Lurker wrote:autumneternal wrote:Lurker wrote:She's very good, and is always one step ahead of everyone.
If she was one step ahead of everyone, I doubt she would have put herself in a position where she could be identified by one of the Order's own. She chided Brother for doing so with Gemma, I don't think Tachyon would be so careless.
That's why I find it incredibly hard to believe that Jonas is a part of the Order. Tachyon
is always one step ahead.
Probably as good an argument as I've seen for why Jonas may be innocent in all this, actually.
Before I was 100% Jonas is bad, but that's a really good argument. However:
12 Reasons Why Jonas is Bad
1. That symbol is suspicious. Very very suspicious.
2. Why didn't Lucy catch him in the Human Ransom video? She was too close -- she should have caught him, if he were good.
3. Doesn't the whole "Watch This!" video make more sense if Jonas is bad? The whole thing looked staged, no one was really hurt, Jonas could easily have just been making a show.
4. He always seemed to underestimate the Order. "I mean, they're bad, right? After what they did to her Dad?" And he hestitated in "The Unthinkable Happened": because he didn't know what the Order wanted him to do?
5. He was too convenient. Way too convenient.
6. He was always trying to get Bree to open up.
7. He encouraged Daniel to get out of the house, go to Pins and Pints, and leave Bree. And get kidnapped.
8. He made a big show of taking a risk to look at the cowboy's van, but he never even though to look in the house.
9. In "Storm the Castle" he wants Bree to talk to him, tell him her plan, plan, and just "Storm the Castle." He wants to undermine a plan she may have and make a plan on his own terms.
10. He seemed very confused in "The Human Ransom." It didn't seem like he knew of the plan beforehand. Could Tachyon have warned Bree to keep it secret even from Jonas?
11. He used his cell phone. Not only was that stupid, but who did a friendless, childless parent have to call? Calling ahead??? To whom??? The Order, that's whom!
12. Lastly, Gemma wasn't always consistant, remember? A lot of her advice was quirky and bad (for Bree), but some of it baffles us: it just doesn't make sense if she wanted to help the Order. So Jonas=bad may not be totally consistant.
Even so, Tachyon sniffed Gemma out...
I'm still open to the "Jonas is with the Order, but he doesn't really believe in it/isn't as bad as the others/still likes Bree/Daniel a lot, so isn't totally bad. But I'm leaning towards bad. I'm sure we'll see his disposition in the next video, and that will be a huge clue to this.
EDIT: Reason number 13: Bree said that she asked a lot of questions, presumably to Jonas, and if that's so, then she probably got some answers back that proved her points. She is SO sure.