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About the Bunker
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:24 am
by Killthesmiley
I really think you should pack up everything you need and get out of there.
While, sure at first glance it seems safe. Almost cosy at sometimes, you have to wonder: "Why isn't it in use still?"
Obviously, we discovered there is more in the resistance then just you guys. There has to be. So why aren't they using it anymore? Why doesn't the phone work?
Doesn't make sense??? Why would such a smart group of people, leave a bunker like that? And stay away from there for that long? AND leave the information about it in such clear sight, that even you guys found it.
I mean, if you guys know about it through Jonas' parent's files, then it's easy to suspect that Alex may know about it too. And if Alex knows, they know.
Bree, I've thought about it, and I really think you need to pack up and leave. Go ... somewheres. I'm sure you'll be ale to find a lot of people to trust here on the forums that are more the willing to help!
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:34 am
by longlostposter
Kelly, very good points.
Do you think that Alex may have forged the document that points to this house, and planted it in Jonas' parent's cabin, Bree?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:37 am
by sarahsnotebook
I have to agree--the whole thing seems fishy. That makes me think that the resistance abandoned it because the Order found it. I'd get all the information you can from the papers and slides that were left and get out of there. There are a lot of trustworthy people on the forums who would be more than happy to let you stay with them. You'd probably be much more comfortable, which would keep you in better spirits.
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:53 pm
by Lurker
Didn't the resistance faction abandon it because they abandoned the mortal coil altogether? Bree, didn't you say that Tachyon told you the Order crushed them?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:10 pm
by longlostposter
Lurker wrote:Didn't the resistance faction abandon it because they abandoned the mortal coil altogether? Bree, didn't you say that Tachyon told you the Order crushed them?
I thought about this too, Lurker, but what about that resistance group to the Hymn of One (it's a shame I don't know their names)? If they are legit, then the resistance is still alive and well.
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:49 pm
by Lurker
longlostposter wrote:Lurker wrote:Didn't the resistance faction abandon it because they abandoned the mortal coil altogether? Bree, didn't you say that Tachyon told you the Order crushed them?
I thought about this too, Lurker, but what about that resistance group to the Hymn of One (it's a shame I don't know their names)? If they are legit, then the resistance is still alive and well.
You mean TFW? This bunker belonged to the other guys, no?
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:37 pm
by lonelygirl15
From what I've seenso far, I believe the bunker is safe. It was used by the resistence several years ago and then abandoned. However, I do not believe that Alex knows about this place ... or at least I hope not.
There is so much information here. I couldn't belive the white board!! It was everything that we kinda sorta knew but had never seen put together before. It was exciting to see that we're not alone in this. There are other people who are or were fighting the Order too. So for now, we're staying put. We're taking precautions and not letting anyone know where we are. We need a plan and then maybe we'll relocate.
Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:09 pm
by sarahsnotebook
Wow. It makes you wonder how many other resistance groups might be out there. Even working separately if everyone plays their cards right, the Order may just come crashing down (I'd LOVE to see that happen).
You seem in good spirits, which is great. I think most of us just want you to know you do have places to go if you need to move on.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:21 am
by lonelygirl15
sarahsnotebook wrote:Bree,
Wow. It makes you wonder how many other resistance groups might be out there. Even working separately if everyone plays their cards right, the Order may just come crashing down (I'd LOVE to see that happen).
You seem in good spirits, which is great. I think most of us just want you to know you do have places to go if you need to move on.
Thanks Sarah! I do realize how supportive you guys are & that we'd have a place to go if we needed it. However, I don't think I'd risk involving you guys at this point. I need you guys to be my eyes & ears... how can you do that if the Order is after you too???
Despite everything... the gun, the betrayal, the drinking, maybe a new girl, etc. I am in good spirits. I feel like here at the bunker everything is coming together. Maybe there are other resistance groups out there. Maybe we can take down the order. The possibilities are endless! Ok that was cheesy but ya know what I mean

Get Your BOB Ready
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:17 pm
by Warbunny
If I might make a little suggestion? I know the bunker seems safe, and for y'all's sakes I pray that it is, but for just in case, you may want to assemble yourselves some BOB's. That's a
Bag, everything you need to survive packed into a ready to go bag or backpack.
Okay, most of the guys I know who're packing BOB's are typically prepping themselves for the impending Apocalypse, but they know what they're talking about when it comes to survival. Pack yourself a quick change of clothes, extra socks, some batteries (especially since you're documenting everything on video), some non-perishable food (jerky, powerbars, etc.), a first aid kit, a pocket knife, a swiss army knife or multi-tool, some bottled water, maps of the area, a sleeping bag, a tarp, some rope... Well, I seem to be getting carried away here, don't I?
Anyhow, what I'm saying is just stay prepared. Paranoia is a survival trait in your situation.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:41 pm
by modelmotion
At least you are not trapped in the 436!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, so...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:57 pm
by cheeseytoRRie
i see where all these people are coming from... io think you should gather the slides, maps, the computer, and anything else there that may be im portance and go some where safer. the order may know about this place and thats why its deserted. i just really hope Alex dosnt know about it... she has screwed you guys over so many time
good luck,

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:23 pm
by Wisi Girl
Bree, have you ever considered that much of that information you found is planted and false? You have to consider this and take everything you uncover in this bunker with a grain of salt, (as the phrase goes,) and remember that it is abandoned.
I realize you don't want to reveal your exact location and I do not expect to see much of the surrounding area in your coming videos but I wanted to ask you about your nieghbors. Do you have any? How isolated are you? If there is no one within miles and the phone doesn't work at this bunker.....Well, how can you contact people in an emergency? Have you talked about this with Jonas or Daniel?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:27 pm
by sarahsnotebook
Thanks Sarah! I do realize how supportive you guys are & that we'd have a place to go if we needed it. However, I don't think I'd risk involving you guys at this point. I need you guys to be my eyes & ears... how can you do that if the Order is after you too???
Despite everything... the gun, the betrayal, the drinking, maybe a new girl, etc. I am in good spirits. I feel like here at the bunker everything is coming together. Maybe there are other resistance groups out there. Maybe we can take down the order. The possibilities are endless! Ok that was cheesy but ya know what I mean
Anytime, sweetie. And I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything that might help you. Though I'm not afraid of the Order anymore. They've put me through hell too and I'm still here.
There are a lot of people pulling for you, so hopefully this ordeal will end for you soon.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:46 pm
by kittenishtrance
lonelygirl15 wrote:sarahsnotebook wrote:Bree,
Wow. It makes you wonder how many other resistance groups might be out there. Even working separately if everyone plays their cards right, the Order may just come crashing down (I'd LOVE to see that happen).
You seem in good spirits, which is great. I think most of us just want you to know you do have places to go if you need to move on.
Thanks Sarah! I do realize how supportive you guys are & that we'd have a place to go if we needed it. However, I don't think I'd risk involving you guys at this point. I need you guys to be my eyes & ears... how can you do that if the Order is after you too???
Despite everything... the gun, the betrayal, the drinking, maybe a new girl, etc. I am in good spirits. I feel like here at the bunker everything is coming together. Maybe there are other resistance groups out there. Maybe we can take down the order. The possibilities are endless! Ok that was cheesy but ya know what I mean

Bree, you're keeping yourself so level headed nowadays. That is so good. I just hope Daniel pulls himself together soon. I know he's been through a lot too, but I worry about him. And since you mentioned other resistance groups, have you tried to contact any that you know of? Are there any? Or is there a list of phone numbers in that bunker that you can maybe call? Also, a lot of us were wondering what was that stuff you wrote on the whiteboard. It seems like you all are taking notes or something because there is new stuff on it. Could you tell us what it is, or get a better pic of it for us? We all just want to help.