0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]

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Post by arammat »

HyeMew wrote:
khjq wrote:Cassie... or even get to see her
Oh I hope not. Every series needs their "never seen character". Cassie is to LG15 what Jennie Piccolo and Sheridan Bucket were to Happy Days and Keeping Up Appearances. Please don't have Cassie surface, somehow I don't think she'd ever be able to match our expectations anyway, she's attained such mythical status.
What about the incomparable Maris from Frasier? After all the jokes about her, they could have never found an actress that could live up to the hype.
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Post by kayokosaeki »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, everyone keeps asking about Frank.

The Frank thing evolved towards the end of CiW.
Here is his blog:
...I can't find his youtube?
He got upset when LG15 fans started talking to him, and he yelled about us being fake and stuff. I remember he came into a chat drunk at one point. Then CiW made a video with the painting of the two clowns, and Frank freaked out about how we stole the painting. I think he thought we made the CiW videos and he was having major paranoid breakdowns. You can find the old threads the the CiW section and all his old posts on that blog site. I don't see it now, but for a little while there was a new blog that said something about choosing a side, in reference to OpAphid, so that was pretty weird. Uhmm anything else I missed, I'm sure you'll find in the threads.

God I miss that stuff. =(
a schziophrenic? he wasn't for real and he didn't really die....did he? :shock:
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Post by arammat »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, everyone keeps asking about Frank.

The Frank thing evolved towards the end of CiW.
Here is his blog:
...I can't find his youtube?
He got upset when LG15 fans started talking to him, and he yelled about us being fake and stuff. I remember he came into a chat drunk at one point. Then CiW made a video with the painting of the two clowns, and Frank freaked out about how we stole the painting. I think he thought we made the CiW videos and he was having major paranoid breakdowns. You can find the old threads the the CiW section and all his old posts on that blog site. I don't see it now, but for a little while there was a new blog that said something about choosing a side, in reference to OpAphid, so that was pretty weird. Uhmm anything else I missed, I'm sure you'll find in the threads.

God I miss that stuff. =(
Was it http://everythingcoverges.blogspot.com/ ? I have that bookmark right under Frank's other bookmark, but I get NotFound now. I'm not sure that was the right name of the blog, though.
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Post by Absynth »

Lurker wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:ItsCassie said the Order has something happening the 22nd, actually.
But ItsCassie = mousegirl. I'm almost positive.

Anyway, she asks someone "How'd the Ceremony go?".. which seems to imply that the ceremony already occurred and Bree knows about it.. it went on without her? And why then, does the Order still want her?
She's asking as though she's repeating a question they asked her. Just before that she says "Excuse me? Ohh umm...". And then notice that "Uhhh" look she gets on her face right after, as though she's trying to think of some way to answer.
ty for relaying my little transcript for me, it amazes me how some poeple dont read a thread before they ask qeustions that have been answered a dozen times

edit:see my post last page
edited again cuz i can spell
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Post by Absynth »

ya Lurker, just noticed we posted those around the same time, lol.
smart minds.....
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Post by arammat »

arammat wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, everyone keeps asking about Frank.

The Frank thing evolved towards the end of CiW.
Here is his blog:
...I can't find his youtube?
He got upset when LG15 fans started talking to him, and he yelled about us being fake and stuff. I remember he came into a chat drunk at one point. Then CiW made a video with the painting of the two clowns, and Frank freaked out about how we stole the painting. I think he thought we made the CiW videos and he was having major paranoid breakdowns. You can find the old threads the the CiW section and all his old posts on that blog site. I don't see it now, but for a little while there was a new blog that said something about choosing a side, in reference to OpAphid, so that was pretty weird. Uhmm anything else I missed, I'm sure you'll find in the threads.

God I miss that stuff. =(
Was it http://everythingcoverges.blogspot.com/ ? I have that bookmark right under Frank's other bookmark, but I get NotFound now. I'm not sure that was the right name of the blog, though.
This whole Cassie business has caused me to take a stroll down memory lane. Those of you who followed CiW, do you remember Bea? Le monde, ici, c'est calme.

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Post by Amsterdam »

Is it my imagination, or is it 7:10 again in this video? Just like Proving Longitude Wrong and Trust Issues (both of which involved sailing).
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Post by martha »

HyeMew wrote:
khjq wrote:Cassie... or even get to see her
Oh I hope not. Every series needs their "never seen character". Cassie is to LG15 what Jennie Piccolo and Sheridan Bucket were to Happy Days and Keeping Up Appearances. Please don't have Cassie surface, somehow I don't think she'd ever be able to match our expectations anyway, she's attained such mythical status.
This is off topic, but Keeping Up Appearances is an awesome show. That Hyacinth.
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Post by essie »

Is it just me or is the lighting different? At first I thought Bree look like she was standing in front of a blue screen and then was placed in the Jona's usual vid background. The video sounded so forced. And the mention of Cassie, is like poking at a pile of mud. I hope they solve and show you all the mysteries at the end like explain exactly how Cassie fits into it all.
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Post by AniDonia »

I was excited by the video :-)

Even though not much was happening onscreen besides phone calls, I had the feeling while watching it that it was loaded. Guess I was right!

1. Really dug the CiW reference. It did tie up the loose end of CiW a bit (I wasn't solving the puzzles when it was active, but still found CiW like virtual crack). It answers the question of if OpA was canon and CiW was not, why'd OpA start out taunting CiW? Also, it merges Bree's Cassie with CiW's dead Cassie... very well done. I guess this means CiW is canon, but not in the same sense that it should be taken literally.

2. The Bree's dad/phone puzzle was awesome. I think he had a bit of a Californian accent. Not all parents (even when they're missing!) say "I love you"... he did say "sweetie" which I thought was cute.

3. Finally the plot is moving is thrilling and mysterious ways! I'm sooo excited... why can't the next video come soon enough??????

PS. People should let off about itscassie. What a horrible spinoff... It's not CANON already!!! I watched like 30 seconds of it and knew it wasn't. It's poorly edited and just shite. And boring. Oh, and "i'm watching" is clearly a reference to CiW, not itscassie. itscassie has tried to insert itself into the canon before--"thanks bree for putting up a welcome video and then pulling it so soon cause you knew I wanted my privacy" etc whatever.
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

I am not really sure about what the majority of this thread has been about mostly concerning CiW and tieing up things and what have you cause i wasn't around for that. However, since Bree had said something about prank calls with Cassie i thought of the itscassie vids up on youtube that i have been following and am starting to wonder about them . They may seem to be a bit amateurish but have a nice dark element to them and may fit into the storyline somehow. I dunno it may be hoax or something like AniDonia has said but itscassie does say something about being in the chat rooms on Dec. 21st and gives some kinda coded name. Have to stay tuned on this...

As far as people uncovering Bree's Dad's message, wtg on that we got some major sleuths on here for sure. I do wonder what he meant about meeting her somewhere that they talked about the Feinman guy. I have myself watched previous vids and found no indications as to what this meant. Have to wait in a week or so and see maybe according to the meeting time presented.

Yes, Jonas did not appear in this vid with Bree but i believe that it is only a matter of time because now we have seen her in a room he has filmed his vids in. This establishes that she is indeed at his house. Not sure why he hasn't appeared yet but maybe Bree has asked him not to as to be more directed towards Daniel. Kind of a respect thing because she clearly cares very deeply for Daniel from saying she has been worried and i do not think she wants to be putting Jonas above him.

Anyway the vids have been great lately and what discussion there has been wow :shock: 30 pages.... amazing. Keep up the good work creators! 8)
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Post by ohhhmyyygoddd »

Chartreuse wrote:Haha, it's Brother! Brother is BREE'S DAD. Would that make Tachyon Bree's MOM? How's that for a plot twist...

you mean aunt?
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Post by jenlight »

OK I waded through as much bitter arguing as I could so if someone made this point on page25 or whatever, try to forgive me.

Let me make an outline:
- Bree brings up a girl named Cassie more than once
- OpAphid mentions someone named Cassie
- Gemma mentions OpAphid twice (just to remind us all that OpA is canon)

There is a loose end. Cassie is important because, in storytelling, you do not just bring up some random thing, then let it go.
I don't know who CiW was and I don't care (and yes I followed it) unless suddenly she is brought back and becomes canon. Otherwise, I am waiting to see where the writers are going with everything -- including this girl named Cassie who DOES exist (in some form). Like I said, otherwise they would never have brought her up in the swimming video and OpA would not have had her in a title of a video. That is how storytelling works. You never introduce an idea without a reason.



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Post by iamcool »

arammat wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, everyone keeps asking about Frank.

The Frank thing evolved towards the end of CiW.
Here is his blog:
...I can't find his youtube?
He got upset when LG15 fans started talking to him, and he yelled about us being fake and stuff. I remember he came into a chat drunk at one point. Then CiW made a video with the painting of the two clowns, and Frank freaked out about how we stole the painting. I think he thought we made the CiW videos and he was having major paranoid breakdowns. You can find the old threads the the CiW section and all his old posts on that blog site. I don't see it now, but for a little while there was a new blog that said something about choosing a side, in reference to OpAphid, so that was pretty weird. Uhmm anything else I missed, I'm sure you'll find in the threads.

God I miss that stuff. =(
Was it http://everythingcoverges.blogspot.com/ ? I have that bookmark right under Frank's other bookmark, but I get NotFound now. I'm not sure that was the right name of the blog, though.
arramant... that was lyn's blog
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Post by iamcool »

btw, has anyone seen anger management with adam sandler in it?

well in that his girlfriend thinks he is too soft and doesnt let his anger out properly, so they do this big plan from people all over usa to make him think he is really having the expierience when everyone he is talking to ha been told to say it to try and get him to vent his frustrations better.

now to my point...

maybe this has all been set up for bree to be able to stand on her own two feet? her parents know she has been in her house for like almost all of the last few years and without getting out so she will not have the life skills to survive in the world on her own but this will be a perfect way to learn!

the watchers are making sure nothing are going wrong aswell!

i know its farfetched, but i think it seems kinda logical
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