Is Julia the "new girl"? What role does she play?

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Post by eucebo »

Anybody else who thinks this girl Jules is not the right person for the show, PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE TO THE CREATORS!!!
You can say somthing here or e-mail them, eitherway they have to know WE HATE HER!!!!

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Post by QtheC »

A negative opinion is one thing, but I would like to encourage those who choose to post here to exercise some moderation, and to avoid adding hateful or threatening statements.
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Post by orbthesela »

Unless the plot turns out to be that she's a terrible actress hired by the order, then I am 100% behind eucebo on this one. She's AWFUL.

I know she's only a little kid but COME ON! Is she a relative of one of the producers or something?
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Post by HenrySugar »

I'm kinda interested in seeing what she brings to the table.
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Post by silvermoon »

I don't hate her.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

you know whats making me laugh...

a lot of people reacted the same way gemma came about. and the same way jonas came about...

this isn't a new occurance. And it's not a new reaction.
Can you imagine the series now without the Gemma storyline? Or Without Jonas?

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Post by eucebo »

QtheC wrote:A negative opinion is one thing, but I would like to encourage those who choose to post here to exercise some moderation, and to avoid adding hateful or threatening statements.
I repeat what I said in the comment board:

It wasn’t my intention to hurt anybodys feelings, just to post MY OPINION. What I ask was that you guys do it also. The message I posted on the forum has exactly that funtion.
True, I might have got a little over excited about it but still, you can all say if you fell the same or not. That’s what the message was for.
And if this girl wants to be an actor, she has to learn to deal with this sort of things. If it was like Moon said (291) and she is a normal girl who got her chance to be a part of the lonelygirl15 team, then she MOST know this is how fans talk. This is how we always talk in the comment board. If she read all this, then she has to understand that some of us just don’t like the idea of her being on the show.
Sure, I repeat, I could have said it nicely… I just didn’t feel like it. About all the people who said the same (or worst) things about her, is up to them. I only answer for me and I don’t really back down from it.
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Post by QtheC »

eucebo wrote:
QtheC wrote:A negative opinion is one thing, but I would like to encourage those who choose to post here to exercise some moderation, and to avoid adding hateful or threatening statements.
I repeat what I said in the comment board:

It wasn’t my intention to hurt anybodys feelings, just to post MY OPINION. What I ask was that you guys do it also. The message I posted on the forum has exactly that funtion.
True, I might have got a little over excited about it but still, you can all say if you fell the same or not. That’s what the message was for.
And if this girl wants to be an actor, she has to learn to deal with this sort of things. If it was like Moon said (291) and she is a normal girl who got her chance to be a part of the lonelygirl15 team, then she MOST know this is how fans talk. This is how we always talk in the comment board. If she read all this, then she has to understand that some of us just don’t like the idea of her being on the show.
Sure, I repeat, I could have said it nicely… I just didn’t feel like it. About all the people who said the same (or worst) things about her, is up to them. I only answer for me and I don’t really back down from it.
Fair enough Eucebo ... I was a little concerned by some other things I saw more than just your statements. I think saying "WE HATE HER!!!!" as you did in your initial post was a little too general and a little too strong a statement, in my opinion. It's enough to say you did not like the acting in her first two videos.

My real concern was that this thread was going to turn into an invitation for even more harsh or threatening statements.
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Post by Toad »

I will wait and see where this goes regarding the story.

Hate is a very strong statement.
It is generally used when referring to someone who has wronged you in some way.
This is definitely not the case with this young lady.

I wish her well and hope she is not emotionally damaged by her first step into the public eye and peoples flippant remarks about her.

Canon or not she is still a person who deserves some level of respect.
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Post by eucebo »

QtheC wrote:Fair enough Eucebo ... I was a little concerned by some other things I saw more than just your statements. I think saying "WE HATE HER!!!!" as you did in your initial post was a little too general and a little too strong a statement, in my opinion. It's enough to say you did not like the acting in her first two videos.

My real concern was that this thread was going to turn into an invitation for even more harsh or threatening statements.
Ok, but if you read all comments on the board of "New girl" you'll see what I mean. Most people said they hated her acting.
I wasn't very especific? Probably.
Could be more harsh statements because of it? I don't think so. Everybody says what they want, they don't repeat what I say.
Does the comment board gets away with it self sometimes because of over excited writers? Definitely. So is a good thing this subject has come out of the board. Not everybody reads the forums, you know... I don't think even the creators do, sometimes.

Post by Lurker »

I don't have anything against her. If she becomes the one, then she'll be starting out on the positive side of neutral with me.
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

hmmm i dont really like her but whatever, i only want them to keep bree, nothing else matters :lol:
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Post by nowherepixie »

She's not my favourite candidate by a long way.

But I'm all for giving her a chance if it is her. She's only young. (Yes my friends, youth is now an excuse! :P)
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Post by watching_watchers »

Killthesmiley wrote:you know whats making me laugh...

a lot of people reacted the same way gemma came about. and the same way jonas came about...

this isn't a new occurance. And it's not a new reaction.
Can you imagine the series now without the Gemma storyline? Or Without Jonas?
Yeah, I agree. I'm not finding her perfect, but I may warm up to her. We all may, give it time. Anyway, yeah, I have no idea how people could not like Gemma though, I liked her alot. ^_^ I'm still hoping shes gonna come back into the plot. Lol.
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Post by Morgan »

I liked Gemma. I think Jules looks too young for the part... either that or her lines just stunk. I dunno. I'm willing to watch it anyway. Heck, I didn't care for itscassie, but for some reason I still watch her videos. XD
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