watching_watchers wrote:Where to start where to start, I guess I was really excited to hear Cassie mentioned again. I like when more people are added it makes things more interesting and we haven't heard all that much about her FROM BREE. (that is). Um also, I was thinking maybe Jonas isn't bad acually because Bree seemed okay this time. *shrug*
Oh, I'm happy that Cassie was mentioned. I'm just not sure about where the Creator's plan to take it. Why name the uncle Franklin? It just upsets me that they've cried all along "CiW's not canon," yet now appear to want to make it canon, even if it's not in a way that one would expect.
'mute's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
It gets a bit old when every other post is crybabying "if (blah blah blach) is (whatever), then I'm gonna go pout."
So do it already. Sheesh.
Ya know, I simply had a different opinion. I don't see that as "crybabying." As a top 10 poster and former moderator on here, I'd think the Creators might be interested in my opinion of things, even if no one else is. But the argument's already done, so *huggles* to all
We all lurve you....and I'm speaking for everyone....even the ones in denial.
trainer101 wrote:I think your theory has new life to it (kinda like Cassie )
It wasn't my theory. I got if from someone else... I was just a bit more... ermm... vocal... about it than some were
To the Creators: do this right, and it will be awesome. Do this wrong, and I have a suspicion that I won't be the only person upset by it, and I bet I'm not the most vocal, either.
'mute's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
watching_watchers wrote:Where to start where to start, I guess I was really excited to hear Cassie mentioned again. I like when more people are added it makes things more interesting and we haven't heard all that much about her FROM BREE. (that is). Um also, I was thinking maybe Jonas isn't bad acually because Bree seemed okay this time. *shrug*
Oh, I'm happy that Cassie was mentioned. I'm just not sure about where the Creator's plan to take it. Why name the uncle Franklin? It just upsets me that they've cried all along "CiW's not canon," yet now appear to want to make it canon, even if it's not in a way that one would expect.
Now I know this is a touchy subject for you...
but Cassie is canon, just not necessarily CIW Cassie. It is the Creator's Cassie or CCC (creators canon cassie) as I like to call her .
"Children analyze fantasy. They know you're kidding them. There's got to be logic in the way you kid them. Their fun is pretending...making believe they believe it." Dr Seuss
trainer101 wrote:I think your theory has new life to it (kinda like Cassie )
It wasn't my theory. I got if from someone else... I was just a bit more... ermm... vocal... about it than some were
To the Creators: do this right, and it will be awesome. Do this wrong, and I have a suspicion that I won't be the only person upset by it, and I bet I'm not the most vocal, either.
i'll join you in that rant if that happens! lol
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
trainer101 wrote:I think your theory has new life to it (kinda like Cassie )
It wasn't my theory. I got if from someone else... I was just a bit more... ermm... vocal... about it than some were
To the Creators: do this right, and it will be awesome. Do this wrong, and I have a suspicion that I won't be the only person upset by it, and I bet I'm not the most vocal, either.
It would be awesome but they would have A LOT of bases to cover to make it believable. We go over every vid with a finetooth comb, but I think it would be worth it if they got it right with NO HOLES.
"13. Schenk L, Bear D. Multiple personality and related dissociative phenomena in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Am J Psychiatry. 1981;138(10):1311-1316."
Luv2Skydive wrote:Researching.....found something. Will look more.
"13. Schenk L, Bear D. Multiple personality and related dissociative phenomena in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Am J Psychiatry. 1981;138(10):1311-1316."
looks promising
"Children analyze fantasy. They know you're kidding them. There's got to be logic in the way you kid them. Their fun is pretending...making believe they believe it." Dr Seuss
generalization wrote:*waves* I did. and I giggled. But after one lonely post early on in the thread and usually being ignored I usually don't respond again. Also, I was busy doing catch up reading as I left to do dinner stuff.
I think you'll find that I use the petunias reference a lot.
Just finished page 20.
Cant wait to read 4 more to post.
Weird that this had Cassie mentioned. I hate LG15 dreams but last night I dreamed that Cassie WAS Bree. Sort of a split personality?
The CassieisWatching videos she was there at the park or what not right? Well maybe Brees other personality was there too.
Bree was talking about Cassie to Daniel in the Swimming! video. Saying they walked around the track together, not many people liked her and they were mean to her. When mentioned what she looked like or who she is Bree backs off and tells him to forget about it. Bree mentioned in the video where she tells why she is home schooled (I dont remember the name) that no one liked her because she asked a lot of questions and then they started bad rumors.
Cassie apparently "made" Bree prank call or Cassie was prank calling and Bree took the blame. Well if Cassie isnt real and just another personality of Bree then she couldnt tell her parents it was Cassie making the calls, because they would be like WTH.
When Cassie "went away" it could be when Bree's other personality became undercontrol and didnt show as prominent and making her do things? Or something to that effect.
Anyways. So that would explain why stories dont match, why we dont know much about the Cassie things. And if this is the case then this might not be the last time Cassie is mentioned.
The creators might just be trying to spin Cassie in a different direction so we dont think CassieisWatching was part of LG15. I know I said above that in the CassieisWatching vids is when Brees other personality was in the park but I was just giving an example.
Just thought I would share what I dreamed last night. I watched the Cassie vids again. Anyways, I could be 100% wrong but I am just looking at Cassie from another view. Sorry if it has been mentioned.
Luv2Skydive wrote:Researching.....found something. Will look more.
"13. Schenk L, Bear D. Multiple personality and related dissociative phenomena in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Am J Psychiatry. 1981;138(10):1311-1316."
looks promising
"Might resective epilepsy surgery, in particular anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL), have an impact on social cognition?" This quote references something called "temporal lobe epilepsy personality syndrome" This might explain the antibiotics??
trainer101 wrote:Wow. 21 pages already and no one has brought up the idea that Bree and Cassie might be the same person? What if Cassie is Bree's alter ego? Could the medication or lack thereof be responsible?
The girl has only mentioned 2 friends - Daniel and Cassie. Yet, Daniel seems to have no idea who Cassie is.
Yeay. We are thinking alike! I am not completely crazy
I really do feel that bringing up the whole cassie ==bree is like beating a dead drum. All the possibilities are exhausted...and unless Cassie steps in and becomes absolutely vital to the plot (Like Brad Pitt in Fight Club ) I don't see the relevance. Maybe 'cassie' knows things that Bree doesn't?
LONGTIMELURKER wrote:Could someone find a post from CiW days that talked about Bree/ Cassie being the same person???I KNOW that was mentioned
Good theory Trainer, I think it has been discussed though ,no biggy it is hard to remember it all...
I know it's been discussed before. I'm just surprised that it wasn't the first thing everyone thought of when this video came out.
Keep in mind, when OpAphid first appeared; she was tracking Cassie, not Bree. Op wasn't canon at the time but this would sure be a neat way to tie it all together. Cassie = Bree