Daniel's videos seemed like they would be the easiest to do so with.
again, if there are people who already do this, I'm sorry. Please direct me to where I can find those. (or are they already in the LGPedia?**BEGIN TRANSMISSION**
Hey everyone...
So... I kinda freaked out the other day. I kept on having... interference on mycell phone every time I go on in my bedroom. I found a hidden camera.
I didn't know what to do, so... I just left.
*slight sigh* I don't even know why I came back, anyways; it's not like my parents cared.
The last Tachyon drop said not to follow a smart move with a stupid one. I think that's even giving me too much credit. I followed a stupid move up with a stupider one...
... stupider... That's definitely where Bree would have corrected me on.
Anyway... I'm definitely not going to tell anyone where I am. That's just the way it's gonna be.
I guess you could saaaay, that I'm at an "undisclosed location"... and it's gonna stay that way.
This is what I found at Bree's house. *holds up a box with what seems to be something resembling an infinity symbol then puts box down* I don't know what the symcbol means, but there was a shipping reciept, inside. So, I looked up the name of the company.
It isn't much, but they have a few warehouses in the area, so I think I'm gonna check those out.
Oh, one more thing... whoever put the camera in my room... you have nothing.