ARG aspect
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- romanceismusic
- Owen's Helper
- Posts: 1797
- Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:53 am
- Location: Colorado
Hi. I try to avoid this issue as much as possible, but I thought I would just say, everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, of relevence and importance that is solved in chat, is relayed and posted into the forums immediately. Tiltingwindward, Sad_Panda, Tigerlilylynn, myself, and others, are continuously creating recaps and summary threads. You can tell which posts go to what by their title. If it is a thread to solve a puzzle, It is usually labeled [analyze]. If it is a drop, it will say [drop]. and so on. The first post in the thread is the one that is continually updated. If you check the origional post each time you visit the thread, you will see the update.
EVERYONE is welcome in chat. Come in, say hello, and start helping. Watch for a minute or two so you can get an idea of where we are at, and what we are doing, then jump on in! If we are diligently working on a puzzle, all we ask is that you remain on topic. If it is a drop, all we ask is that you stay attentive and allow the operator to communicate. Also, links to the relevent threads (that the forums are working on) are in the topic of each chat, so that we can see what all of you wonderful people are doing. (I would also like to remind you that the IRC is unofficial. It was created by the fans for easy clue solving. It is not a requirement)
EVERYONE is welcome in chat. Come in, say hello, and start helping. Watch for a minute or two so you can get an idea of where we are at, and what we are doing, then jump on in! If we are diligently working on a puzzle, all we ask is that you remain on topic. If it is a drop, all we ask is that you stay attentive and allow the operator to communicate. Also, links to the relevent threads (that the forums are working on) are in the topic of each chat, so that we can see what all of you wonderful people are doing. (I would also like to remind you that the IRC is unofficial. It was created by the fans for easy clue solving. It is not a requirement)
To all the:
Pervy Town survivors
CiW Vets
Op Heads
GTKEO Addicts
I love you all!
Pervy Town survivors
CiW Vets
Op Heads
GTKEO Addicts
I love you all!
Cuddlebunni wrote:I agree with the comment about the chat people vs. the forum peeps.
I have tried to go into the chats a couple of times and feel completely like an outsider. The chatters are already a "family" and I really have never felt welcomed. So now I stick to the forum.
I hate that we cant just all work together and chat together as a team.
Alright. I'm gonna try and defend the IRC as best as I can.
I'm sorry your experiences with the IRC have been negative ones, and I'm upset that you felt unwelcomed. I try my best to be open to all the new people in the chat, but I'm not about to treat the people I've come to know in the chat any differently for the benefit of others. We are not a family per say, but we are pretty friendly... who wants to crack any puzzle in a hostile or akward environment? And in the downtime we all joke around with eachother. I know quite a few people (falling, dias, etc.) that have nestled in quite nicely. Have you ever been the new kid at school? I have, and I've learned that in order to make friends you have to take some inititive yourself. We do not see this as a team battle, in fact the mods on our chat are similar (or the same people) as here. We try hard to communicate both here and the irc, and we make sure that everything is updated. People like Romance, Tilting, and Tiger are all diehard IRC users, but are they any less of a forum member? If anything they keep this place alive with great stickys and recaps.
The IRC is also unofficial. There is nothing the creators can do to close us down, its a fan creation. So complaining to the creators does nothing but rile people up. I would suggest PMing or discussing with a mod in the OpAphid forums what can be done about breaking down the obvious walls between us.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
- tiltingwindward
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- Location: The Land of Nefarious Purposes
Kasdeja, from this it sounds like the root of your concern lies more with confusion on the forums than a failure to communicate between forums and chat. I definitely agree that the forums can get pretty confusing, especially when we're all trying to solve a puzzle. If you have any suggestions about how to streamline the forums so that relevant information is easier to access, I think that would be extremely helpful, because I know that the OpA operators have been having some troubles with the sheer volume of posts.Kasdeja wrote:Yes! Thank you, I think you understood me without being insulted! This would be a great help. I tried to suggest that...but didnt' phrase it right, evidently and seemed to provoke some defensive comments.Beautiful Nightmare wrote:I bounce pretty seamlessly between the forums and the chat. I don't get to go to the chat very often, but I know that the folks in the chat always try to make sure that everything they're working on is posted somewhere in the forum.
I think a lot of the confusion is coming because each puzzle ends up having eighty seven different threads associated with it, with no link between them. So no one's sure where to look for the latest info on what's going on. Does that make sense?
Maybe we can set up some sort of protocol for an ongoing update thread for each video/puzzle/drop set.
Or maybe I should just shut up.
"A step in the right direction? It only turns out to be so if you're willing to step much further."
-Samuel R. Delany
-Samuel R. Delany
I've been playing the ARG since after the first drop.
That being said, I have not, for 95% of the time, been playing in "real time", but playing catch up by reading the forum and working things out for myself, in my own time.
That being said, it took awhile before I even spoke up in the chat -- no, not because I thought I would be shunned or ignored, but because I didn't feel confident enough in knowing what I was saying was RELEVANT to what was going on. I had to catch up to know what was going on.
When this game went canon, it pretty much stopped for almost 2 weeks. 2 weeks of time for anyone who wanted to play to catch up. To read the forum, to become familiar with the characters and the storyline, to discover the answers to clues, to learn about ciphers and codes, to learn to recognize patterns in how things were solved. To do the work, and yes, it's a game, but there is "work" involved in it. Fun work, but work nonetheless.
Since becoming canon, the forums have been updated within SECONDS of discoveries occurring in chat. It's time for people to start believing that. What people aren't understanding here is that IDEAS do not suddenly appear from the CHAT GODS, but from people, in the chat or not. If the person who suddenly figures something out happens to have their chat window open, who cares! It was still that person's BRAIN that came up with the answer. Same goes with the forum. If the chat suddenly went away, and we were all only communicating using the forum, and I posted "I solved this one while sitting at my desk at home" would people be in an uproar that they all weren't sitting here with me?
The chat is a tool. It's also part of the game. It's also a great way for some (not me I don't have the time) to bounce ideas off of eachother that AREN'T READY for the forums. And that's the problem lately... ideas and opinions seem to be posted everywhere with no real thought or self-investigation behind them. And for someone who uses the forum to gather information to play this game, THAT is what is irritating. Not that it took 3 minutes for something solved in chat to be posted on the forum.
If you want to participate in this ARG, PARTICIPATE.
The CHAT is not mandatory to play this game!
That being said, I have not, for 95% of the time, been playing in "real time", but playing catch up by reading the forum and working things out for myself, in my own time.
That being said, it took awhile before I even spoke up in the chat -- no, not because I thought I would be shunned or ignored, but because I didn't feel confident enough in knowing what I was saying was RELEVANT to what was going on. I had to catch up to know what was going on.
When this game went canon, it pretty much stopped for almost 2 weeks. 2 weeks of time for anyone who wanted to play to catch up. To read the forum, to become familiar with the characters and the storyline, to discover the answers to clues, to learn about ciphers and codes, to learn to recognize patterns in how things were solved. To do the work, and yes, it's a game, but there is "work" involved in it. Fun work, but work nonetheless.
Since becoming canon, the forums have been updated within SECONDS of discoveries occurring in chat. It's time for people to start believing that. What people aren't understanding here is that IDEAS do not suddenly appear from the CHAT GODS, but from people, in the chat or not. If the person who suddenly figures something out happens to have their chat window open, who cares! It was still that person's BRAIN that came up with the answer. Same goes with the forum. If the chat suddenly went away, and we were all only communicating using the forum, and I posted "I solved this one while sitting at my desk at home" would people be in an uproar that they all weren't sitting here with me?
The chat is a tool. It's also part of the game. It's also a great way for some (not me I don't have the time) to bounce ideas off of eachother that AREN'T READY for the forums. And that's the problem lately... ideas and opinions seem to be posted everywhere with no real thought or self-investigation behind them. And for someone who uses the forum to gather information to play this game, THAT is what is irritating. Not that it took 3 minutes for something solved in chat to be posted on the forum.
If you want to participate in this ARG, PARTICIPATE.
The CHAT is not mandatory to play this game!
Sphinx is so COOL!!! I could not have said it better myselfsphinx wrote:I've been playing the ARG since after the first drop.
That being said, I have not, for 95% of the time, been playing in "real time", but playing catch up by reading the forum and working things out for myself, in my own time.
That being said, it took awhile before I even spoke up in the chat -- no, not because I thought I would be shunned or ignored, but because I didn't feel confident enough in knowing what I was saying was RELEVANT to what was going on. I had to catch up to know what was going on.
When this game went canon, it pretty much stopped for almost 2 weeks. 2 weeks of time for anyone who wanted to play to catch up. To read the forum, to become familiar with the characters and the storyline, to discover the answers to clues, to learn about ciphers and codes, to learn to recognize patterns in how things were solved. To do the work, and yes, it's a game, but there is "work" involved in it. Fun work, but work nonetheless.
Since becoming canon, the forums have been updated within SECONDS of discoveries occurring in chat. It's time for people to start believing that. What people aren't understanding here is that IDEAS do not suddenly appear from the CHAT GODS, but from people, in the chat or not. If the person who suddenly figures something out happens to have their chat window open, who cares! It was still that person's BRAIN that came up with the answer. Same goes with the forum. If the chat suddenly went away, and we were all only communicating using the forum, and I posted "I solved this one while sitting at my desk at home" would people be in an uproar that they all weren't sitting here with me?
The chat is a tool. It's also part of the game. It's also a great way for some (not me I don't have the time) to bounce ideas off of eachother that AREN'T READY for the forums. And that's the problem lately... ideas and opinions seem to be posted everywhere with no real thought or self-investigation behind them. And for someone who uses the forum to gather information to play this game, THAT is what is irritating. Not that it took 3 minutes for something solved in chat to be posted on the forum.
If you want to participate in this ARG, PARTICIPATE.
The CHAT is not mandatory to play this game!

I think that is the biggest misunderstanding. If I didn't use the chat you'd all be victims of my ADHD. I think half my IRC chat things go a little something like this;sphinx wrote: The chat is a tool. It's also part of the game. It's also a great way for some (not me I don't have the time) to bounce ideas off of eachother that AREN'T READY for the forums. And that's the problem lately... ideas and opinions seem to be posted everywhere with no real thought or self-investigation behind them. And for someone who uses the forum to gather information to play this game, THAT is what is irritating. Not that it took 3 minutes for something solved in chat to be posted on the forum.
If you want to participate in this ARG, PARTICIPATE.
ROMY! *loves on Romy*
I'd hit it.
And that would just clog the crap out of the forums. Also, because of the way I think I need to bounce undeveloped ideas off of other people where I can get quick responses to know whether of not to focus on it or not. Its how my mind works best.
Also, as to what Sphinx said about not talking for 2 weeks.. now I can see where people may have seen hositility or akwardness. We sometimes get frustrated that when we are hacking away at a password and what not somebody in the crowd goes;
So what is Opaphid anyway?
Soon enough all the so-called 'elitests' of the 'clubhouse' would respond, please catch up on the forums and lgpedia before continuing on the chat. The chat is a tool, for players already caught up. We are people, we arn't all bots programed to catch you up or explain old details. It is generally used as a tool to brainstorm.. a thinktank if you may. So I would encourage everyone to join us if they would like, but please understand that we are talking at a level where we assume everyone is caught up. The forums serve as a great resource and record for getting caught up.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
- romanceismusic
- Owen's Helper
- Posts: 1797
- Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:53 am
- Location: Colorado
Its so true.Danielle wrote:I think that is the biggest misunderstanding. If I didn't use the chat you'd all be victims of my ADHD. I think half my IRC chat things go a little something like this;
ROMY! *loves on Romy*
I'd hit it.

To all the:
Pervy Town survivors
CiW Vets
Op Heads
GTKEO Addicts
I love you all!
Pervy Town survivors
CiW Vets
Op Heads
GTKEO Addicts
I love you all!
romanceismusic wrote:Its so true.Danielle wrote:I think that is the biggest misunderstanding. If I didn't use the chat you'd all be victims of my ADHD. I think half my IRC chat things go a little something like this;
ROMY! *loves on Romy*
I'd hit it.
its a little upsetting, but if i took a percentage from the logs of how much random shit i type. i'd be upset.
Oh goodness
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
- stuart2004
- The Order of Denderah
- Posts: 2735
- Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:19 am
Well I am glad to see that I am not really alone in feeling like I am left out by stuff being solved in the chat.....
that being said... the chat is a necessary evil......... I mean it works great for figuring stuff out......... I have to say though that I had been getting discouraged by my lack of ability to participate with anything in the ARG and had almost given up....and then there was LOVELINES.......I was so psyched about that puzzle I posted and posted and sounded like an idiot........ but it really helped to get me back into it... I dont think that all puzzles should be forum puzzles like love lines...and I dont think that all puzzles should be IRC puzzles...I think there should be a fair mix of the two so that everyone can join in................really I do think that all puzzles should be forum puzzles but that is just me being selfish................
I just dont think that ppl that have access to both can really understand how it feels...I mean we really do know that you dont mean to make us feel that way,but hey we still do
And I just want to say thanks to the Creators for the lovelines made me happy in my pants........
and that my dear sweet friends was a whole bunch of words just to say "WAAA UUhh WAAAA"(thats crying if you werent sure)
that being said... the chat is a necessary evil......... I mean it works great for figuring stuff out......... I have to say though that I had been getting discouraged by my lack of ability to participate with anything in the ARG and had almost given up....and then there was LOVELINES.......I was so psyched about that puzzle I posted and posted and sounded like an idiot........ but it really helped to get me back into it... I dont think that all puzzles should be forum puzzles like love lines...and I dont think that all puzzles should be IRC puzzles...I think there should be a fair mix of the two so that everyone can join in................really I do think that all puzzles should be forum puzzles but that is just me being selfish................
I just dont think that ppl that have access to both can really understand how it feels...I mean we really do know that you dont mean to make us feel that way,but hey we still do
And I just want to say thanks to the Creators for the lovelines made me happy in my pants........
and that my dear sweet friends was a whole bunch of words just to say "WAAA UUhh WAAAA"(thats crying if you werent sure)
Official Guard dog of the LG Defense Force
antagonist of the LG Defense Force
antagonist of the LG Defense Force
stuart2004 wrote:Well I am glad to see that I am not really alone in feeling like I am left out by stuff being solved in the chat.....
that being said... the chat is a necessary evil......... I mean it works great for figuring stuff out......... I have to say though that I had been getting discouraged by my lack of ability to participate with anything in the ARG and had almost given up....and then there was LOVELINES.......I was so psyched about that puzzle I posted and posted and sounded like an idiot........ but it really helped to get me back into it... I dont think that all puzzles should be forum puzzles like love lines...and I dont think that all puzzles should be IRC puzzles...I think there should be a fair mix of the two so that everyone can join in................really I do think that all puzzles should be forum puzzles but that is just me being selfish................
I just dont think that ppl that have access to both can really understand how it feels...I mean we really do know that you dont mean to make us feel that way,but hey we still do
And I just want to say thanks to the Creators for the lovelines made me happy in my pants........
and that my dear sweet friends was a whole bunch of words just to say "WAAA UUhh WAAAA"(thats crying if you werent sure)
There is no such thing as an "IRC PUZZLE".
The people in the IRC chatroom are working with the exact same information that anyone else can easily obtain from Tachyon's, OpAphid's and 10033's YT profiles. If you miss them in "real time", updates can always be found posted in the appropriate threads.
You don't need to be in the chat to work on a puzzle, you just have to know what you are doing (or at least have an idea). The stickies on the I in APHID forum give you a bunch of tools to work with. It also helps to review all of the puzzles so far and work them out for yourself... there are a lot of patterns in the puzzles, and many of the same decoding/deciphering tools are used over and over again. Some research into different types of codes and ciphers helps too. There are many people in the chat who choose to not work on the puzzles for various reasons.
I really can not understand the thought process here. What exactly are some members of this forum thinking is happening in the IRC chat? People are working on their own and then bouncing their own ideas off of others until someone says Eureka! (more like OMG OMG OMG). There is no magic IRC chatroom at work here. Players are doing the work. They are working with the exact same information that EVERYONE has from the YT profiles!
I just spent a bunch of time tonight getting caught up on the latest puzzle (Step 6 - made my Alberti cipher wheel and everything) and people were posting step by step thought processes on the forum that led to answers.
As someone who uses the forums to play the game 95% of the time (100% for the last 4 hectic days), I simply do not understand what the complaints are about.
You don't need the chat to solve the puzzles.
You don't need the chat to play this ARG.
- ApotheosisAZ
- The Order of Denderah
- Posts: 3151
- Joined: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:43 pm
- Location: Snoresville, Baby.
I posted the following information on the most recent OpAphid puzzle thread yesterday morning:
This is the second time that I have been placed in the position of starting a flamewar in the OpAphid forum. The first time, I apologized to the persons involved; I apologize again here. I contacted the moderator who had the most trouble as a result of my post and submitted an apology as well.
I feel that my lack of proper communication skills led to this entire issue.
I was merely suggesting that new players who wanted to view the supplemental material evolving in the chat should do so. It seems that some of the players interpreted this as an invitation to leave the forum and submit comments in the chat instead.For all the people who joined in for the first time this evening, a piece of humble advice: There is a chat room for all of this, but it isn't located on this site. The chat was established long before OpAphid became canon. For more information, check out this thread:
Another helpful tip: If you haven't already caught up to the whole OpAphid story, you really should. Read the sticky threads located at the top of each OpAphid forum! You'll be very glad you did!
This is the second time that I have been placed in the position of starting a flamewar in the OpAphid forum. The first time, I apologized to the persons involved; I apologize again here. I contacted the moderator who had the most trouble as a result of my post and submitted an apology as well.
I feel that my lack of proper communication skills led to this entire issue.
- Devoted Fan
- Posts: 544
- Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:45 am