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Bree, the virgin
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:55 am
by c_anderson
The story seems to be moving toward a conflict between Bree's parents and her friend Daniel regarding her virginity. However, it didn't occur to me until today that unless the creators of LG15 are ready to face a tremendous legal battle, they cannot even suggest that an underage girl has had sexual intercourse.
Even though the Supreme Court has struck down the 1996 ban, few are willing to stand up for free speech.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:01 am
by stainofmind
I don't see why not. All the shows aimed at kids and teenagers are full of sex, what's different about this one?
Re: Bree, the virgin
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:17 pm
by Sfonzarelli
c_anderson wrote:they cannot even suggest that an underage girl has had sexual intercourse.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:35 pm
by Traegorn
Yeah, that confuses me too.
You can definitely do that in fiction... and since all the actors are over the age of 18, there aren't any legal issues at all.
...but I still don't think it will happen.

Re: Bree, the virgin
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:23 pm
by Xen
c_anderson wrote:However, it didn't occur to me until today that unless the creators of LG15 are ready to face a tremendous legal battle, they cannot even suggest that an underage girl has had sexual intercourse.
Underage girls certainly don't have sex. I have personally never seen pregnant sixth graders. I don't know what sort of lies the WB (or, I suppose, CW) has been feeding you.
And it is totally legal to portray through text underage people having sex, or else many publishing houses would go out of business and Lolita would never be read again. It is not always tasteful, but it is totally legal.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:11 pm
by c_anderson
To clarify, the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, which was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2002, made works like Romeo & Juliet illegal.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:18 pm
by Traegorn
The portions of the CDA of 1996 that limited free speech were overturned by the supreme court years ago.
There are no legal issues here.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:02 pm
by c_anderson
Traegorn wrote:The portions of the CDA of 1996 that limited free speech were overturned by the supreme court years ago.
There are no legal issues here.
Yeah, I was actually being a little sarcastic.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:33 pm
by sparklenvy
Sacrasm doesn't work really well over the net.
And actors who are underage can't do porn.
It's completely legal to have a plotline in which a minor has sex. It's pretty common actually.
Hello WB / UPN.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:05 pm
by curriguy
umm, I think your original post would have been more accurate if you wrote...
I THINK the story seems to be moving toward a conflict between Bree's parents and her friend Daniel regarding her virginity. AND IF I'M RIGHT...face a tremendous legal battle...etc etc
A lot of this is all purely speculation. You state it as fact. However, there's very very little in the movies that suggests her virginity is a factor.
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:22 pm
by actorderick
i am almost sure Bree wont have sex. she was already kinda freaked out by kissing.
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:31 pm
by sparklenvy
Agreed. Bree didn't really seem to like kissing Daniel. She might just be going along with this whole kinda-relationship cause he's her only friend and she's afraid to lose him if she turns him down.
Maybe she's got a crush on Cassie

Re: Bree, the virgin
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:47 pm
by xavria
Xen wrote:c_anderson wrote:However, it didn't occur to me until today that unless the creators of LG15 are ready to face a tremendous legal battle, they cannot even suggest that an underage girl has had sexual intercourse.
Underage girls certainly don't have sex. I have personally never seen pregnant sixth graders. I don't know what sort of lies the WB (or, I suppose, CW) has been feeding you.
And it is totally legal to portray through text underage people having sex, or else many publishing houses would go out of business and Lolita would never be read again. It is not always tasteful, but it is totally legal.
Actually, it is quite often in my area that sixth graders and up are getting pregnant. These are no lies as more and more girls are being influenced by their friends and boyfriends to have sexual intercourse at such a young age.
Re: Bree, the virgin
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:11 pm
by Xen
xavria wrote:Actually, it is quite often in my area that sixth graders and up are getting pregnant. These are no lies as more and more girls are being influenced by their friends and boyfriends to have sexual intercourse at such a young age.
Um... yes. That was my sarcasm. I have taught in middle schools and they are far more sexual than I am even now. It is horrifying.
But, to bring it back to topic, would be completely legal to discuss and portray artistically. Just, you know, not graphically. No one needs that.
I hope.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:32 pm
by jill2009
Well, Daniel having sex with Bree would be statutory rape.