I'm pretty sure Tachy is female. Well, at least we know the following (from the email archive thread):This might sound nutty, but has anyone considered it possible that Jonas IS Tachyon?
Actually...they might, especially for intellctual property reasons. Fan spinoffs are one thing, but still subject to copyrights. I can totally see the Creators saying, "look, we won't sue you for using our series for your game, and we'll adopt you into the story...but you have to implement a few things as we see fit for creative control."I just don't think the creators have that much control over OpAphid.