Okay so continuing on from my last post...
I'm positive this site is swarming with clues, these might be a few.
The Book of Law, Chapter I
I,3: Every man and every woman is a star.
I,16: For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.
[From the Jane Does song - the moon part?]
Ceremony? >
III,23: For perfume mix meal & honey & thick leavings of red wine: then oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood.
III,24: The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.
[Uh does the "best blood of the moon monthly" refer to a menstrual period?]
Equinox is also mentioned a couple of times throughout these excerpt lines.
Speaking of Equinox,
The Thelemic Calendar
"The Thelemic calendar counts years from 1904 EV (the year Liber AL was received). Each Thelemic year starts on the northern-hemisphere Vernal Equinox, coinciding with the Thelemic holiday called the Feast for the Equinox of the Gods. This is often observed on March 20th of the common calendar but truly occurs at the exact time of the Equinox. "
* The Feast for the Equinox of the Gods is held on the Vernal Equinox of each year to commemorate the founding of Thelema in 1904.
Three points of passage in the life of each Thelemite are observed. Birth is celebrated in a Feast for Life; puberty is celebrated in a Feast for Fire (for a boy), or a Feast for Water (for a girl); and the death of the individual is commemorated in a Greater Feast for Death. "
Interesting stuff to say the least.