Search found 13 matches

by frogflute2
Wed May 30, 2007 11:38 pm
Forum: Jonas Chat
Replies: 12
Views: 1121

So I just have to say a head of time that I am not exactly sure where the bluestone stuff has come from. But I decided to look up copper (II) sulfate and found something interesting. Ok for the shots that Bree was getting at home was a drug that is use to help with iron-deficients. Well bluestone ...
by frogflute2
Sat May 12, 2007 12:28 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0191 - "What the F*@k???" [5/11/07]
Replies: 202
Views: 13959

I am confused. Was that Lucy? And why did she go with them. I still have a bad feeling about the ceremony. I think that blood sheed in involved.
by frogflute2
Thu May 03, 2007 10:39 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0185- "No Trespassing" [5/2/07]
Replies: 226
Views: 15992

Has anyone heard of trying to google julies phone number. Unless the number is unlisted at least a little infomation will be online. Seens they need the address it should be on there. Unless they just put any phone number down to let julie play soccer.
by frogflute2
Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:08 pm
Forum: Julia aka Callmejules24
Topic: A possible Hint?
Replies: 44
Views: 5895

it looks like either "saw me" or she is saying "was me" with the was part backward for some reason. I dont know.
by frogflute2
Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:20 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0165 "Losing My Religion" 4/03/07
Replies: 206
Views: 11940

Hymn of One well at least we now know the name of the church. Now we just need to find out more about it. Google time.
by frogflute2
Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:51 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0162- "Psychological Torture" [3/29/07]
Replies: 312
Views: 24491

Good video, But freaky voice.

I still think that this ceremony involves Bree blooding in some way. I just hope not to death.
by frogflute2
Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:53 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0157-"Alex Is..."[3-17-07]
Replies: 369
Views: 25584

Ok wow, and freaky at the same time. I am not sure I believe that Jonas;s parents are alive. If they were wouldn't the Order have killed them by now. If they are alive I think that the Order probadly has them locked up somewhere are brain washed to the point where they dont ever know who they are ...
by frogflute2
Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:55 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0154-"Uncle Dan"- [3/14/07]
Replies: 470
Views: 28124

Did anyone else caught that while that lady was hitting on Jonas and give him her key that some guy came up to him and said that there was some guy looking for him? Who was looking for him?

I think that the guy that was going after Daniel at the end was talking to Daniel and Alex earlier in the ...
by frogflute2
Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:36 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0147 Sorry Jonas [03/07/07]
Replies: 107
Views: 10950

Also, when Bree said "This reminds me of things my dad said to me." I thought that was a key part to the video. Maybe there was a connection between her dad and Jonas's parents' organization.

Is it possible her father was a double-agent, like Gemma, but was really on the Anti-Order side? Like he ...
by frogflute2
Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:33 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0147 Sorry Jonas [03/07/07]
Replies: 107
Views: 10950

So I know someone has probadly said this already but I am tired and but have time to read everything people have said so sorry if this is repeated over and over again. But who locks the door to an office in their own house? It does not really look like the aunt has childs but even if she did then ...
by frogflute2
Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:48 pm
Forum: Her Religion
Replies: 17
Views: 4315

yeah she is not mormon, but the order did sound it could be with its sercets. And Mormon's are nice people.
by frogflute2
Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:42 pm
Forum: Her Religion
Topic: The cermony is...
Replies: 18
Views: 3081

7Harry7Potter7 wrote::shock:

Um, ok. Weird? User name is RoseCrowley.

eek! A ghost!
It is weird that she has not posted again.

(not in this room at least)
by frogflute2
Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:17 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0142 - Interrogation 101 [2/28/2007]
Replies: 272
Views: 18519

I just watched the new vid. I think that Jonas will say anything at this point to get untied. I thought it was weird when they were drive up to the cabin that he was using the cell phone when he could of just got everything turned on when they got there. I think that Jonas is like in the Order. I ...