0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]

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Post by arammat »

spaciegirlreturn wrote:
Lurker wrote:That really you, spacie?

Either way, though, I'm curious as to why you, 'mute, me, and all the other fans of CiW are being had more at the moment than we were in the last two months since CiW's creator jumped ship without explanation or pay off of any kind. At least now the Creators have given us some kind of resolution (not to mention a possible extension of canon status -- though, admittedly, not in a way we ever expected; honestly, though, I never expected canon status of any kind to come at all after the "When I Get To The Bottom Where I Stop" video), which they didn't have to do. I'm thankful. I don't feel like we've been had at all, except for by the creator of the thing.
Yeah, it's me. Everyone is being had no matter which way you look at it. If it wasn't "cannon", then it's not theirs to touch...why offer any resolution? This is a deliberate slap in the face.
And if it was their project....they should have ended it..not dropped it.
Either way, this is BS
Spacie, it's nice to see you back. Cassie was the creator's character. She was hijacked by a fan. You should be ticked at the lame PM of CiW. He or she is the person who let us all down and left us dangling in the wind.

I'm totally with Lurker on this. I think the way the creators dealt with this was the best possible thing they could have done.
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Post by wildjenga »

arammat wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Absynth wrote: ty for relaying my little transcript for me, it amazes me how some poeple dont read a thread before they ask qeustions that have been answered a dozen times

edit:see my post last page
edited again cuz i can spell
thanks, i did read the thread. all of it.
i just misunderstood what bree meant.
it's amazing how many people bitch about others not reading the threads. if someone asks a question you don't want to answer, don't. certainly do not talk to them disrespectfully. it's completely unnecessary. it takes less words to just answer the question. we are all busy and we all make mistakes or misunderstand things. i can't stand when people make me look or feel stupid, and i'm sure no one else can either. why make enemies?

and thanks to Lurker for not being a dickhead.
If it makes you feel any better JALG, I thought the same thing when I listened to the video. My interpretatiion was that she was asking someone about how another ceremony in some other part of the world went. I'd have to listen to the video again before I would be sure one way or the other. And you are certainly right that no one should be rude to people who ask questions. If it is such an inconvenience for a particular person to answer a question, then don't. There are dozens of people here who will be nice enough to do so without making the person feel bad.

I Second the notion! :D
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Post by anngry »

is anyone else genuinely like jumping out of their pants excited to see what brees parents have to say to her?

we might actually get some answers to all these questions weve been going crazy over.
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Post by wintermute »

covedweller wrote:
spaciegirlreturn wrote:
covedweller wrote: Shouldn't you be holding a candlelight vigil in Second Life right now waiting for your girlfriend to come back? :lol:
Do you think that putting that dorky smiley face after your passive-aggressive remarks makes you less of a prick?
No...it's just a small representation of the way many of us are laughing at you, clown shoe.

Welcome back, by the way. Your self righteous and arrogant return shows that you're even a bigger crybaby and attention whore than we all thought you were when you stormed off like a bratty and pathetic drama queen...what, like, two weeks ago?

Go start your own Cassie forum if you wanna defend the one who loved you and left you. Maybe there you can actually get your old screen name back? :lol:

These parts of the forums are for discussing the CANON Cassie.

You know, CANON. Like lonelygirl15, danielbeast, jonastko, gemmers19, OpAphid, and Tachyon.

cassieiswatching is--oh pardon me, WAS--FAN FICTION, and I believe the section for Cassie Is Watching/itscassie is at the VERY BOTTOM of the forums here.

It's right next to the Spam and Rubbish Bin, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. :lol:

edited to remove references to walking pairs of wizard sleeves, deragatory comparisons to the girl in the wheelchair on Different Strokes who used to freak me out, and stories about where Spaciegirl's key has been and why she probably shouldn't put it in her mouth. And a fourth time to close an italic tag! :lol:
As a foderator (ya like that word?, I'm gonna hafta ask both of you to stop the personal attacks. *huggles* to you both until you do! :lol:

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Post by kageyuki »

wintermute wrote:As a foderator (ya like that word?, I'm gonna hafta ask both of you to stop the personal attacks. *huggles* to you both until you do! :lol:

... a 'foderator', 'mute? Now, I really feel like I'm missing something... I'm gone for a couple days, and I come back to an implosion of sorts... :smt090
~ kageyuki... aka Agent Wasabi

that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.

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Post by nobackspacebutton »

welcome back spacie girl!
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by girlAnachronism »

Thank you, 'mute! [Love the 'foderator'!]
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

covedweller wrote:No...it's just a small representation of the way many of us are laughing at you, clown shoe.

Welcome back, by the way. Your self righteous and arrogant return shows that you're even a bigger crybaby and attention whore than we all thought you were when you stormed off like a bratty and pathetic drama queen...what, like, two weeks ago?

Go start your own Cassie forum if you wanna defend the one who loved you and left you. Maybe there you can actually get your old screen name back? :lol:

These parts of the forums are for discussing the CANON Cassie.

You know, CANON. Like lonelygirl15, danielbeast, jonastko, gemmers19, OpAphid, and Tachyon.

cassieiswatching is--oh pardon me, WAS--FAN FICTION, and I believe the section for Cassie Is Watching/itscassie is at the VERY BOTTOM of the forums here.

It's right next to the Spam and Rubbish Bin, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. :lol:
I'm really not here to argue with you....but I'm uber thrilled to witness your attempts at defamation. ouch. I'm so hurt.

edited to remove references to walking pairs of wizard sleeves, deragatory comparisons to the girl in the wheelchair on Different Strokes who used to freak me out, and stories about where Spaciegirl's key has been and why she probably shouldn't put it in her mouth. And a fourth time to close an italic tag! :lol:
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

holy crap, the fight's back? (hides under pillow)
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Kimmi-Chan wrote:holy crap, the fight's back? (hides under pillow)
you said it... :roll:
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by sparkybennett »

arammat wrote:
iamcool wrote:
arammat wrote: Was it http://everythingcoverges.blogspot.com/ ? I have that bookmark right under Frank's other bookmark, but I get NotFound now. I'm not sure that was the right name of the blog, though.
arramant... that was lyn's blog
Lyn as in Ms Kelly and the Home School Aggregate Online? I'm suprised they pulled that down so quickly. Of course, that storyline was over. Sorry this ended up being totally off-topic.
It's not over.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Kimmi-Chan wrote:holy crap, the fight's back? (hides under pillow)
Yeah, I think it's over... if folks want to address comments to each other that are assertive, please do it in PM so the public conversation doesn't get off topic. Thank you.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Broken Kid wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote:holy crap, the fight's back? (hides under pillow)
Yeah, I think it's over... if folks want to address comments to each other that are assertive, please do it in PM so the public conversation doesn't get off topic. Thank you.
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

Broken Kid wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote:holy crap, the fight's back? (hides under pillow)
Yeah, I think it's over... if folks want to address comments to each other that are assertive, please do it in PM so the public conversation doesn't get off topic. Thank you.
here here!
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Post by wintermute »

girlAnachronism wrote:Thank you, 'mute! [Love the 'foderator'!]
Glad ya like it! :)

For those worried about the fight being back. It wasn't a fight when I was involved. It was a disagreement amongst friends. I was just being a bit vocal about it ;)

I know that by posting this I am disobeying the spirit of BK's post, if not the wording of it. I just want it publicly known that I have no hard feelings towards either covedweller or lurker. Sorry if I was a bit "vocal" with my opinion, but I'm sure you can tell I'm a vocal person :lol: Now where are those eggs, and where's the CiW PM's house again? :twisted:

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