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HSA - [discussion] - Let's Meet Up/I'm Waiting

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:42 pm
by selena
In the "Physical Relief" vid Ms K says,
"Let's meet up in the way we do."
And the description says,
"Newton's third law of physics can tell us so much about structure and the nature of human beings. That is, if the human mind were only as easily defined and as organized as physics. (I'm waiting.)"
The "I'm waiting" thing caught my eye. It made me wonder if Ms K was finally ready to open up the class notebook again, and the coded message was for the password...

First line of attack: I tried the sequence of keys typed out in the vid as nearly as I could make them out. Strike one.

Second line of attack: She references Newton, and says the message is "coded, tricky, and delicious." (Newton + Delicious = Apple?) I tried apple in several case combinations, along with MacIntosh and Mac (computer reference?) but no go. I should have guessed it wouldn't be that easy.

Third line of attack: She speaks of defining the human mind. I looked around the school to see if any of the reading material she left has such a definition, but didn't see one. Lots of stuff on mind control however. (Plus the Alice/Cheshire Cat excerpt about losing one's mind.) I googled the definition of the mind and came up with a rather thorough definition... "Mind is the nonspatial extent located between the event where the properties of sensation end, and the event where the properties of feeling begin." (It makes more sense when you read the entire discussion here: ... _mind.html ) I'm still not sure it brings me any closer to a solution or understanding however.

Last desperate line of attack: I tried a whole bunch of other keywords having to do with how physics relates to mind, to no avail. And quite honestly my nonspatial-extent-located-between-two-events is going to leak out of my ears if I read another debate on quantum mechanics and parallel events. I seriously doubt I'm going in the right direction with this. Maybe it has nothing to do with the notebook after all.

Has anyone else had any thoughts? If not the class notebook, what would Ms K have meant by "I'm waiting"?

My brain hurts... I'm putting it on ice for a while. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:37 pm
by Luminous
Personally, I think her "I'm waiting" reference refers to this note I found whilst snooping around in her office.

I doubt the notebook is open yet, as Professor Boone is still on vacation:

I don't imagine class will resume until he returns. and if you snoop in his mail, it looks like he has some issues to work out first :shock:

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:06 pm
by janesalteredstates
Excuse me if I'm late to things, but have we discussed this?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:20 am
by selena
janesalteredstates wrote:Excuse me if I'm late to things, but have we discussed this?
It was mentioned that Ced had a new message ... but I don't think anyone has made any speculation as to who / which side it came from.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:51 pm
by sparkybennett
Selena that is really great detective work you are doing!
I don't think this is related to the notebook. I think Ms kelly would tell us if the notebook was open.

I think Ms kelly is secretly meeting with JH, her message "I'm waiting" was for him.
And I think he is J. Harding one of the lawyers for Tiko. i think this is #3 on her to do list to ruin Tiko.

Also the message to Cedric is from ms kelly, you can find the link on her To Do List titled "hmmm?"
He must be trying to play both sides , having done secret work for Tiko in the past and Ms Kelly is on to him. She knows he can't be trusted 100%, I think that is why she keeps him on staff, she can keep an eye on him.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:43 am
by Morgan
I agree in thinking J.H. is possibly one of the attorneys. Which made me think of Professor Boone and Ms Kelly's talk of having sensitive leverage about TiKO via those confidential letters scattered through-out the school...

Is this what we should be emailing the attorneys about? :shock:

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:40 am
by sparkybennett
Morgan wrote:Is this what we should be emailing the attorneys about? :shock:
I wish I Knew ! :smt090

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:43 am
by TheFatLady
I was assuming the video's coded message had to do with the password referred to at . But now it occurs to me that maybe this letter is old, has perhaps been around since long before I started paying attention (very recently). *Is* this letter old news? Can anyone tell me? And if it is, did you all figure out who Cedric was writing to about Rose, the "objectives," and so on?

One way or another, though, I do get the feeling that there's *something* that we, and not just J.H., need to figure out in that video. It's driving me completely bonkers.

And is anyone else royally ticked off that the forum took away HSA's dedicated section and lumped it in with everything else? I'm having the devil of a time locating all the HSA threads so I can catch up on what's happened up till now.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:28 am
by Luminous
TheFatLady wrote: And is anyone else royally ticked off that the forum took away HSA's dedicated section and lumped it in with everything else? I'm having the devil of a time locating all the HSA threads so I can catch up on what's happened up till now.

Yes! I completely agree with you. There is a thread in the concerns and complaints section regarding this and other ARGs. Anyone who shares this concern, please add your comment to this thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:46 am
by sparkybennett
TheFatLady wrote:I was assuming the video's coded message had to do with the password referred to at . But now it occurs to me that maybe this letter is old, has perhaps been around since long before I started paying attention (very recently). *Is* this letter old news? Can anyone tell me? And if it is, did you all figure out who Cedric was writing to about Rose, the "objectives," and so on?

One way or another, though, I do get the feeling that there's *something* that we, and not just J.H., need to figure out in that video. It's driving me completely bonkers.

And is anyone else royally ticked off that the forum took away HSA's dedicated section and lumped it in with everything else? I'm having the devil of a time locating all the HSA threads so I can catch up on what's happened up till now.

That letter is from Cedric to the students , he left it while Ms Kelly was being "held" by tiko and he was working on saving her.

From what I understand the objectives and the sage nine letters are Tiko documents that he was transporting for them, he placed copies around the school, keeping them as some sort of leverage against Tiko.
(if anyone has more info , or if I am wrong, please let me know!)

I also really miss the HSAO section. I realize it wasn't the most active, but the HSAers are a secretive and cautious group.
I Think it would be very difficult , if not impossible, for a newbie to catch up on the HSAO storyline now.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:30 am
by TheFatLady
sparkybennett wrote:
That letter is from Cedric to the students , he left it while Ms Kelly was being "held" by tiko and he was working on saving her.

Ah, thank you. Now I can stop spinning my wheels--on that particular letter, at least!