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Act Your Age

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:48 pm
by pariah164
How old IS Jonas? However old he is, he needs to GROW UP.

Repeating what I said in vid comments:

Jonas, give the kid a break. She’s 15 and her life is so messed up she doesn’t know what to do. Yeah, she made a mistake, but we ALL make mistakes. I probably would have reacted almsot the same way she did. Save for the tying up…

So yeah, be angry if you want, but it’s better to GET OVER IT already. And if you’re going to stay mad, stop being so bloody immature about it.

That being out of my system, let's talk plot. What all is in that document Jonas got from the attic or whatnot? I stopped watching the vid midway because of his behaviour. He was acting like a 5 year old and it pissed me off.

Anyways, thoughts, please?

Re: Act Your Age

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:55 pm
by jeezy
pariah164 wrote:How old IS Jonas? However old he is, he needs to GROW UP.

Repeating what I said in vid comments:

Jonas, give the kid a break. She’s 15 and her life is so messed up she doesn’t know what to do. Yeah, she made a mistake, but we ALL make mistakes. I probably would have reacted almsot the same way she did. Save for the tying up…

So yeah, be angry if you want, but it’s better to GET OVER IT already. And if you’re going to stay mad, stop being so bloody immature about it.

That being out of my system, let's talk plot. What all is in that document Jonas got from the attic or whatnot? I stopped watching the vid midway because of his behaviour. He was acting like a 5 year old and it pissed me off.

Anyways, thoughts, please?
Ummm... I think for someone to stay mad this long... it would've taken something more... like how did Bree tie Jonas up? She can't overpower him... so my guess is that she seduced him and that's why his so mad...

Your thoughts?

Re: Act Your Age

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:59 pm
by pariah164
jeezy wrote:Ummm... I think for someone to stay mad this long... it would've taken something more... like how did Bree tie Jonas up? She can't overpower him... so my guess is that she seduced him and that's why his so mad...

Your thoughts?
LOL That's a new theory. I dunno if Bree could seduce him. DANIEL though...

I'm kidding, of course.

Seriously speaking, I think maybe they asked him to sit down and then sprung the ropes on him. That's the only scenario I can think of where he would get so pissed. Daniel did help; he had to hold him down or restrain him.

So why did he forgive Daniel so easily and not Bree? Maybe because Daniel showed remorse faster? I don't know, but I still think he needs to step into her position, mentally, for a few moments. How would he act if he was in her position? I know I'd act almost the same way.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:00 am
by heyiknowsyou
About their ages, Bree is actually 17 ( ... title=Bree ). And Jonas is 19 ( ... itle=Jonas).

But thats not to say they're not immature at times. I sort of agree with you about Jonas... I think maybe they're having him act like this so some of the girls aren't all, "JONAS MARRY ME!!" (even though my secret wish is that i have his babies, like all the other girls, :wink: haha) He was extremely annoying in "On the Road Again." So annoying in parts, that it was funny.

And about Bree... Well, i think she has a little more leeway on being annoying (since she is a tad sheltered and is dealing with things) but that has no explination on her complete psychotic--"TIE HIM NOW HE IS EVIL SCUM!!" thing. *shrug*

As teens we are all prone to explosive feelings.

i'm just waiting for him to break down and admit he's bree's brother. *whistful sigh*

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:13 am
by freakish
maybe because jonas gave bree everything...and in exchange she tied him up and called him evil..thats semi unforgivable..

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:26 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I think it's pretty hilarious. He's acting like an 8-year-old.
Maybe it's just character development. Jonas is supposed to be socially awkward. He isn't supposed to know the teenager versions of "omg, is that a mosquito?" (lmfao i love it)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:28 am
by Widdershin
I think he is acting appropriately for a nineteen year old. I think he's controlling himself because her dad died and she hasn't had it easy.

I'd hold onto something like this for at least a week- if not a month.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:35 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Yeah. I'm the same age as these kids and didn't think anything seemed unnatural. Teenagers have several ways of coping. The typical ones include: acting nice to their face and saying mean things behind their back; the cold shoulder; making an obvious effort to make them feel stupid and left out; guilting them into apologizing; hitting on their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Evidently, Jonas chose to 'make an obvious effort to make Bree feel stupid and left out'. Which is probably one of the more mature ways for a teenager to handle things.

Also, to add that Bree has been through a lot, he is probably being mature by not directly attacking Bree. Which is also typical behavior for kids my age. He hasn't approached her or initiated an argument, nor has he attacked her with personal insults like "conceited slut" or "fat ugly retard" as many nineteen-year-olds would. Instead, he has just ignored her, unless she approached him.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:58 am
by longlostposter
Widdershin wrote:I think he is acting appropriately for a nineteen year old. I think he's controlling himself because her dad died and she hasn't had it easy.

I'd hold onto something like this for at least a week- if not a month.
I agree with this.

If I were Jonas (assuming Jonas isn't in the Order), I would have washed my hands of her. The fact that he's still taking care of her is a sign of maturity in and of itself. Considering what she did, it would be hard for me to be around her, hear her voice, etc, without wanting to explode. She needs to stay out of his way for a while, and give him some time and space to get over his justifiable anger.

Additionally, there is the possibility that Jonas may be doing this intentionally. Let's face it...we all know Bree is wrapped up in herself most of the time, and is not the greatest empathisizer in the world. I think Jonas may feel that he has to overdramatise this to get it across to Bree how awful what she did was, and that it won't be forgiven the second time. He may be trying to get across to her the enormity of her offense, and that things like tying someone up for days (did he get fed?) aren't forgiven quickly, even if a sincere apology is offered.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:52 am
by Sami
freakish wrote:maybe because jonas gave bree everything...and in exchange she tied him up and called him evil..thats semi unforgivable..
That's a good point. It was unforgivable. I wonder if their friendship will ever be the same. He has the right to act that way. He is being childish, but it's pretty funny.

"Daniels imaginary friends went to get an imageinary coffee" :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:19 am
by RoseCrowley
Bree needs to act her age, not her shoe size...."im sorry, ok so forgive me". Yeah that sounds really genuwine....we need a more like i was wrong to judge you, i should of trusted you, it wont happen again, is there anything i can do to make it right....

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:19 am
by Nessi
I dont think Jonas is acting too unnatural. I mean in the Interrogation video you could really see how mad he really was.. it was almost scary. He has a right to be pissed, he was tied up and everything and he knows it was Bree's idea behind it. I'm sure he felt very hurt from it as well.
And although maybe he is acting a bit immature about it, he didnt exactly leave her behind when she got her coffee or try to harm her in any way. and we already see "progress". =) I think the whole thing could've gone worse~

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:19 pm
by exanimatebylove
She's 17, not 15. Although she acts that way at times. I think if anyone is acting immature, it's Bree. "I'm sorry, Gosh, what else do you want me to say." "Okay, I'm sorry Jonas, Forgive me" That's NOT how you say I'm sorry.

Jonas is dealing the way I think any normal person his age would. Think of what she did to him. I would have left Bree their and pointed her out to the Order. It's pretty mature of him to be there for her after all that cause most people wouldn't give a anymore after somethin like that.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:05 pm
by jeezy
I have said this a lot... I don't think we will see the make up part on camera... just because it would be more sincere if there is not a camera there... when they do make up, all we will see is the part right after where they say... "we talked things through and we are all better now."

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:51 pm
by longlostposter
jeezy wrote:I have said this a lot... I don't think we will see the make up part on camera... just because it would be more sincere if there is not a camera there... when they do make up, all we will see is the part right after where they say... "we talked things through and we are all better now."
Agreed. It sucks it's like that, but agreed.