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So where do we go after Wednesday?
Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:27 pm
by TheeBerean
I have two thoughts to share with the group.
1.) What happens to this subforum after Wednesday? Does it stay as is... do we get moved to an archive? It's almost like a "home" on this separated MA section. Just wondering...
2.) When the "new chapter" begins... how will we know? If Jeromy is going to disappear behind the curtain Wednesday night... where will we go to see any new videos? Especially if takes a while for him to start a new one (he won't give a time frame) and the original main characters are not ressurected (we don't know this either, including Zipp or Warpy)... Will we even know that it is the next chapter, or will we simply stumble upon an ARG and wonder... reckon this is Jeromy's work?
Jeromy says he wants to leave a lot to "In Game" discussion... should we continue to solve the puzzles we have already been given? Is there anymore to solve for now? And to what end?
So, where do we go from here?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:25 am
by garnet_sunflowers
IMO, the first thing that needs to be done is go back and solve the unsolved puzzles. They hold the key to chapter 2 or Jeromy would not keep the answers to himself. He said in chat tonight that there were several things we could have figured out had we solved ALL the puzzles... for example "Who is Mr. Zipp?".
Jeromy also told us to stop asking "what?"
He gave out a few clues in Chat tonight, I believe, in hopes of us answering some of our own questions.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:32 am
by deagol
Don't ask "what, where, or when." Ask "why, how, and who."
Or something like that.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:43 am
by kellylen
we still have a lot to figure out. like the importance of seuss and stuff
Re: So where do we go after Wednesday?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:14 am
by ignatzmouse
TheeBerean wrote:What happens to this subforum after Wednesday? Does it stay as is... do we get moved to an archive? It's almost like a "home" on this separated MA section. Just wondering...
It would be nice to get a bit of warning from the mods if the MA forum is going to disappear -- we'll need to put together an MApedia page with links to the forum pages to make sure the discussions can be found without wading through the whole archive section.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:20 am
by ignatzmouse
deagol wrote:Don't ask "what, where, or when." Ask "why, how, and who."
Or something like that.
If we're meant to work out "who", then we've not exactly got a long list of suspects. The characters who've appeared or been mentioned in MA is pretty slim:
The musician Maddison had a crush on
Er, am I missing anyone? Of course, there's no reason why Mr Zipp would have to be someone who's already appeared, ARGs don't have to follow the whodunnit template.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 2:45 pm
by Flautapantera
ignatzmouse wrote:If we're meant to work out "who", then we've not exactly got a long list of suspects. The characters who've appeared or been mentioned in MA is pretty slim:
The musician Maddison had a crush on
Er, am I missing anyone? Of course, there's no reason why Mr Zipp would have to be someone who's already appeared, ARGs don't have to follow the whodunnit template.
Don't forget HTMLvis!
Also: don't worry about this section disappearing into archives without warning. The mods here like to give notice in advance before transplanting entire threads and sections.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:33 pm
by Languorous Lass
Flautapantera wrote:don't worry about this section disappearing into archives without warning. The mods here like to give notice in advance before transplanting entire threads and sections.
Except when they don't.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 5:37 pm
by Esteed
...Looking at that list, something occurs to me.
Jeromy has never confirmed that WarPylol was the killer. And if we're being fair, the only evidence we have that could link him is the video in front of Maddison's apartment. Surely an assassin would know where she lived.
But so would Mr. Zipp...
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:17 pm
by TheeBerean
Esteed wrote:...Looking at that list, something occurs to me.
Jeromy has never confirmed that WarPylol was the killer. And if we're being fair, the only evidence we have that could link him is the video in front of Maddison's apartment. Surely an assassin would know where she lived.
But so would Mr. Zipp...
Correct me if I'm wrong... b/c I wasn't around back in the day. But it seems like I remember people talking about the first video Warpy posted some months ago. It was just one second long. Wasn't it meant to tip off Oppy or someone else as to the location of either Tachyon or Brother? What I'm saying is... what if the Warpy video was to show that "the bad guys" knew who Maddison was and wear she lived. It wasn't neccessarily to mean that warpy himself was going to do the hit, but to point the way for the rest of the baddies to move in.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 7:31 pm
by Lurker
Esteed wrote:...Looking at that list, something occurs to me.
Jeromy has never confirmed that WarPylol was the killer. And if we're being fair, the only evidence we have that could link him is the video in front of Maddison's apartment.
Don't forget that "No More" has "Warpylol" and "D in APHID" as tags.
TheeBerean wrote:Esteed wrote:...Looking at that list, something occurs to me.
Jeromy has never confirmed that WarPylol was the killer. And if we're being fair, the only evidence we have that could link him is the video in front of Maddison's apartment. Surely an assassin would know where she lived.
But so would Mr. Zipp...
Correct me if I'm wrong... b/c I wasn't around back in the day. But it seems like I remember people talking about the first video Warpy posted some months ago. It was just one second long. Wasn't it meant to tip off Oppy or someone else as to the location of either Tachyon or Brother? What I'm saying is... what if the Warpy video was to show that "the bad guys" knew who Maddison was and wear she lived. It wasn't neccessarily to mean that warpy himself was going to do the hit, but to point the way for the rest of the baddies to move in.
War Pylol was the assassin in that scenario. He wasn't sending a video to tip someone else off. Gemma led him to Brother's place (she was the tipper), and he then sent OpAphid a "location verified, D in Aphid" transmission (just like the one outside Maddy's place) to confirm that he was moving in for the kill. Tachyon intercepted the message and got Brother out before War Pylol blew the place up.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:45 pm
by giddeanx
deagol wrote:Don't ask "what, where, or when." Ask "why, how, and who."
Or something like that.
I would say that the questions would be like.
Who is Mr. Zipp?
Why did he pick Maddison?
How did he know all that he knew about Maddison?
Why a pigeon?
Why Dr. Seuss?
Why kids drawings? (Not what do they mean, why are they there?)
Why guitar tab?
Why, how did he put the pages at those locations?
Why the envelope?
Who is Maddison Atkins? (do we really know)
Why was she killed?
Why a .22?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:00 pm
by garnet_sunflowers
Why that trailer?
Who is Adams Uncle Joe? Where is he now?
Why was that dog watching Adam and Maddison get killed? Whos dog was it?
When did Maddison meet Adam? How well did they know each other? Where did they meet?
Where is Mr. Zipp now?
There are a million questions to answer.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:39 am
by Broken Kid
I think as long as the forum is active enough, it should stay as its own forum. if folks continue to chat about puzzles, their memories, the chats, the videos, etc., then it can stay as its own forum. If it languishes for a time (a few weeks), then we'll have to figure out what to do with it.
Look how long we're giving Facility J in hopes it comes back!