Ramen-chan wrote:Ya, Stuart does that to many people. But, we must forgive Stuart for his actions. I suspect that he isn't quite right.
Yeah, I kinda noticed that Stuart is a pretty influential fellow. I understand he's only having fun. I may not entirely agree with it, but I can't do anything to stop it.
~ kageyuki... aka Agent Wasabi
that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.
Ennovi wrote:
Being at work so late must do something to him...
lol, I bet!
*mutters*Or maybe he's just twisted? JK. Or am I?
Hey, being here around 2 or 3 in the morning with two lovely ladies like yourselves could possibly do something to me, as well... Maybe I just have a lot willpower...
~ kageyuki... aka Agent Wasabi
that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.
Ennovi wrote:
Being at work so late must do something to him...
lol, I bet!
*mutters*Or maybe he's just twisted? JK. Or am I?
Hey, being here around 2 or 3 in the morning with two lovely ladies like yourselves could possibly do something to me, as well... Maybe I just have a lot willpower...
lol, Why thank you.
By the way, do you have ny nicknames for your username?
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
Ennovi wrote: When I heard you say IVONNE,... I felt like you were screaming at me.. LOL
Please forgive me.... I promise I'll be good...
Awww... *huggles* It's okay... I feel a bit awkward calling you "Ennovi"... But if you don't like it if I call you by your name, I'll stop. Lets see... what else can I call you? How 'bout... Novi-chan?
~ kageyuki... aka Agent Wasabi
that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.
Maybe Kage, Rage Kage (yes, I ripped that from Tenacious D), KG, or Kage-y.
Did you read what my name meant? (on some other thread, here?)
Well, I'll go through it again... "kageyuki" (Japanese pronunciation: kah-gay-you-key) means "shadow snow". "Kage" means "shadow", and "yuki" means "snow", but "yuki" can also be a term of endearment. It was a nickname that friends back home gave me because I was good at sneaking up on people and I loved snow., but also because I was a very close friend to all of them.
You can use any nickname that you really want to, though, Ramen-chan...
~ kageyuki... aka Agent Wasabi
that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.
Ennovi wrote: When I heard you say IVONNE,... I felt like you were screaming at me.. LOL
Please forgive me.... I promise I'll be good...
Awww... *huggles* It's okay... I feel a bit awkward calling you "Ennovi"... But if you don't like it if I call you by your name, I'll stop. Lets see... what else can I call you? How 'bout... Novi-chan?
*HUG* Sounds good... Novi is the popular nickname for me on here... but Novi-Chan kinda spices things up a bit. You can call me whatever you want.
kageyuki wrote:
Did you read what my name meant? (on some other thread, here?)
Well, I'll go through it again... "kageyuki" (Japanese pronunciation: kah-gay-you-key) means "shadow snow". "Kage" means "shadow", and "yuki" means "snow", but "yuki" can also be a term of endearment. It was a nickname that friends back home gave me because I was good at sneaking up on people and I loved snow., but also because I was a very close friend to all of them.
You can use any nickname that you really want to, though, Ramen-chan...
Oh, I'm just finding out what your name translates to, lol.
I think I'll call you yuki. I like to say it, even though I may not be saying it right, lol.
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
Ennovi wrote:
*HUG* Sounds good... Novi is the popular nickname for me on here... but Novi-Chan kinda spices things up a bit. You can call me whatever you want.
Ok, in regards to this, what's the difference between "chen" and "chan" at the end of names?
This world will never be what I expected.
And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it?
kageyuki wrote:Awww... *huggles* It's okay... I feel a bit awkward calling you "Ennovi"... But if you don't like it if I call you by your name, I'll stop. Lets see... what else can I call you? How 'bout... Novi-chan?
*HUG* Sounds good... Novi is the popular nickname for me on here... but Novi-Chan kinda spices things up a bit. You can call me whatever you want.
I can call you whatever I want, eh?
I may not be a total perv, but I know what I like!
~ kageyuki... aka Agent Wasabi
that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.