New vid: The Equinox. [09-22-06]

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New vid: The Equinox. [09-22-06]

Post by sparrow »

You wanted clues, boys and girls, you got clues.
Bibliomancy, also known as Stichomancy and Libromancy, is a form of divination that seeks to know the future by randomly selecting a passage from a book, frequently a sacred text.


1. Pick a book you believe to hold truth.
2. Balance it on its spine; let it fall open.
3. With eyes closed, touch your finger to any random passage.
4. View the passage as wisdom to your future.

Among Christians, the Bible is most commonly used, and in Islamic cultures the Qur'an. In the Middle Ages the use of Virgil's Aeneid was common in Europe and known as the sortes Virgilianae.

At the acclamation of Martin as bishop of Tours (371) a few cast aspersions, largely for his lack of personal glamor. According to the Vita by Sulpicius Severus,

it so happened that the reader, whose duty it was to read in public that day, being blocked out by the people, failed to appear, the officials falling into confusion, while they waited for him who never came, one of those standing by, laying hold of the Psalter, seized upon the first verse which presented itself to him. Now, the Psalm ran thus: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise because of thine enemies, that thou mightest destroy the enemy and the avenger." On these words being read, a shout was raised by the people, and the opposite party were confounded. It was believed that this Psalm had been chosen by Divine ordination.

St. Francis of Assisi, to seek divine guidance, is said to have thrice opened to a random page of the book of Gospels in the church of St. Nicholas. Each time he opened to a passage in which Christ told His disciples to leave their earthly belongings and follow Him.

Because book owners frequently have favorite passages that the books open themselves to, some practitioners use dice or another randomiser to choose the page to be opened. This practice was formalized by the use of coins or yarrow stalks in consulting the I Ching. Tarot can also be considered a form of bibliomancy, with the main difference that the cards (pages) are unbound.

Another variant requires the selection of a random book from a library before selecting the random passage from that book. This also holds if a book has fallen down from a shelf on its own.

Bibliomancy is a type of Stichomancy; "divination from lines." Some sources refer to bibliomancy as a specialized form of stichomancy, often falsely attributing the word root "biblio" to "the Bible", rather than books in general.
Who's going to translate the flash cards?

(I wasn't sure if this was more appropriate here or elsewhere.:))
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Post by soma »

The flashcards are three Enochian characters.
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Post by truestory »

God that's bugging me! I wanna know what she's talking about. :(

*Edit* Oh.. hahaha.. Nevm
Thanks Soma!!
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Post by soma »

OK, finished translation (was four characters not three):

Veh, Don, Fam, Un.

Pronounced krsa if they were mean to be a single word, except that you are supposed to insert vowels among consonant clusters in enochian.

Here is an Enochian dictionary: ... ochian.txt

Nothing there starts with veh though, so the flash cards may not have been meant to spell something, though with Bree you never know, right? Oh wait Veh is mapped into latin k and c, so it could be one of the c words.

Ok it is probably a conjugation of the verb to be, but the tense used with the '-a' suffix isn't listed in that chart.

Here is a collection of original Enochian magical texts from the 1500s, courtesy of the collection of the British Library: ... e_3188.php

Enochian parts seem to be mixed together with English and Latin as well there.
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Post by DavetheAvatar »

soma wrote:The flashcards are three Enochian characters.
Thanks for that, I thought it was a Stargate address. :lol:
Ah forget it...
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Post by Aenigmatron »

Okay so I have been calculating stuff and this is what I have come up with... I am just going to post an image because it will be easier that way...


Asrk in sanskrit seems to mean "The Blood" I hadn't even thought about sanskrit until I googled "Asrk" but there it was. If it means anything, I really don't know.

There is also the possibility that certain words may come out of the greek and hebrew translations. The greek translation is Alpha Sigma Rho Kappa, and the hebrew translation of the Enochian is Aleph Resh Qoph Kaph, so there are more possibilities to be found with those languages. I am assuming of course that the hebrew and greek versions should also be read right to left like the enochian.

Also I wrote down the gematria for the different renditions of this enochian word in their enochian, hebrew, greek, and english counterparts. I'm not sure of their significance but they are there for whoever wants to try and decipher their meaning.
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Post by Morgan »

whoa, you guys should put your speculations in the video section as well!!
<3 Danielbeast <3
To Aperon Zoe
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ancient vs. modern

Post by To Aperon Zoe »

Greek, unlike hebrew is read left to right. Make sure you are checking an ancient greek dictionary or text and be careful- ancient and modern greek are quite different, the alphabets differ slightly as well. As an aside- the first translation of the old testamant was from hebrew into ancient greek.
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More info on the Ceremony?

Post by Truth-in-Science »

Hi all,

here are some other links of potential relevence. I thought these were interesting, with a lot of all the key words. Still haven't been able to put it all together.

I do believe we should focus on the Enochian letters read Right to left (ASRK), but also on the diferent language forms and numerology
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Post by Brooklyn »

In an interview on television, they asked her about her religion "satanic" overtones that have been questioned over the internet and it's relationship towards the plot in the LG15 vlogs...
All she said was that she could not reveal the storyline and/or plot, that we would have to look for clues about the mystery of her religion.

I found this interesting. I mean, think about it. If someone basically asked you on television "hey are you satanic?" and your response is a "can't say -- just wait and see"... well you get my point.
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Post by Truth-in-Science »

Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 20:25:56 -0500
From: thelema <[email protected]>
Subject: The night before crowleymas

Twas the night before crowleymas
we all sang in chorus
each one of us crowned
and conquering like horus
My woman in scarlet
And I the Great Beast
Had just said our will
and were preparing to feast
But somewhere outside
a strange goings-on
Perhaps, I thought Aiwass
But nay - 'twas Choronzon.
In my body of light
I went with assertion
of will to confront
The demon of dispersion.
When what with this prophet of
Princes went amiss?
But myGuardian angel
Calling across the abyss.
He possessed my wife
and then bade me to scribble
Three days worth of nonsense
and ludicrous drivel.
And there then he left me
alone in the wastes
To redeem all mankind
But I feared to make haste.
I pondered and wandered
causing many a schism
debauching, blaspheming,
By word, deed and jism.
But now here I stand
at crowleymas feast
with the word of the Aeon
Iam crowned the great beast'

~uncle al (chris Durham) 10/12/99
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Fall Equinox ceremony

Post by gogo »

I know that this ceremony's sections are listed online, therefore making it not very secret. However, I found some interesting references that could be helpful.
Fall Equinox Ritual
This rite is a fairly straightforward synthesis of the methods laid out in Crowley's Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae

I. Temple Preparation
The temple is prepared by placing an altar in the center of the space. The implements and materials used in the ritual are placed on the altar. They are:
• A wand
• A chalice filled with water
A dagger [ed. note:scimitar?]
• A pantacle - the Sigillum Dei Aemeth
• A lit censor
• A small container of incense appropriate to key scales 11 and 22 (Galbanum).
• A small container of salt
• The Book of the Law [ed.note:for bibliomancy]

In addition, the lead ritualist is dressed in a white robe [ed note: my emphasis] and wears the Enochian Lamen and Ring. The Enochian Holy Table is used as the altar.
The Sigillum is placed in the center of the altar. The Book of the Law is placed on top of it, closed. The censor is placed to the east of the Sigillum, the chalice to the south, the dagger to the west (pointing west), and the salt and incense to the north. The lead ritualist bears the wand and passes it to the other participants as needed if they choose to take one of the parts in the ritual...

III. Intention

The Statement of Intent is read by the lead ritualist:
We, the members and guests of Leaping Laughter Lodge are gathered to celebrate the fall equinox and invoke the blessing of EDLPRNAA, the solar King of Air, that the Lodge as a whole and each of us in our particular orbit may accomplish during the upcoming season a portion of that great work which leads to true wisdom and perfect happiness.

The Greater Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram for the element of Air is performed. The Invoking Pentagram of Air is traced in yellow, the symbol of Air is traced in the center in purple, and the God name is EXARP (EX-arp) [ed note; my emphasis for the phonics of the flashcards?]. It is followed by the Sign of Air (Shu - 2=9).

The Greater Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram for the sign of Libra is performed. The Invoking Venus Hexagram is traced in emerald green, the symbol of Libra is traced in the center in bright red, and for the God name, ARARITA is followed by OIP TEAA PDOCE (o-IP TE-a-a pdo-KEH).

IV. Invocation

The First Angelic Call is read by the lead ritualist, in English followed by Angelic.

I reign over you, sayeth the God of Justice in power exalted above the firmaments of wrath: in whose hands the sun is as a sword, and the Moon as a through-thrusting fire: which measureth your garments in the midst of my vestures and trussed you together as the palms of my hands: Whose seats I garnished with the fire of gathering, and beautified your garments with admiration to whom I made a law to govern the holy ones and delivered you a rod with the ark of knowledge. Moreover, you lifted up your voices and swore obedience and faith to him that liveth and triumpheth whose beginning is not, nor end cannot be, which shineth as a flame in the midst of your palace and reigneth amongst you as the balance of righteousness and truth: Move therefore, and show yourselves, open the mysteries of your creation. Be frendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest.

[ed. note: another language]
Ol sonf vorsg, goho Iad balt lansh calz vonpho: sobra z-ol ror i ta Nazpsad Graa ta Malprg: Ds hol-q Qaa nothoa zimz Od commah ta nobloh zien: Soba thil gnonp prge aldi Od vrbs oboleh grsam Casarm ohorela caba pir Od zonrensg cab erm Iadnah. Pilah, farzm zurza adna Ds gono Iadpil Ds hom Od toh Soba Ipam, lu Ipamis, Ds loholo vep zomd Poamal Od bogpa aai ta piap piamo-i od vaoan: ZACARe c-a, od ZAMRAN Odo cicle Qaa. Zorge: Lap zirdo Noco MAD, Hoath Iaida. [another language]
The Second Angelic Call is read by everyone, in English only.
The Invocation of EDLPRNAA is read by the lead ritualist while all other participants stand in the Sign of Apophis and Typhon.

V. Bibliomancy
The Book of the Law is taken from from the altar and is passed deosil around the circle to each participant. When it returns, bibliomancy is performed for the upcoming season and the selected verse is read aloud.

VI. Closing
The Enochian License of Departure is read by the lead ritualist to the east.
Again, I am not certain, but I wonder if there is something of use here.
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Post by sparrow »

The equinox isn't the "ceremony" she refers to over and over (the one requiring fasting, exercises, etc.). Just sayin'.
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Thanks for making this a great place to share ideas!

Post by gogo »

I know the equinox is not "the" ceremony. However, it is not farfetched for ceremonies in any religion to have similar rituals, dress and or ideas. As I mentioned in my post under RELIGION, this could be helpful. Just saying.
Thanks for your helpful comment.
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Post by sparrow »

Ok, gotcha.
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