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[Discussion] CassieisSilent

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:29 pm
by Opladybug

Re: CassieisSilent

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:22 am
by sparrow
Opladybug wrote:Looks like we have a new Cassie.

Is *everyone* a Cassie now?

i was here

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:33 am
by subterfuge
68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 70 72 79 6e 63 33 73 73 33 36 2e 6c 69 76 65 6a 6f 75 72 6e 61 6c 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 38 31 37 2e 68 74 6d 6c

is hex for:

which leads to a website with username "prync3ss36".

The title says "BACK MI", which is likely IM BACK rearranged.

There is a block of numbers:

50 48 32 52 49 32 50 48 32 55 51 32 55 52 32 54 102 32 55 50 32 55 57 32 50 48 32 54 57 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 102 32 54 99 32 54 52 32 50 48 32 54 100 32 55 53 32 54 51 32 54 56 32 50 48 32 54 50 32 55 57 32 50 48 32 55 51 32 54 57 32 54 99 32 54 53 32 54 101 32 54 51 32 54 53 32 50 99 32 50 48 32 55 55 32 54 49 32 55 52 32 54 53 32 55 50 32 50 48 32 54 100 32 54 102 32 55 54 32 54 53 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 54 49 32 54 99 32 54 99 32 50 48 32 54 57 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 55 49 32 55 53 32 54 57 32 55 52 32 54 53 32 50 101 32 48 100 32 48 97 32 52 49 32 50 48 32 54 55 32 54 57 32 55 50 32 54 99 32 50 48 32 54 57 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 54 100 32 54 102 32 55 54 32 54 57 32 54 101 32 54 55 32 50 48 32 54 57 32 54 101 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 56 32 54 53 32 50 48 32 54 54 32 54 102 32 54 55 32 50 99 32 50 48 32 55 51 32 54 56 32 54 53 32 50 48 32 54 57 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 54 99 32 54 102 32 54 102 32 54 98 32 54 57 32 54 101 32 54 55 32 50 48 32 54 54 32 54 102 32 55 50 32 50 48 32 54 56 32 54 53 32 55 50 32 50 48 32 54 52 32 54 102 32 54 55 32 50 101 32 48 100 32 48 97 32 52 54 32 55 50 32 54 49 32 54 101 32 54 98 32 50 48 32 54 56 32 54 49 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 54 52 32 54 57 32 54 53 32 54 52 32 50 99 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 56 32 54 53 32 55 57 32 50 48 32 54 49 32 54 99 32 54 99 32 50 48 32 54 51 32 55 50 32 54 57 32 54 53 32 54 52 32 50 101 32 50 48 32 52 51 32 54 49 32 55 51 32 55 51 32 54 57 32 54 53 32 50 55 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 52 50 32 54 49 32 54 51 32 54 98 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 102 32 50 48 32 55 57 32 54 102 32 55 53 32 55 50 32 50 48 32 55 51 32 55 53 32 55 50 32 55 48 32 55 50 32 54 57 32 55 51 32 54 53 32 50 101 32 48 100 32 48 97 32 52 97 32 54 102 32 54 101 32 54 49 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 53 32 54 99 32 54 99 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 54 99 32 54 57 32 54 53 32 55 51 32 50 101 32 50 48 32 53 55 32 54 102 32 54 101 32 54 52 32 54 53 32 55 50 32 50 48 32 55 55 32 54 56 32 54 102 32 50 48 32 54 56 32 54 53 32 50 48 32 55 55 32 54 53 32 54 101 32 55 52 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 102 32 50 48 32 55 51 32 54 53 32 54 53 32 50 99 32 50 48 32 54 57 32 55 52 32 55 51 32 50 48 32 54 99 32 54 57 32 55 52 32 55 52 32 54 99 32 54 53 32 50 48 32 54 102 32 54 99 32 54 52 32 50 48 32 54 100 32 54 53 32 50 48 32 54 50 32 55 57 32 50 48 32 55 52 32 54 56 32 54 53 32 50 48 32 54 50 32 54 99 32 54 49 32 54 51 32 54 98 32 50 48 32 55 51 32 54 53 32 54 49 32 50 101

Decode from decimal --> text you get hex.
Decode from hex --> text, you get the following poem.

A story is told much by silence, water moves all is quite.
A girl is moving in the fog, she is looking for her dog.
Frank has died, they all cried. Cassie's Back to your surprise.
Jonas tells lies. Wonder who he went to see, its little old me by the black sea.

Also, as a side note. The childrens "merry-go-round" in the video looks suspiciously like the one at the playground at La Cienega Park.

That's all for now.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:14 am
by jobee13
lol @ YouTube for cutting off the "I was here" :lol:

EDIT: Also "Country: South Africa " :lol:

But I guess it makes sense if she also says "Every life has a purpose.... Mine is to Hide..."

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:07 am
by iamcool
no she can't be cassie, because I am cassie!!!!!

is it just me who is getting tired of these cassie's? lol

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:57 am
by Sami
Gah.. I'm not starting to watch another not-canon-cassie

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:11 am
by Sheikh Gomelez
iamcool wrote:no she can't be cassie, because I am cassie!!!!!

is it just me who is getting tired of these cassie's? lol
I believe it was Thomas Malthus who once said, "Mo Cassies, Mo Problems."

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:21 am
by Unadrieniel
i still find it pretty entertaining. she has a new vid up btw

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:54 am
by jobee13
Message on Cassieiswatchings comments page of profile

"I'm back, Frank's dead. He was murdered on the bed.
I'm by the church, no one sees. I am silent as can be.
return the truth that can not leave. For I am here and always been.


EDIT: And also on Revelation 3 video comments

"I'm still there, No one sees! I'm like a flower crushed with leafs! High in the sky I'll never reach! I'm BACK!!


Ugh...she means leaves :roll:

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:03 am
by chershaytoute
iamcool wrote:no she can't be cassie, because I am cassie!!!!!

is it just me who is getting tired of these cassie's? lol

Josh, you can't be cassie, cuz youamcool... ;)

But, jimeny! All these cassies are turning my head into its very own version of spin art, methinks...! <shudder>

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:33 am
by Killthesmiley
in all honesty, i don't udnerstand why people can't take the hint.
A lot of us are sick of the infinate cassies that keep showing up. I swear there is at least two new cassies every freakin' week now.

Creators if your smart, you'd put a stop to this insanity and have Cassie make an appearance and become a character...and soon. and quick!

It's a faux-pas of the fanfics.

(sorry if this upsets or offends anyone....but I'm truely frustrated.)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:36 am
by CassieIsSilent
I am Cassie! The One And Only. The posers Killed My Name.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:53 am
by Sheikh Gomelez
CassieIsSilent wrote:I am Cassie! The One And Only. The posers Killed My Name.
The SheikhBot wrote:CassieAin'tSilent. CassieIsTalkative!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:54 am
by CassieIsSilent
I shall not speak, Unless my name is spoken off.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:55 am
by Sheikh Gomelez
CassieIsSilent wrote:I shall not speak, Unless my name is spoken off.
Spoken off of what? :shock:
