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Another issue, that has been beaten to death
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:58 am
by Killthesmiley
chixor1 wrote:Killthesmiley wrote:I think the issues with the IRC was the fact that a small portion of the regular members felt like the needed a private, passowrd protected chat. It kind of enforces the distaste that a lot of us have. Only a select few are allowed to go, so its a problem, as obviously the on goings of puzzle solving weren't kept in the two designated places that some of these few members clearly enforced. They were spread out all over, into places that not everyone can participate in.
Agreed absolutely.
As I have expressed a few times the idea of creating a group of "elite" players whether the players deemed themselves that, or the nature of the game did, is a big mistake.
The point of the game is for everyone to work together to solve the puzzles and get the next clues.
Granted some of it is limited in regards to drops etc, but we should be excited for those who are lucky enough to be in a drop location and support them completely.
However by shunning players because they are not part of the "in"crowd does not help the game, it stops people playing who were genuinly interested in playing the game, and reduces the number of people working on puzzles.
That person who was told to get lost for whatever reason may just be the one person who has the knowledge or tools or just brainstorms enough to crack that code.
Instead the game resorts to bartering for solves because not everyone is playing.
I wanted to quote this, as I think a lot of people have felt this way for a while, but we jsut didn't know if it was really validated, until now.
With the information that we have, we discover not only was there a group who seemily didn't like to share game play, but felt that they had to go to the extend of creating a private, secret, password protected chat room that only a select few knew about.
I'm not choosing to use the word elitist, for many reason. But I would like to say, in an ARG, this is highly unacceptable. And I know, many of you agree.
We have discussed the issues behind a certain group of people a long time, and now we finally have information that solidfies our problems.
I just want comments on feelings that some of us players might feel. Some of us players feel like we're outsiders, when we shouldn't feel that way. It's insulting to us, and to the creators.
Re: Another issue, that has been beaten to death
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:06 am
by itsreallyreal
Killthesmiley wrote: Some of us players feel like we're outsiders, when we shouldn't feel that way. It's insulting to us, and to the creators.
I would say the MAJORITY of players felt this and that is what I would say should be avoided first and foremoast...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:14 am
by surrealisticpill
For what it's worth to you, Glenn condemned the 'elitist' attitude and discouraged us from doing this.
We had our reasons for having a private chat, and it wasn't so that we could solve things in secret. The private chat consisted of a group of veteran players who had become close friends since the beginning of OpAphid. We didn't want to pollute #operationaphid with our off-topic chat, and we also wanted a place where we could talk about personal matters in a private setting. I can understand if you feel hurt, but all that went on in there was off-topic chatter. Whenever there was something important going on, we'd work it out in the main chat.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:16 am
by chixor1
surrealisticpill wrote:For what it's worth to you, Glenn condemned the 'elitist' attitude and discouraged us from doing this.
At least you admitted that it went on.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:18 am
by itsreallyreal
surrealisticpill wrote:For what it's worth to you, Glenn condemned the 'elitist' attitude and discouraged us from doing this.
We had our reasons for having a private chat, and it wasn't so that we could solve things in secret. The private chat consisted of a group of veteran players who had become close friends since the beginning of OpAphid. We didn't want to pollute #operationaphid with our off-topic chat, and we also wanted a place where we could talk about personal matters in a private setting. I can understand if you feel hurt, but all that went on in there was off-topic chatter. Whenever there was something important going on, we'd work it out in the main chat.
Well.. It's clear that your guys' group had decided they were better than the rest of us.. All wer're asking is that we all be givin afare shake and that we have the chance to be "cool" too...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:23 am
by Killthesmiley
surrealisticpill wrote:For what it's worth to you, Glenn condemned the 'elitist' attitude and discouraged us from doing this.
We had our reasons for having a private chat, and it wasn't so that we could solve things in secret. The private chat consisted of a group of veteran players who had become close friends since the beginning of OpAphid. We didn't want to pollute #operationaphid with our off-topic chat, and we also wanted a place where we could talk about personal matters in a private setting. I can understand if you feel hurt, but all that went on in there was off-topic chatter. Whenever there was something important going on, we'd work it out in the main chat.
it's not that our feelings are hurt, it's the fact that obviously, some puzzle solving went on there. Because, i was there in the IRC the whole daniel/tachyon puzzle and that conversation that sphinx posted, didn't happen in the IRC. I understand that you created the private chat for off topic banter, but as a member of the IRC i see the off topic banter all the time. And it's not that hard to use a instant messaging program to have a chat room. Most IM programs have the option for group chats.
It's the fact that a rule was broken, and people were well aware that they were breaking a rule. But just didn't care how it could possibly effect the game as a whole.
This stuff was all going to be found out, whether two months ago, yesterday or two months later. It doesn't matter. This stuff was all going to be outted, and people would feel the same way they do now.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:26 am
by Jamidru
I observe the Op threads often. Never able to really get my foot in the door. I was somewhat able to follow the puzzles that had been solved, but never exactly how. I would then often become frustrated and then simply avoid the threads, only to realize there was info I was missing out on. Keeping up with events was more difficult then I would have liked because I would become discouraged each time I began to feel that only ten or so people knew exactly what was going on. (I do want to say that some where very nice about answering questions and trying to involve me.)
I realize there was an IRC chat I never visited, and that due to this I did miss out on a lot. I am not shocked to learn of another private chat where puzzles were discussed privately. I always felt like an outsider and was not alone in this, I can see where intrigue was able to develop amongst intense ARGers.
However I am amazed how much every one is continuing to be treated like outsiders. Dirty laundry is being aired semi publicly. Accusation are being made as well as claims to posses evidence. Yet we are not only being denied this evidence (somewhat understandable) We are also being denied a simple outline of what occurred.
I may not have a personal investment in the Op ARG, I do, however in some of the players. I had developed a relationship with several of them, now they are not only disappearing (as is the nature of a forum) They are leaving hurt and upset.
I hope that everything is handled professionally. That when the facts are known, we will get some explanation, even a simple one.
And That When/ IF the ARG returns, it will be more accessible to all.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:32 am
by chicky88
Jamidru wrote:I observe the Op threads often. Never able to really get my foot in the door.
Joining IRC wouldn't have gotten your foot any further in the door. I tried several times. The "vets" weren't welcoming to newcomers in IRC either. So I find it funny that now they're all griping about an "exclusive" private chat. It seems not only were they too good for the rest of us but also too good for each other.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:42 am
by surrealisticpill
itsreallyreal wrote:
Well.. It's clear that your guys' group had decided they were better than the rest of us.. All wer're asking is that we all be givin afare shake and that we have the chance to be "cool" too...

We didn't decide we were better than anyone. We decided to spare everyone in the main chat the personal details of our lives.... like "OMG they're turning the water off in my apartment for the whole weekend" and "I drank too much apple juice".
IRR, I've never seen you in #operationaphid, so that's why you've never been given a shot at joining the "cool" (as you put it) group. Anyone in #operationaphid is up for consideration for an invite. Some new players have been included.
And it's not just our one room anymore. Plenty of other people from #operationaphid have branched off and formed their own private chats for off-topic conversation. This is entirely encouraged. It's best to keep the ARG chat on topic.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:01 am
by horcruxes
surrealisticpill wrote:And it's not just our one room anymore. Plenty of other people from #operationaphid have branched off and formed their own private chats for off-topic conversation. This is entirely encouraged. It's best to keep the ARG chat on topic.
this was going to be my point. thanks pill for stealing it
there are other rooms that have been created, private rooms some that are invite-only, by other members not part of the so-called "elite" group of veterans you guys always speak of.
its chatting with like minded people that you've spent the past 5 months getting to know.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:02 am
by chixor1
The problem is when these private rooms are used for solving puzzles and the information is not being shared with other players.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:03 am
by itsreallyreal
The complaint is that people had to go online to IRC to be a "PART" of quite a few portions of the game,... And frankly... for the most part didn;t feel welcome and/or didn;t want to use the IRC...
I have no problem with people being on an IRC and saying Whatever the hell they want... It's when the game itself is being played out there...
No thanks... I would rather not be "cool"...

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:06 am
by surrealisticpill
Killthesmiley wrote:
it's not that our feelings are hurt, it's the fact that obviously, some puzzle solving went on there. Because, i was there in the IRC the whole daniel/tachyon puzzle and that conversation that sphinx posted, didn't happen in the IRC.
First of all, it DID happen in the IRC, just in our private room LOL. The only reason it got solved there was because I repeatedly told you guys the hint in the main chat and no one listened. Later that day, Minty and I were like "lets solve this thing" in the main chat. No one chimed in. Everyone was rambling off topic. So we had to move it to the private room to get the work done.
I understand that you created the private chat for off topic banter, but as a member of the IRC i see the off topic banter all the time. And it's not that hard to use a instant messaging program to have a chat room. Most IM programs have the option for group chats.
so now you are dictating which programs we're allowed to use to talk to one another?! Pfft.
It's the fact that a rule was broken, and people were well aware that they were breaking a rule. But just didn't care how it could possibly effect the game as a whole.
yes, i was given a hint (and not a very big hint), as well as a couple of other people I believe. The reason I was given this hint was to share it with all of you. Which I did, immediately, in the forums and in the main chat. look in the forums and the chat logs and you'll see that i am telling the truth.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:10 am
by chixor1
surrealisticpill wrote:
yes, i was given a hint (and not a very big hint), as well as a couple of other people I believe. The reason I was given this hint was to share it with all of you. Which I did, immediately, in the forums and in the main chat. look in the forums and the chat logs and you'll see that i am telling the truth.
The main problem with this whole situation is that hints were given.
Now dont get me wrong PM's sometimes have to give hints, but they are not supposed to say "hey im the PM you guys suck, heres a clue to help you out"
Thats detriment to the game.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:15 am
by surrealisticpill
chixor1 wrote:surrealisticpill wrote:
yes, i was given a hint (and not a very big hint), as well as a couple of other people I believe. The reason I was given this hint was to share it with all of you. Which I did, immediately, in the forums and in the main chat. look in the forums and the chat logs and you'll see that i am telling the truth.
The main problem with this whole situation is that hints were given.
Now dont get me wrong PM's sometimes have to give hints, but they are not supposed to say "hey im the PM you guys suck, heres a clue to help you out"
Thats detriment to the game.
I was given a hint because I had emailed Tachyon and asked her for one. Anyone could have done this and gotten a repsonse.