nobackspacebutton wrote:Face of Mars thing is right...i doubt at that point in the game they were trying to present to us that bree was being watched. Besides, its just shadows of light. =P
Im not saying there is a face there, cause I really dont think there is, but I believe that the creators have no problem going to old videos and adding some little insignificant thing to the plotline, especially if we on the forums have deciphered it and made it fit it.
hope that made sense! ^^;
would they really go back to edit videos after we've already seen them? That would be...interesting to say the least, because then we should all rewatch every single video to see if there is anything suspicious @.@
eeek sorry no i didnt mean they reedit the videos. Just that there may be some small thing they didnt intend to be part of the plot. Then one of us super investigators bring it up. Then the creators bring it into the plot.
Did that make more sense?
Gah I cant keep up with things NOW, I cant imagine having to rewatch them all hahaha
yikes---and I thought I left the research work back at school.
excuse me if I'm clueless, but is there any schedule that would indicate that they're going to put the vids on hiatus at some point for the holidays? I just want to prep myself as much as possible for the withdrawl...
I remeber the wonders about the birthmark/scar be asked and dismissed but it does look alot like the watcher symbol. Hmm...I did always find this video creepy.
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charliebrown wrote:I remeber the wonders about the birthmark/scar be asked and dismissed but it does look alot like the watcher symbol. Hmm...I did always find this video creepy.
I think this is a coincidence that doesn't even matter
charliebrown wrote:I remeber the wonders about the birthmark/scar be asked and dismissed but it does look alot like the watcher symbol. Hmm...I did always find this video creepy.
I think this is a coincidence that doesn't even matter
are u serious?
it is the exact same scar/birthmark as gemma said was a watcher symbol... its obviously something
how can it be a coincidence?
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Looked like a white watcher symbol since i seen a quicktime vid of it. I wasn't even around during this discussion but now noticed that. A very important detail there.
LLP is in the house fo rizzle.
Lonelygirl15: "Time for another episode of p-r-o-v-i-n-g s-c-i-e-n-c-e wronngggg!"
yeah after looking at it some more ive decided its definately a watcher symbol. as for it being white, i think its a SCAR
i think the order gave her the scar as a little baby so she doesn't remember getting it- like the watcher symbol but involuntary
cbizzle44 wrote:yeah after looking at it some more ive decided its definately a watcher symbol. as for it being white, i think its a SCAR
i think the order gave her the scar as a little baby so she doesn't remember getting it- like the watcher symbol but involuntary
Looks white to me but this makes me wonder if there is a significance to the different colors of the watcher symbol being black and white that we have seen. What does this mean? hmm..
LLP is in the house fo rizzle.
Lonelygirl15: "Time for another episode of p-r-o-v-i-n-g s-c-i-e-n-c-e wronngggg!"