0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]

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Post by Lurker »

wintermute wrote:For those worried about the fight being back. It wasn't a fight when I was involved. It was a disagreement amongst friends. I was just being a bit vocal about it ;)

I know that by posting this I am disobeying the spirit of BK's post, if not the wording of it. I just want it publicly known that I have no hard feelings towards either covedweller or lurker.

Same here. It's all good. I think we all just caught each other at a bad moment or something.
wintermute wrote:Sorry if I was a bit "vocal" with my opinion, but I'm sure you can tell I'm a vocal person :lol: Now where are those eggs, and where's the CiW PM's house again? :twisted:
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Post by kristy2520 »

Could a moderator please clean this thread up a bit? I'd like to be able to actually discuss the video and not have to sort through all this other stuff...

That said, does anyone else think there is more to the message from Bree's dad than it seems? Should we be doing something to try and contact him to determine whether or not we should be encouraging Bree to meet with him or not? I'm just wondering if there is some other secret code or something we should be cracking.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

spaciegirlreturn wrote:Wintermute is 100% correct. I am sooo effin' pissed!! All the fans are being had. They're deliberately making fun of us and f*cking with us. Don't you guys get it?!
SPACIE! Is that really you? :D =D> :smt026 I hope you stick around, despite your being pissed off. I've missed you, and so have others. We need your sardonic perspective on this board.
imogene2004 wrote:Ok does anyone else think it's kinda odd that the title of this video is "Bree Phone Home" :?: Did she call home? She was calling friends and family, but the title is "Bree Phone Home" :smt017
That's one of the reasons why I suspected that her dad might have been telling her to meet him at their house.
Last edited by Languorous Lass on Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrsCop »

SPACIE!!!! YES! It's you it's you it's you and I am SO glad you're back. Let the fun begin \:D/
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Post by betz28 »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
sparkbennett wrote:I vaguely remember you saying that... how many pages ago?

I just wonder if he set that up for her wouldn't he have told her "Look Bree if anything ever happens call Uncle Frank"and wouldn't she have done it sooner?
Here you go:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:bree says her dad talked about uncle franklin a lot and that made her nervous to call. so something he said caused her to hesitate before ever calling that number. something about this tells me that her dad made that message a long time ago in case of something like this ever occurring. so he must have known something was up with the order and he shouldn't totally trust them. or he and bree's mom knew from bree's birth that she would be chosen for this ceremony maybe?

also, whoever said bree's dad sounded young.. this theory would explain his youthful voice. he also appeared kind of young for a father in the video where he and the mother were taken by lucy and the deacon.

PS - this is one of the highest moments in the lg15 series, imo. the video was long and really awesome and exciting. it's interesting that the simplest videos are the ones that go down in history. this might just be up next to the "Swimming" video. also, "franklin" was deff used on purpose. idk what it means, but the creators wouldn't slip up that terribly.
thanks, i knew it was mentioned somewhere and it makes sense to me.
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Post by betz28 »

robtomorrow wrote:
kayokosaeki wrote:
spaciegirlreturn wrote: Do you think that putting that dorky smiley face after your passive-aggressive remarks makes you less of a prick?
haha! no offence to anyone else, but that remark is classic
That's why we love spaciegirl
i know...i am glad she is back :)
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Post by Kelly »

Maybe I've missed something, but why is the whole CiW thing such a touchy subject?

I always assumed it was just someone making strange fan videos. They entertained me, but that's about it. I never took them that seriously...
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Post by briska06 »

Right, but other people did and got mad/insulted when it suddenly stopped and went no where.
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Post by ericski »

i have seen the ARGs try hard to convince people that the game has gotten out of their control somehow. the CiW thing struck me as that kind of thing. a game that has unpredictability/uncontrollability is a more fun ride. i watched the vids from the beginning and liked them. i don't feel betrayed, because i don't think it's over. maybe i'm just stubborn. even if it is over, it was fun.
and spacie, i'm glad you and your key are back.
i hope the forums can stay a friendly place to be.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

arammat wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Absynth wrote: ty for relaying my little transcript for me, it amazes me how some poeple dont read a thread before they ask qeustions that have been answered a dozen times

edit:see my post last page
edited again cuz i can spell
thanks, i did read the thread. all of it.
i just misunderstood what bree meant.
it's amazing how many people bitch about others not reading the threads. if someone asks a question you don't want to answer, don't. certainly do not talk to them disrespectfully. it's completely unnecessary. it takes less words to just answer the question. we are all busy and we all make mistakes or misunderstand things. i can't stand when people make me look or feel stupid, and i'm sure no one else can either. why make enemies?

and thanks to Lurker for not being a dickhead.
If it makes you feel any better JALG, I thought the same thing when I listened to the video. My interpretatiion was that she was asking someone about how another ceremony in some other part of the world went. I'd have to listen to the video again before I would be sure one way or the other. And you are certainly right that no one should be rude to people who ask questions. If it is such an inconvenience for a particular person to answer a question, then don't. There are dozens of people here who will be nice enough to do so without making the person feel bad.
Why thank you :smt045
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Jared Diamond

Post by HisGirl »

As an aside, in People Magazine's end of the year edition, not only do they mention Bree & Lonelygirl15, but Ben Affleck names a book by Jared Diamond as his current favorite.

cooooincidince? hmmmmm.

methinks ben is very suspicious now :lol:
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Post by Beckers »

It's hard to put things together when you have no idea if what you are watching is actually part of the story or not.
The creators should make it clear.
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Re: Jared Diamond

Post by wintermute »

HisGirl wrote:As an aside, in People Magazine's end of the year edition, not only do they mention Bree & Lonelygirl15, but Ben Affleck names a book by Jared Diamond as his current favorite.

cooooincidince? hmmmmm.

methinks ben is very suspicious now :lol:
Maybe BEN is really CiW :shock:

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Re: Jared Diamond

Post by HisGirl »

wintermute wrote:
HisGirl wrote:As an aside, in People Magazine's end of the year edition, not only do they mention Bree & Lonelygirl15, but Ben Affleck names a book by Jared Diamond as his current favorite.

cooooincidince? hmmmmm.

methinks ben is very suspicious now :lol:
Maybe BEN is really CiW :shock:


that's what I was thinking, but I didn't want to be the first one to say it! :D
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Post by ericski »

or it's just a pretty good book. i have heard diamond lecture and have read his books and i can tell you, it's worth checking out. :)
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