I can vouch for acid on this, he borrowed my delorean that dayacidfingers wrote:just FYI I figured this out approximately at 8:12 AM on June 12th of the year 1985

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Once I finish my time machine I'm going to go back in time and post first on every message board on teh interwebzladron121 wrote:I can vouch for acid on this, he borrowed my delorean that dayacidfingers wrote:just FYI I figured this out approximately at 8:12 AM on June 12th of the year 1985
I completely agree tilt, I was just commenting about some people making some statements without knowing about time zones.tiltingwindward wrote:Congratulations to everyone who figured out the puzzle, no matter whether you reached the solution in the time of the Emperor Napoleon, or whether you're planning on passing it down to your grandchildren.
I would, however, encourage anyone who solves puzzles to post them here on the forums so that we don't have the issue of "Yeah, that's been solved already," which I know everyone here hates dealing with.
perfectly said.kageyuki wrote: We're all in this together as a team!
i acually noticed that too...but figured it was just poor soundDamoreve wrote:Towards the end of Bree's movie there is a section where you can hear something in the background. It sounds like tapping or something and it's the first time i've seen "poor editing and sound" from her films. I listen and listen but I can't make out what it is but call me parinoid it sounds like sped up morse code. It seems you all are WAY smarter than me since im new coming into this and all was just an observation for you smart peoples to look at
Btw to clarify, it's right after she says she felt someone was leaving her some message or secret code, the scene changes and you can hear it in the background.
yea i've been thinking about that fact as well...Luv2Luvem wrote:Ok, so this has been nagging me since yesterday. Since when does Bree's father know about her YT videos. There was a huge deal about when he almost "caught" her making a video. But he apparently knows now? Did this happen when I wasn't paying attention? I know it's not really imortant, just something I'm curious about.