I had just started dating this guy that I really liked.. and decided to join him at his friends house for a new years eve party.
I got completely drunk off of cinnamon schnapps. ( I cant even smell cinnamon to this day without gagging)
I puked. Then puked some more.
My new "boy" and his friend spent most of the evening holding my hair up for me as I prayed to the porcelain god. It got to the point where they ended up just bringing me a cooking pot from the kitchen to puke in so I wouldnt have to keep getting up. (eww, I really hope they scrubbed that pot! I would NEVER use my pot for someones barf.. Yucko)
My new boys mom ended up having to drive me home the next day..
So what a good impression on the new guy, his friends and his mom huh?
We ended up being high school sweethearts pretty much... and we were together on and off for about 4 years.
We ended up being high school sweethearts pretty much... and we were together on and off for about 4 years.
aww, CB! ouchie
However, you could write for a teen mag, giving advice on making relationships 'work' & stuff.
haha.. thats very true! I could just see the article now....
"Just let your new boyfriend see the real you right off the bat. Let him see you in a vulnerable state..like say puking your guts out"
lol... I gotta say that one good thing bout that is that I had my first really embarrassing moment with him from the start, so all the rest never seemed so bad.
Me and my buddy from high school decided to pull the: Tell our moms we are staying the night at each others house routine! What a bad idea that was! He had just gotten his license. And we said it was because we were going to play golf the next day and had to wake up early.
Well, we went down to this dock that we had hung out at before in the back of this nice neighborhood, prepared for battle with two cases of Nati Light in a cooler. We knew some friends in the area that came and hung out with us too.
There was another group of kids there, older, we wanted to prove ourselves, uh-oh. They pulled out their beer bongs and that's when things got crazy. We drank around 20 beers each, and we had never really dranken before this.
Not to mention, this dock was not very big at all. I threw up sitting down and they yelled at me cuz it was near them, in the middle of the dock. I crawled through my puke and to the edge where I began a puking frenzy for 3 hours. All I could hear was my buddy puking and people laughing. I remember seeing the moon in the water and telling myself, "I won't die as long as I can see that moon".
One time the kids were emptying their cooler and they were like oh I'm gonna pee on his head, and pulled the cooler plug over my head. I knew they weren't actually doing it but just the split second thought of it began me on a hurling rampage. Imagine that small gaggy feeling you get times 1000!
After we had puked for hours, we crawled with the cooler back to the car which was a quick walk for a normal person, but took like 30 mins or longer for us, we kept passing out. Alcohol poison city.
We ended up sleeping on the side of the road in his car. As soon as the sun came up the heat woke us up and we both puked out the doors! Funny and true. I had puke all over me, even in my socks. We tried to get some Hardee's or Carls'Jr. for the western folk, but we couldn't even eat or drink, it all tasted like puke. Yuck, yuck.
The worst part was, all I wanted to do was go to my house and sleep, but we told our parents we were playing golf so we couldn't go home for another five hours at least, in which we spent looking for places to pass out besides the car. We went to the beach and I pulled out a towel, I was finally going to sleep a little when all of a sudden I jumped up and looked at my socks to find them covered in red ants. Holy shit.
I said Fu@$ it, take me to my house. I came up with some lie about there being a tournament, but I think my mom knew something was up when I didn't wake up for 10 hours! And I'm pretty sure I stunk too, I left the soiled clothes on a bush at the beach but I was too drunk to do anything right.
We found out that my buddy that lived in that neighborhood went home completely naked where his mom found him in the closet talking to towels, I shit you not, this is what his mom told us. And she said she put him in the shower with the water on and he sat there screaming "how do you turn this water on" for like 20 minutes. He never puked, and still never does, I hate people like that. Lucky bastards.
If you actually read this whole story congratulations, you are extremely bored! As am I for writing it. But it it my drunkest story. I have lots of them. I can tell you about how my mom, who never drinks, ended up breaking a bathroom door in Disneyland puking!! But only by request, I can also not post such long posts ever again by request!!
Kilo ... that was an awesome puking story, but made me feel bad for you....poor you ad stupid idiots for making fun of you.
my worse puking story was when i was in the operating room giving birth to lisa. My body was going through so much shock because of the trama my body was going through that i was doing one of two things 1) passing out and 2) puking.
well of course i can't really move because i'm numbed from the epidural. so the only way i could puke was turning my head to the side. So my puking involved careful persition and aiming towards that small little dish that they have in the hospital for puke....and of course i never made it, it was running down my face, and all over the anastetiologist (is that how you spell it???) not only that, at one point i passed out WHILE puking and WOKE UP puking. Not the greatest thing to wake up to....
Okay. I have another good story, but it doesn't involve puke. Although I would love to hear the story about someone's mom breaking a door at Disneyland puking. ahhahahahahahahhaha
One time, I was 19 and I went to bed pretty drunk. It was the holidays and I was home from college so me and my sister had to share a bed. My sister said I got up in the middle of the night, walked to the center of the room and just started peeing. All I remember was that I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom. I woke up and realized what I was doing as my sister asks, "Are you peeing?" There was a huge spot the next day and we tried to clean it up, but later we came home to find our stepmom going over the spot with a vaccuum ferociously. We started laughing so hard.
Then the next night, my sister came home drunk and went to bed. In the middle of the night, she woke up and spontaneously vomited all over the $600 bedspread, like projectile style. She ran downstairs and threw the bedspread into the washer (a bad idea for a $600 bedspread), and woke everyone up with the washer sound. She just said, "Oh, I didn't drink that much, I just woke up and threw up." She had to spend like $120 to get it professionally cleaned the next day.
This the greatest thread ever. I'm crying with laughter right now. From the dude who had to do beer bongs the first time he drank to waking up still throwing up to getting up in the middle of the night and just peeing...
Flautapantera wrote:Eragh...reading the title of this thread makes me feel queasy. I don't even want to know what possessed you to create this thread, glowe...
glowe126 wrote:My sister said I got up in the middle of the night, walked to the center of the room and just started peeing.
See, now, if I were your sis, you would've scared the living hell outta me. Prob because I've seen the exorcist, but waking up to seeing you standing & peeing IN THE DARK! would have SO turned me Catholic on the spot.
I dont remember the time that I got so drunk I threw up...but they tell me it involved approximately 30 shots (I am a big dude and used to binge) I apparently tried to do 30 shots in like 45 mins from a bottle ... I was out on a weekend pass from my army training..and we rented a hotel....I dont remember much except I kept falling down... apparently the guy who incited me to drink so much was hanging out and I started to tell him how huge his wifes nose was...he didnt like that for some reason........and he kept pushing me down... the next day I woke up sore as hell and covered in vomit so I got up and got into the shower and I swear I was in ther like 5 mins but everyone says it was like 2 hours then I came and got back into the bed I had been in and went back to sleep....got up sometime later and back into the shower for another 2 hours........ afterwards I was somewhat concious and we decided to go hang out......I had been dying to get a steak at the hard rock cafe for like 3 months so I had to go .....needless to say the steak didnt sit welll and I was sick for like 4 days afterwards.....can you say severe alcohol poisoning