On the Jumping of Sharks--What LG15 is Doing Wrong

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by SharpI »

lesbrent wrote:I thought we could watch and enjoy the story without playing the ARG or watching Tackie and Opy videos? Sure doesn't seem that way if you read the posts above me.
Agree with you, lesbrent, it's coming across differently than advertised. I think the Creators are still trying to deal with their decision to meld with other creators.
lesbrent wrote:Everyone seems to be on the bandwagon to leave Daniel at home and put up with this goofball Jonas? So now Jonas is the true hero? We will see Bree soon flirting with Jonas and Daniel will become a distant memory? And people think that's ok?
I don't think "everyone" is on this bandwagon at all. Some people are giving Daniel the character some room, others are saying "Nooooo," still others think it's all a ruse, etc. Plus there are the persistent rumors of Yousef leaving the show. I think people are generally ok with this plot turn, that's all.
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Post by DreamerM »

You guys keep saying "get involved."

You know one of Hitler's most sucessful public relations strategies was to give the people little opertunity to make changes, but plenty of opertunity for frenzied action.

.....Uh, not that I'm compairing the Creators to hitler.

It's like a roller coaster: the sensation of danger with none of the consequences. We get the FEELING of power with none of the....well, power.

If we are going to have a role, we should have a role. If we're not, I wish they'd stop pretending.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Lurker wrote:
DreamerM wrote:If you'd asked me who was gonna be the turncoat, gemma or Jonas, I'd say Jonas was the more obvious choice, but Gemma would be cooler.

Well, Gemma is officially the turncoat. That rocks.
Well, we still don't know enough yet to be sure.
DreamerM wrote:Meaning Jonas is clean. If HE was working for the order, the order would have Bree right now, meaning Lucy and Gemma would be a bit too busy to strut around in front of Tachyon's camera.
Well, how do we know they don't have her? Jonas hasn't proven to us that Bree's even at his house. Or that he doesn't have her locked up.

For all we know at the moment, Gemma and Lucy were on the way to Jonas'.
DreamerM wrote:Here's for a bigger role for Tachyon! Cheers!
Yeah, that would be cool. Hopefully before it's over we'll see her make an appearance in front of the camera.

Anyway, this discussion has made me realize that somebody's got to be a bad guy in all of this: either Gemma or Jonas. There's a lot of us who want to believe in one or the other, and for a variety of reasons, but if one of them's not a bad guy, then we might have too many good guys. And with Tachyon on the good side, the bad guys need all the help they can get anyway.
I agree. I totally love Tachyon. She is just beyond amazing.
I loved this show before. Then for a while, I had my doubts. But with the Tachyon addition, my admiration has been restored and increased.
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Post by DreamerM »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
I agree. I totally love Tachyon. She is just beyond amazing.
I loved this show before. Then for a while, I had my doubts. But with the Tachyon addition, my admiration has been restored and increased.
This video made me sympathize with Jonas.

The addition of Tachyon made me excited about the story again.

If we don't get some videos from Daniel (or like-minded allies, if Daniel is indeed Brother, which I doubt actually) wondering "wow, who shot this footage?" Lets see the main characters talking about tachyon.

Then lets see Tachyon. Not clearly. But let's see her.

If this is done well, it will be the most awesome thing ever.
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Post by EliCash »

You know one of Hitler's most sucessful public relations strategies was to give the people little opertunity to make changes, but plenty of opertunity for frenzied action.
I prefer the Dreamer that calls herself "pathetic," begging for a job working for the Creators, over the Dreamer that compares the Creators to Hitler and then denies doing so.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

DreamerM wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
I agree. I totally love Tachyon. She is just beyond amazing.
I loved this show before. Then for a while, I had my doubts. But with the Tachyon addition, my admiration has been restored and increased.
This video made me sympathize with Jonas.

The addition of Tachyon made me excited about the story again.

If we don't get some videos from Daniel (or like-minded allies, if Daniel is indeed Brother, which I doubt actually) wondering "wow, who shot this footage?" Lets see the main characters talking about tachyon.

Then lets see Tachyon. Not clearly. But let's see her.

If this is done well, it will be the most awesome thing ever.
Yeah, the Jonas video was good. Also, I kind of feel like if Gemma is bad, Jonas must be good. And I'm feeling a Gemma-OpAphid vs. Jonas-Tachyon thing going on. Assuming Tachyon is on the "good" side, this puts Jonas in a more trustworthy position. But then I wonder if I'm supposed to think that way.. and they're just gonna turn it around on me again!
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Lurker wrote:
AGuyNamedJoe wrote:
Lurker wrote: Depends on what the comic book was.
Lurker, thank you. I now understand the significance of the comic book. It all just clicked because of something in your post.
Well, I'm glad you got something out of what I said. What you said does sound like it has some merit, really, but I'd like to know if there's more we should be looking into with the whole comic book angle. I'd really like to know which comic book he bought (and which ones he might have listed on MySpace).

Okay, I'm friends with DB on myspace.
All he says is:
Books: I don't read books, only magazines.. kidding. And comics, don't forget comics.

I'm also friends with Yousef.
All he says is:
Books: ya . . . comics maybe I'm a nerd . . . whatever!

But Yousef does have a quiz called Which Superhero Are You?
His results say:
You are Green Lantern
You have strong will power and a good imagination.
Green Lantern 80%
The Flash 65%
Catwoman 60%
Hulk 55%
Spider-Man 50%
Iron Man 50%
Robin 47%
Wonder Woman 43%
Supergirl 38%
Batman 35%
Superman 30%
Underneath he says:

I also thought I'd advise you not to listen to a word AGuyNamedJoe says. He is a spammer, as shown in other threads.
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Post by DreamerM »

EliCash wrote: I prefer the Dreamer that calls herself "pathetic," begging for a job working for the Creators, over the Dreamer that compares the Creators to Hitler and then denies doing so.
You think the Nazis never had good people-managing ideas? How do you think they got so infamous?

But your point is well taken. I'll go sit in a hole for a bit.

Post by Lurker »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, I'm friends with DB on myspace.
All he says is:
Books: I don't read books, only magazines.. kidding. And comics, don't forget comics.

I'm also friends with Yousef.
All he says is:
Books: ya . . . comics maybe I'm a nerd . . . whatever!

But Yousef does have a quiz called Which Superhero Are You?
His results say:
You are Green Lantern
You have strong will power and a good imagination.
Green Lantern 80%
The Flash 65%
Catwoman 60%
Hulk 55%
Spider-Man 50%
Iron Man 50%
Robin 47%
Wonder Woman 43%
Supergirl 38%
Batman 35%
Superman 30%
Underneath he says:
Thanks, JALG. Guess that didn't lead anywhere, huh? But thanks nonetheless. (I wonder why he wouldn't want to be Green Lantern, though? The Lanterns have the best powers, I think. Oh well.)

Well, I still think there might be something with the Brian Vaughn angle. The similarities to Runaways and the Tachyon references to other stuff from him scream out at me.

I feel sure there's something there, even if it's just a bit of a nod on the Creators' part. Something like "Yeah, that guy kicks ass and we might have sort of borrowed a couple of things. Love you, Brian." I'm thinking that might be all.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I also thought I'd advise you not to listen to a word AGuyNamedJoe says. He is a spammer, as shown in other threads.
Yeah, I saw that. Thanks for the heads up, though. His posts in Plot Discussion seemed halfway serious, but those in The Videos are just spam.
Last edited by Lurker on Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SharpI »

DreamerM wrote:
SharpI wrote: that the show deliberately underinforms us just to fan the flames of fan interaction.
Have you BEEN to any other forums on the internet? On the Televisionwithoutpity.com messageboard for the show "House," page-long-fan-rants are the norm, doing exactly what you say: sussing out character and trying to figure out where the plot is going. Would you call that a RRG?

This is not interaction. It is FANS interacting with other FANS. It is a side-effect of creating a product people want to talk about. It is not and never should be the GOAL of any production.
I agree totally with you, Dreamer. Realistic Roleplaying Games elsewhere are FvF, because they know they have little hope of affecting the show in any significant way. The writers don't play.

LG15 is different because we do have hope of affecting the show. The writers, overtly, DO play. It's FvFvC, a crucial LG15 difference. (So why even bring up televisionwithoutpity?)

Given that we're playing a game, what are the rules? This thread is here because some of us want to know.

Truth is, the rules (the rules of interactive engagement between Creators and fans) are in the process of being hammered out. Dreamer, I get the idea that you are upset (a) with the Creators because you feel that LG15 has violated the rules of the game, and (b) with other fans because they are willing to play without knowing exactly what the rules are.
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Post by DreamerM »

..........*pokes up head.*
Um, can I come out of my hole now?

I understand that the "rules" are in flux. But how much of a difference are we really making?

The chat and the poll, the two situations were we would, presumably, have had the most power were fixed from the start.

If the most influential thing we can do is just what fans on the internet do anyway, hammer out characters and speculate about plotlines, then this really isn't much of a game at all.

I brought up televisionwithoutpity as an example that the whole "talk on a forum" aspect is far, FAR from an exclusive feature of LG15. The small difference is that there is always the off-chance the Gods of Creation will look down from on high and incorperate the ideas into the plot:

But it takes a massive wave of united demand to make that happen. The odds that they will take a spicific IDEA and use it in the plot are slim to none and might BE none, for legal reasons.

I wish they would stop staging publicity stunts in which they pretend we will make a difference, when they are really just setting things up for themselves.

Also, I gotta say I am really disapointed with this latest video. Daniel did talk about being Flabbergasted about Gemma, but he....didn't....mention...ANYTHING about the person who got close enough to tape that footage. Wouldn't he, logically, want to varify this stuff came from a reliable sorce before he considered breaking and entering again? There are ways to fake footage, especially on the internet.

Another opertunity squandered.
Last edited by DreamerM on Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slainte »

The Green Lantern ws THE COOLEST member of the gang! (was it Justice League?)
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

you're welcome, Lurker.

a few people have taken to calling me JALG. i feel cool for having an abbreviated name now. :) 8)
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Post by DreamerM »

Hey I pop from my hole to voice some more of my unwanted opinions.

There is a reason why this thread almost died.

Simply: Things have perked up.

I simply didn't see the Gemma-is-a-stooge thing comming. Sure, it was half-assed like a lot of this story's twists are: (the watchers who don't do anything, the 'p-monkey's torture', the tons of references to "clues" that never add up to anything) but at least it was SOMETHING, that HAPPENED and it got everyone looking at her seemingly pointless character in a new light.

Daniel is doing what we love him best for: Breaking and entering, heroically facing the unknown to discover the truth for Bree. Plus the random sweet stuff. This is Daniel at his best.

We have a name for the injections. At last. Finally. Horray. A genuine CLUE!

Fewer things are going wrong. Now lets start getting to the meat of the things and I'll be one happy camper.
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Post by EEVEE »

Some user on here said, 'LG15 isn't an action series, it's a suspense'. I think that's true. It's boring if there's action all the time and besides, it wouldn't make sense. I love suspense and trying to figure out all these little hints. And, I need some time to figure 'em out, i'm not really a fast thinker. lol.
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