I compiled this using other forum members ideas for rank names. Just wanted to see what everyone thinks and if maybe we could get some or all of them added. So let me know what you think, what you change, take out, add, ect ect.Suspiciously Absent 1-25
Casual Observer 26-125
Lonely Fan 126 - 250
Enthusiastic Fan 251 - 500
Devoted Fan 501 - 1000
Thor's Hammer 1001 - 1500
Owen's Helper 1501-2000
P. Monkey's Agent 2001-2500
Prepping for Ceremony 2501-3000
Starting Injections 3001-3500
Learning Enochian 3501-4000
Watcher 4001-4500
Meridian Prime 4501-5000
The Order of Denderah 5001-6000
Hymn of One 6001-7000
Agent of Free Will 7001-8000
Lonelycrack Addict 8001 ->
ok the last option didn't add... if you hate it completely but like the idea to have more ranks an have a better idea of what to put up and at what post counts, please put that below.