whats santa bringing you?

Where threads no one wants to eat lunch with go

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Post by Mirage »

The geek in me LOVES the descriptive page--so clever!
Last December, as we were settling down for a long winter's nap, we were visited by two robots from the future! They spoke to us and now it is time to share their message. There's good news and bad news. The good news is there are tons of really cool robots in the future. The bad news is they are divided into two factions, are waging war against each other, and have "downgraded" humans to pretty much servants and food. We quickly smashed the robots with hammers, and swore to devise a way to save humanity.
LMAO!! And the little picture at the bottom--Snowbot Army of Joy (or Doom)---cute!
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Post by lonelyelendi »

How can one NOT love thinkgeek??

I am just browsing through the page right now...hence all the plugs for their products xD