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by echoesofury
Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:23 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: who do u think was shot?
Replies: 131
Views: 10933

I know a couple of people have already mentioned it, but I feel it's worth mentioning again - after Daniel jumps in and tells Jonas to go, he says "They shot him". That would indicate to me that "they" are The Order and "him" is Bree's dad. He may not be dead or even injured, but I'd say he's the ...
by echoesofury
Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:20 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: who do u think was shot?
Replies: 131
Views: 10933

Just something kind of interesting.

I marked it in different colors to point out important parts of the shot.

Yellow: Kind of looks like a woman with longer blond hair.
Green: The mysterious figure.
Red: It appears that someone is ...
by echoesofury
Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:24 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: who do u think was shot?
Replies: 131
Views: 10933

It could have been 'unthinkable' that Bree's dad shot someone, too.

But I'm not sure why they'd be in such a hurry to leave if that were what happened.

I do kind of think that the guy standing alone looks like Bree's dad.

I never thought of BREE'S FATHER shooting someone... That would explain ...
by echoesofury
Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:26 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: who do u think was shot?
Replies: 131
Views: 10933

It could have been 'unthinkable' that Bree's dad shot someone, too.

But I'm not sure why they'd be in such a hurry to leave if that were what happened.

I do kind of think that the guy standing alone looks like Bree's dad.
by echoesofury
Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:03 pm
Forum: Rubbish Bin
Topic: My Dorky OpAphid tribute
Replies: 10
Views: 826


The quote "In the battle between Curiosity and Laziness, the latter will usually win." really applies for my friends I think.

By the way, I came up with that quote. I'm a genius. Whew multiple edits.
by echoesofury
Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:59 pm
Forum: Rubbish Bin
Topic: My Dorky OpAphid tribute
Replies: 10
Views: 826

My Dorky OpAphid tribute

None of my real life friends have figured out any of the codes in my About Me section, but you guys would probably get it in 5 seconds :P.

It doesn't lead anywhere, just secret messages.

Just wanted to show off my dorkiness :D.
by echoesofury
Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:31 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0104 "Mystery Movies" [12/23/06]
Replies: 153
Views: 16107

Movie Titles in the Video:

Citizen Caine
Usual Suspects
Out of Sight
Ocean's Eleven
Never Say Never Again

Hehe, there's the secret message!
by echoesofury
Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:46 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0104 "Mystery Movies" [12/23/06]
Replies: 153
Views: 16107

Hehe. I just posted that too. Must have been at the same time. I deleted mine :D
by echoesofury
Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:11 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: ladylazarus
Replies: 19
Views: 2775


:P hehe
by echoesofury
Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:20 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: WiFi - Loki - Warwalking
Replies: 5
Views: 763

It's possible, but like kristen said, not likely since the series is relying on his laptop to relay the videos to us at the moment.

A little interesting tidbit I found while searching for that symbol:

08:13 · This graph appears in the earliest Chinese writing system and in other very old systems ...
by echoesofury
Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:44 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: WiFi - Loki - Warwalking
Replies: 5
Views: 763

Found that symbol drawn on the sidewalk (spraypainted?)

by echoesofury
Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:23 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: WiFi - Loki - Warwalking
Replies: 5
Views: 763

Well libraries do have free internet access.

by echoesofury
Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:04 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: WiFi - Loki - Warwalking
Replies: 5
Views: 763

WiFi - Loki - Warwalking

Soo...I was kind of interested in 'Warwalking' since I've never heard that term used I Wiki-ed it.

I scrolled down to the bottom for the list of related sites, and I came across this one:

The video below also gives an ...
by echoesofury
Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:58 pm
Forum: In-Depth Discussion
Topic: NBR - [discussion] My Theory
Replies: 24
Views: 3725

NBR - [discussion] My Theory

When I first saw the posts and videos by NikkiBowerReport, it seemed interesting, but looking more at her posts I grew suspicious.

Every time a sensitive question was asked, Nikki used an excuse to avoid giving more details. It seemed like there was some reason other than her not wanting to reveal ...
by echoesofury
Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:54 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0069 "On The Run" [11/07/06]
Replies: 252
Views: 23180

Someone asked what the little radio blurbs were saying (after Bree says "I think it's time for a break"), so I decided to post what I heard.

Couldn't make out the man's voice, but the woman definately said something like

"And finally, the last question that is smathering/scattering? the voters ...