0102 "Skateboarding" [12/20/06]

Discuss the latest videos from Bree, Daniel, and others!

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Post by aggressivsk8grl »

livelongandprosper77 wrote:
SharpI wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet, but awhile back someone posted a link to a Youtube video, with a 11 y.o. skater named Jackson Davis, the name of the actor who plays Jonas is named Jackson Davis, whether it is the same Jackson Davis at 11 years old or not. I don't know.

That's not "Jonas." On the Celtic Skateboards site, they welcome Jackson Davis as a new rider, and mention that he won awards in a November 2006 event competing in the "Under 12 Yrs Old" class.
It is him in the Youtube vid. Someone asked him if it was and posted this in the Cast & Crew other projects section.

That actually is a kid named Jackson Davis who lives in North Carolina. That's a contest he has skated in for the past two years, and that video of him Youtube is him skating at Woodward. Just scroll down and look at all the contest participants for skateboarding and he'll be in there from 2004-2006.

http://www.zerogravityskatepark.com/Blu ... 0Games.htm
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

i love this so much right now. the old lg15 is deff back on track. the hidden, subtle clues.... the cute, goofy stuff (but not overly annoying and stupid).... the analysis of every little detail........ ahhhhhh i'm excited. :D :D :D

anyway, i agree that this probably couldn't have been a message to her father. he doesn't know about youtube and i doubt he has access to the internet.
i was thinking that the "inifinity" sign thing looks a little like a piece of the twisted ladder (i forgot the technical term) associated with DNA.

anyway, i had a longggggggggggg day so i'm going to bed after reading all that i missed during my busy night. i shall think more about this tomorrow.

once again, YAY creators. \:D/
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Post by AniDonia »

livelongandprosper77 wrote:
SharpI wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet, but awhile back someone posted a link to a Youtube video, with a 11 y.o. skater named Jackson Davis, the name of the actor who plays Jonas is named Jackson Davis, whether it is the same Jackson Davis at 11 years old or not. I don't know.

That's not "Jonas." On the Celtic Skateboards site, they welcome Jackson Davis as a new rider, and mention that he won awards in a November 2006 event competing in the "Under 12 Yrs Old" class.
It is him in the Youtube vid. Someone asked him if it was and posted this in the Cast & Crew other projects section.
Dudes it's not him. He was kidding. I mean I would be like "hells yea that's me!" if someone mistook me for a 12-year-old skateboarding prodigy just because we had the same name.


(Scroll down to read)
First we picked up a new rider--I want to send out a big "WELCOME ABOARD" to Jackson Davis! On Thursday November 2, 2006, Jackson and Joey both placed in the Woodward Skate Park Contest in Atlanta, GA. Jackson took 1st Place and Joey took 2nd Place. Great job guys!...

... Sat, November 4 was the Street, Vert and Mini Ramp Contests. First was the Street Contest. Jackson took 3rd Place in the 13 to 16 Year Old Class...
Unless Jackson Davis the Jonas looked extra old for "13 to 16 years old" and could take the time off from his busy competative skating schedule in GEORGIA to film a web series in Southern California, it's definitely, totally not him.
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Post by HazelButtercup »

Daniel needs to get back to Jonas' NOW. That was innocent flirting back and forth but it WAS flirting.
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

hmmm well i guess i am wrong then and that was just miss information posted in the forum. Someone named glowe posted that they had asked him and he had said it was. I dunno didn't mean to mislead anyone. 8)
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Post by trainer101 »

livelongandprosper77 wrote:hmmm well i guess i am wrong then and that was just miss information posted in the forum. Someone named glowe posted that they had asked him and he had said it was. I dunno didn't mean to mislead anyone. 8)
Another glowe hoax.
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

i guess so...trainer. i heard something about a glowe being banned earlier today is that true?
LLP is in the house fo rizzle.

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Post by aideen »

Just wanted to say something I keep laughing at, when Bree is getting up off the pillows and Jonas is like "Are you okay, that was--that was a good solid first try, really. You bruised? You okay?" clucking and flapping like a mother duck, then when he holds out his hand to help her and she grabs it strange around his hand, I could just imagine Jonas going "OMFG SHE'S HOLDING MY HAND" and then Bree drops it almost straight away and looks at him all shy, I was like, hellsyes, Dan is still in the game. For now.

But it was funny how Jonny boy was all desperado and Bree is like, thinking about her wedding day with Danny boy :P \:D/
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
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Post by ViolinAddict »

They Liiiikeeee each other. Aw. So cute.

I wonder how Jonas and Daniel will react to the message from her father... or if she will tell them before she goes to meet with them.
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Post by robtomorrow »

It's definetly not Jonas in the YouTube video, I emailed the person who posted the video and this is the anwser I got.
sk8boy28117 wrote:

> No, its not Jonas...was wondering where that came from in an earlier comment!! It was filmed summer/fall 2006 and I would know...i'm his mom. What's the deal with lonely girl? I looked it up...
> Elizabeth Davis

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Post by aideen »

What's the deal with lonely girl? I looked it up...

AHAHAHAHA -tear- Classic
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots

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Post by kneeleigh »

Marilee wrote:
But I am not a good detective, but I am a damn good lurker. So back to my cave...
Agreed, lol.
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Post by The Scientist »

Ruberic wrote:What her father was working in gives me SOME idea why the order may be searching for Bree. If I am correct...the order does need her, not just for information, but what she carries.
I'll admit that ribozymes arent my forte, but it is highly unlikely that they would be doing ribozyme research in any human whatsoever. Cells take to long to proliferate, damage to host, invasive assays, etc. There would just be no benefits to doing the research in a higher organism as compared to simple tissues.

That book someone pulled up from google did talk about in vivo research, but i would assume that is just tissue culture in a petri dish.

Besides, religion or not, a brilliant doctor who did an internship/residency at Oxford would never in a million years experiment on his only child.
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Post by robtomorrow »

Yes, I bet that "ribozyme research " is just another titillating tidbit to spur intrigue and debate in the forums that will end up yet another unexplained loose end.

Maybe I'm wrong but the track record isn't very good.
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Post by heybitch »

All that skateboard and science talk went straight over my head.
But, I loved that Vid. So cute.

I dont want them to like each other.. :cry:
You people are so close-minded.
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