important: Jules doesn't take shots
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:51 pm
Jules wrote me on myspace, and I she told me that she doesn't take shots. She's just on a diet, that her parents want her to be on, but she doesn't know why. I think that means, that if she is the new girl, she's way behind where you were, in her preparations.
I couldn't get her to say, if the language she's learning is Enochian, maybe she's tell me at some point.[/quote]
Jules wrote me on myspace, and I she told me that she doesn't take shots. She's just on a diet, that her parents want her to be on, but she doesn't know why. I think that means, that if she is the new girl, she's way behind where you were, in her preparations.
I couldn't get her to say, if the language she's learning is Enochian, maybe she's tell me at some point.[/quote]