Who Can "See" "What" "Where"??
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- curiousGeorge
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I'll veer OT for a moment... Since the majority of viewers watch LG on YT, I think it is imperative that the creators live up to their promise that watching the ARG "stuff" is not required. These more casual viewers will turn off if it becomes to difficult and confusing to follow the main story. Potential Telegraph Ave. revenues will suffer if the YT eyeballs turn away from the vids and product placement, etc. Catering to the fervent, but relatively small, ARG demo may have deleterious effects on the project's finances in the long run. Hint: It's not about the game, it's abut the Girl (and the brand of tank top she is sporting).SharpI wrote: I am a little less forgiving, actually. I think it is very bad form for the Creators to make us try to puzzle this stuff out. It's gotta be REALLY off-putting for newbies. If the Creators are pondering on ways to grow the viewership, clearing this up might be a good place to start.
Back OT, I think this kind of stuff is kinda fun to figure out. It is obviously to the writer's advantage to leave this as nebulous as possible at this point, but this could lead to major continuity and plot problems in the future if they are not very careful.
OK, any more Canon connections?
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
What is puzzling about Tachyon's Gemma videos or even the last two OpAphid videos?SharpI wrote:Ditto, and thanks to you too, CG.curiousGeorge wrote:Milo and AniDonia, thanks for the good information.
I am a little less forgiving, actually. I think it is very bad form for the Creators to make us try to puzzle this stuff out. It's gotta be REALLY off-putting for newbies. If the Creators are pondering on ways to grow the viewership, clearing this up might be a good place to start.curiousGeorge wrote:This stuff makes my poor monkey brain hurt...
It seems incredibly odd that people would spend so much time posting these critiques when they could simply watch these videos in the same amount of time.
All relevant information has been redundantly restated in the main LG15 video stream. Just because there is this added bonus that gives a little more depth in the Tachyon and OpAphid videos themselves doesn't mean they are required.
If you feel you're missing out so much, check them out. The main LG15 stream is complete in its chronicling of events, these other streams seem to give the same events but from different perspectives.
Does that make sense? That is how it is starting to seem to me, given the recent developments.
- curiousGeorge
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I think you are missing the whole point. Just because we choose to pursue the "puzzle" of who sees what does not mean I am being critical. I don't see this as being any less a relevant puzzle than the anagrams etc. It's simply a puzzle at the meta level, as it were.covedweller wrote:[
It seems incredibly odd that people would spend so much time posting these critiques when they could simply watch these videos in the same amount of time.
And you obviously missed the above, OT post, about why this stuff may be important for the long-term success of the project. If you don't like this line of inquiry, don't pursue this thread any more. And I mean that with all due respect... I do apologize for going OT though.
You solve your puzzles, we'll try to solve ours. No problem mon!
Now back OT!
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
Maybe the creators could somehow make the YT fans aware of OpA and Tachy? In a subtle way, of course, not some giant shoutout a la the "let's move to Revver!" fiasco. It doesn't seem a huge number of people are subscribed to the ARG vids... but I thnk they are worth a look even if you don't plan on solving their puzzles. They are really high quality vids and really well-thought out and well-produced, probably more thought out than the series itself.
- alysaface
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i just pictured the OP saying phorum out loud with annoying emphasis on the ph and constantally doing the finger quotations for "see".
good god.
i just pictured the OP saying phorum out loud with annoying emphasis on the ph and constantally doing the finger quotations for "see".
good god.
stalk me.
You were so much cooler before you got your little PHD in everyone elses problems.
stalk me.
You were so much cooler before you got your little PHD in everyone elses problems.
- curiousGeorge
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Agreed, they are well done. Not sure about the part about it being better than the Main Plot.AniDonia wrote:Maybe the creators could somehow make the YT fans aware of OpA and Tachy? In a subtle way, of course, not some giant shoutout a la the "let's move to Revver!" fiasco. It doesn't seem a huge number of people are subscribed to the ARG vids... but I thnk they are worth a look even if you don't plan on solving their puzzles. They are really high quality vids and really well-thought out and well-produced, probably more thought out than the series itself.
And if anyone can not see the relevance of the current plot hinging on "who" sees "what" I really feel sorry for their ability to follow a narrative. It is crucial that this make some semblance of sense.
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
If someone didn't see OpAphid's "Adventures in Babysitting" video, then the ransacking would have come as a surprise. If they didn't see the "Home Alone" video, then they would have had no idea that Bree and Daniel going home was a worse idea than it already appeared to be. In fact, if the fans had actually had a say in that "The Test" stuff, if the majority of them were uninformed about the cameras in B&D's houses, they could have ended up sending both of them home.covedweller wrote:All relevant information has been redundantly restated in the main LG15 video stream. Just because there is this added bonus that gives a little more depth in the Tachyon and OpAphid videos themselves doesn't mean they are required.
(Yes, I know the situation was stacked to pretty much ensure it went the other way, and the "result" had already been filmed before "the test" was made known to us, but the possibility was still there that the poll could have gone another way. Maybe.)
Presently, someone who isn't watching Tachyon's videos about Gemma would be lost. Gemma's appearance beside of Lucy in Jonas' "Touch Cookie" video would have come completely out of nowhere. In fact, for a lot of viewers, it did. There were a lot of people asking "Where did Jonas get that footage?" Even here on the forum there were some people asking.
OpAphid and Tachyon are an important part of the story, and, really, their videos should be featured as prominently as the main vlogs. People can say "They're peripheral" all they like, but the fact of the matter is, they're important. Heck, there's some people right now who are wondering why Gemma hasn't been putting up any new vids.
- curiousGeorge
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OK, who let that drunk old Irishman in the phorum. I guess Boris left his mark on this place, too much Stoli for that crazy Russion webmaster.Slainte wrote:I think it all totally sux!

Hey dude, I was counting on YOU to connect all of these dots or are you just going to leave that up to your (not so) humble primate?
Anyway. Anymore Canon connections?
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
All the relevant videos in the series show up on the main page here at LG15.com, and not just the main videos. The vids from Tachyon and OpAphid appear on the right side with the fan videos.Slainte wrote:I think it all totally sux! Ireally dig this story but I can not be expected to f'ing hunt the internet for pperipherals that effect the plot and its progress.
And if you just subscribe to their channels on YouTube, their new vids will appear on the front page there when you access it. Really, it's no big deal to keep up with six accounts, especially when the vids from four of them appear prominently here on the main page. You should only really need to check YT to make sure you don't miss one by Op or Tach.
He didn't find the drugs themselves, actually. Just pamphlets about them. If you watch his latest video, "Back at Bree's" (which appeared right here on the main page; it wasn't a peripheral video), you see them around 1:30. We had to pause the video to see what the pamphlets were about.Slainte wrote:shit! Someone s talking about Daniel finding specific drugs somewhere. When/where did this happen?
So am I to understand that that Einstein Iris200-somehting and that moron Greystoke have some relvance, because sifting through that stuff is a real pain in the ass.
I went hrough that recent vid frame by fram and while I spotted many little things I did not see the pamphlettes anywhere. Obviously my powers of observation are weak...
but not so weak as to not get your snarky tone Lurker.
There was no need for you condescending response.
(i.e. "which appeared right here on the main page; it wasn't a peripheral video").
I am sure you tire of those not quite as committed as you are. Really smart people like you should try to be nice to dumb people like us. I don't want to be dumb. I want to be smart like the other kids. Why do you have to be so mean. Don't you understand how it hurts an hurts when you do this? I never got to go to shool like the other kids or learn stuff. My God how can you be so cruel to someone you don't even know...I cna't go on really I can't I'd kill myself if Iwas smart enough to figure out how to jump off abridge. MAybe you could push me and do the world a favor.
I went hrough that recent vid frame by fram and while I spotted many little things I did not see the pamphlettes anywhere. Obviously my powers of observation are weak...
but not so weak as to not get your snarky tone Lurker.
There was no need for you condescending response.
(i.e. "which appeared right here on the main page; it wasn't a peripheral video").
I am sure you tire of those not quite as committed as you are. Really smart people like you should try to be nice to dumb people like us. I don't want to be dumb. I want to be smart like the other kids. Why do you have to be so mean. Don't you understand how it hurts an hurts when you do this? I never got to go to shool like the other kids or learn stuff. My God how can you be so cruel to someone you don't even know...I cna't go on really I can't I'd kill myself if Iwas smart enough to figure out how to jump off abridge. MAybe you could push me and do the world a favor.
No, the rest are just fan videos. If it's not Jonas, Gemma, Bree, Daniel, Tachyon, or OpAphid you can ignore it (as far as we know).Slainte wrote:So am I to understand that that Einstein Iris200-somehting and that moron Greystoke have some relvance, because sifting through that stuff is a real pain in the ass.
It's right around 1:28-1:30. The one on the left is for Cerebyx and the one on the right is for Zosyn. We were actually only able to figure out the one for Zosyn beause someone recognized the lightning bolt graphic.Slainte wrote:I went hrough that recent vid frame by fram and while I spotted many little things I did not see the pamphlettes anywhere. Obviously my powers of observation are weak...
Pretty sure you're exaggerating there (at least I hope so; some of it certainly sounds sardonic), but if by some chance you're not, then you have my apology. Anyway, if I sounded a little annoyed there it's because I felt you were harshly over exaggerating the lengths one has to go to in order to keep up with the story (and in a rather vocal manner).Slainte wrote:but not so weak as to not get your snarky tone Lurker.
There was no need for you condescending response.
(i.e. "which appeared right here on the main page; it wasn't a peripheral video").
I am sure you tire of those not quite as committed as you are. Really smart people like you should try to be nice to dumb people like us. I don't want to be dumb. I want to be smart like the other kids. Why do you have to be so mean. Don't you understand how it hurts an hurts when you do this? I never got to go to shool like the other kids or learn stuff. My God how can you be so cruel to someone you don't even know...I cna't go on really I can't I'd kill myself if Iwas smart enough to figure out how to jump off abridge. MAybe you could push me and do the world a favor.
However, that said, I'll acknowledge that you made a good point. Not everyone is as committed to all the little details as me and some of the other people here on the forum. I guess I must admit to finding your sweeping statement of "I think it all totally sux!" -- as well as the exaggeration -- frustrating when it sounded like you didn't really know a great deal about what were you saying. So, again, I will apologize.
- curiousGeorge
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Back OT please:
Oh, and if OP and Tachy are Canon, then why weren't Daniel and Bree able to "see" their videos and all the info they contained?
It is obvious that OP and Tachy can "see" the the DB, Bree, Jonas,and Gemma vids
How can this be a one way street? If it is, this is totally illogical and is indeed ruining any sense of continuity in the plotline.
This whole series was predicated on the fact that Bree and DB were "real". OK, so then they were outed as notReal. Ok, so far so good. I could handle that.
But this current situation is absurd and ruins any sense of narrative credibility. For a series that was so clever (yes they were!) as to fool so many folks into believing it was real, it has sure sunk a long way...
The quick Recon Solution du jour: Reconginze the fact that OP and Tachy are Canon and allow all characters to "see" all vids. I do think the OP and Tachy stuff is pretty cool, but the writers need to get a handle on this.
Update: I hear that a member of the creative team is helping out with the other two characters. I hope she gets this straight. FAST.
Oh, and if OP and Tachy are Canon, then why weren't Daniel and Bree able to "see" their videos and all the info they contained?
It is obvious that OP and Tachy can "see" the the DB, Bree, Jonas,and Gemma vids

How can this be a one way street? If it is, this is totally illogical and is indeed ruining any sense of continuity in the plotline.
This whole series was predicated on the fact that Bree and DB were "real". OK, so then they were outed as notReal. Ok, so far so good. I could handle that.
But this current situation is absurd and ruins any sense of narrative credibility. For a series that was so clever (yes they were!) as to fool so many folks into believing it was real, it has sure sunk a long way...
The quick Recon Solution du jour: Reconginze the fact that OP and Tachy are Canon and allow all characters to "see" all vids. I do think the OP and Tachy stuff is pretty cool, but the writers need to get a handle on this.
Update: I hear that a member of the creative team is helping out with the other two characters. I hope she gets this straight. FAST.
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
- trainer101
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Logic? If you want logic then this is definintely the wrong place.curiousGeorge wrote:Back OT please:
Oh, and if OP and Tachy are Canon, then why weren't Daniel and Bree able to "see" their videos and all the info they contained?
It is obvious that OP and Tachy can "see" the the DB, Bree, Jonas,and Gemma vids![]()
How can this be a one way street? If it is, this is totally illogical and is indeed ruining any sense of continuity in the plotline.
This whole series was predicated on the fact that Bree and DB were "real". OK, so then they were outed as notReal. Ok, so far so good. I could handle that.
But this current situation is absurd and ruins any sense of narrative credibility. For a series that was so clever (yes they were!) as to fool so many folks into believing it was real, it has sure sunk a long way...
The quick Recon Solution du jour: Reconginze the fact that OP and Tachy are Canon and allow all characters to "see" all vids. I do think the OP and Tachy stuff is pretty cool, but the writers need to get a handle on this.
Update: I hear that a member of the creative team is helping out with the other two characters. I hope she gets this straight. FAST.

Let's look at what we know:
1. OpAphid and Tachyon see everyones videos. Why? because they are espionage and counter-espionage agents (or agencies) it's their job.
2. *Breeniverse* characters see each others vids.
-Bree sees Daniel, Jonas and Gemma.
-Daniel sees Bree, Jonas and Gemma.
-Gemma sees Jonas, Bree and Daniel.
-Jonas sees Bree, Daniel and Gemma.
3. At this point we do not know how Jonas got his hands on Tach's video of Gemma - he never mentions Tach in his video so he could have been contacted by Tach like Daniel was OR he could be working with Tach or the Order.
4. Also, even though we have seen Gemma with Lucy, she has never mentioned seeing OpAphid videos or Tachyon videos. She's only seen what Bree and Daniel have seen (from a video standpoint).
That being said, it would not be out of place to see a new Gemma video come out where she acts completely oblivious to being seen and caught on video by Tachyon or acts like she came to the U.S. to help Bree (even though we've heard her phone conversation which indicates the opposite)
It's ALL connected...