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by megabyte
Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:13 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: What is going on?!?!
Replies: 34
Views: 2428

For anyone who thinks Taylor is not trying be sexual in her last vid, I present exhibit A:

I have to admit, that image almost made me consider switching to Taylor as my favorite character.

I said *almost* consider, I am not ...
by megabyte
Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:30 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]
Replies: 260
Views: 18113

Jonas made a bad move on that email.. Rarely can you bitch to the sister about the other sibling. It's one thing for siblings to rag on each other, totally different for outsider to do it. Hell I loathe my sister and I still defend her to my friends (most of the time).

lol true that ...
by megabyte
Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:33 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]
Replies: 260
Views: 18113

lonelycrack15 wrote:
oh noes! its the great wall of text! :o
Gee, thanks for the support ](*,)
by megabyte
Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:15 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]
Replies: 260
Views: 18113

This is how things work I see

We get a "filler" (not my view on it, but whatever) video and people complain about it being a "filler" video and not an action one.

We get an action video and peopel complain about not getting answers.

We get a video with answers and people compain about it being ...
by megabyte
Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:15 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0211 - Everybody does it ;) [6/13/07]
Replies: 274
Views: 20276

kellylen wrote:well they do say that sex is a stress reliever

... well masturbation at least. I assume sex is the same
the stress comes nine months later, at best
by megabyte
Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:08 am
Forum: New Releases
Topic: Lonesome Oct - Guess Who's Back? [06/10/07]
Replies: 12
Views: 680

"Feces was flung that couldn't been unflung" and the boobie deal was awsome.
by megabyte
Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:08 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0209 - The Morning After [6/08/07]
Replies: 460
Views: 31751

Marbella wrote:You know, this is a sick thought that may annoy the Jonas lovers, but maybe Bree left because the sex was no good!

(apologies in advance~ it is a stupid joke!)
Not as sick as the cross dresser idea :smt078
by megabyte
Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:55 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0209 - The Morning After [6/08/07]
Replies: 460
Views: 31751

Marbella wrote:Maybe Jonas secretly likes to wear ladies' clothing and lingerie?
As funny and scary as that thought may be, I really hope that is not the case. Poor DB already has two nuts to deal with (no punn intended).
by megabyte
Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:57 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0209 - The Morning After [6/08/07]
Replies: 460
Views: 31751

Oh SH%T!!! This was SOOOOO predicted in here
by megabyte
Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:36 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 208 - Holy SH%T [6/7/07]
Replies: 472
Views: 27291

Can't wait to see it :smt026
by megabyte
Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:10 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: How to make Bree "trait negative"?
Replies: 16
Views: 1308

Daniel seems to think that the goal is to figure out the research that will make Bree test "trait negative." She will then be undesirable for participation in the Ceremony, supposedly.

I don't understand how that will get the Order off of TAAG's backs. I mean, don't TAAG know too much about the ...
by megabyte
Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:00 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: How does Daniel feel about Bree?
Replies: 16
Views: 1509

I definitely think he's over Bree romantically. From the time in "Hungover" that he said he was moving on to look into other girls, he seems to have stuck with that. When he was with Alex, he seemed all about Alex.

He didn't really care that Bree had gone off with Tachyon, and he didn't make a ...
by megabyte
Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:41 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
Replies: 164
Views: 12419

So it was Sarah underneath the table, with her hand up the puppet!

I've never wanted to be P. Monkey this badly :shock:

I hope you don't mean it it like a doctor, a glove, and a patient. But if you do, hey, that's your thing.

mind you... in the last vid ... bree came to him... thats not jonas ...
by megabyte
Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:52 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
Replies: 164
Views: 12419

*edited because I am spellingly challenged =P*

they should have spell check in the reply box...

Firefox has a built in spell checker! :D

For some weird reason (not unusual with me), I like "SPELING CHALENGED"
by megabyte
Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:36 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
Replies: 164
Views: 12419

aideen wrote:Umm, the P.Monkey bit was funny, the fact only a tiny bit of Sarah was show during the whole video wasn't, however, some Darah is better than one. Oops, did I say Darah, I meant Sarah ^^;

Daniel + Sarah ftw
Darah :smt045 I'm gonna start using that. Oh wait, I already did.