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Symbols in Tachyon's file
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:32 am
by Sephern
(From left-right, top-bottom.) Tau, Omicron, ?, Sigma, Aurum (with three lines under it. Well,'s the alchemic symbol but was the symbol of Helios, the greek sun god.), and Aurum with two lines under it. Any takers on cracking the code? Can someone find the thing beside Sigma and crack the code of the symbols? Probably spells a word...Since the beginning letters may change for Aurum, I'll say what I have so far is To?s?? (or To?s????).
Re: Symbols in Tachyon's file
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:24 am
by longlostposter
Sephern wrote:(From left-right, top-bottom.) Tau, Omicron, ?, Sigma, Aurum (with three lines under it. Well,'s the alchemic symbol but was the symbol of Helios, the greek sun god.), and Aurum with two lines under it. Any takers on cracking the code? Can someone find the thing beside Sigma and crack the code of the symbols? Probably spells a word...Since the beginning letters may change for Aurum, I'll say what I have so far is To?s?? (or To?s????).
<reverts to drooling child-like state>

Re: Symbols in Tachyon's file
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:28 am
by Claireh
Sephern wrote:(From left-right, top-bottom.) Tau, Omicron, ?, Sigma, Aurum (with three lines under it. Well,'s the alchemic symbol but was the symbol of Helios, the greek sun god.), and Aurum with two lines under it. Any takers on cracking the code? Can someone find the thing beside Sigma and crack the code of the symbols? Probably spells a word...Since the beginning letters may change for Aurum, I'll say what I have so far is To?s?? (or To?s????).
I dont know if this is any help but I decided to look up the Greek alphabet and found this
Tau Omicron Sigma Aurum
t o s
I couldn't find Aurum. ... habet.html
Re: Symbols in Tachyon's file
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:01 pm
by sororyzbl
It's not a letter. it's the latin word for gold.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:22 pm
by longlostposter
It really is weird how gold and yellow keep showing up everywhere. It could mean something...but then again, it could be the PM making us chase our tails again.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:30 am
by Kasdeja
I noticed the background texture...and wonder if there's anything to it. Unfortunately I'm unable to make screen captures on this computer, though. Can anyone capture those shots of the tach file and post them here? It's research time, people.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:17 am
by Ziola
Oh my, you should all look in the Parallax section of OpAphid. There are clear screen shots as well as enlarged ones with "hidden" pictures pointed out. I know the threads are long, but it shouldn't take too long to wade through it all.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:29 am
by Kasdeja
Yeah...I did after being in this thread.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:13 am
by FyodorReader
ok i know this doesnt fit... but i cant find the answers anywhere in the forum... did anyone decode the recent yt notes on tachyons account
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:35 am
by trainer101
Hi FyodorReader!
You can find the whole puzzle and step by step decoding of it

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:32 am
by Sephern
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:50 pm
by giddeanx
Left to Right
Top to Bottom
Symbol (greek numeric position, translated letter, position equivilant in our alphabet)
Tau (19th position, T, S) Omnicron [Phi would have a bottom cross] (15, O, O)
Gamma [reversed looks like phonecian gamma(gimel)] (3, G, C) Sigma (18, S,R)
Theta (8, Th, H) Mu (12, M, L)
Theta (8, Th, H) ? [Pi (16, P, P) , Eta (7, E or I, G), Nu (13, N, M)]
Just spitting it all out there.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:03 am
by irenedirks
well wasn't the symbol in the file made by Tachyon??
so maybe she knew these symbols would come up somewhere soon
maybe the other one can be found as well??
too bad she didn't say what they mean!!
oh and don't most of these symbols also have a numeric meaning
like pi is 3.14
maybe all these numbers could lead up to something as well
maybe in hex
or maybe another phonenumber
or an internet adress????????
(wrote this somewhere before but it suits better in this thread)
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:19 am
by kiyoshi
longlostposter wrote:It really is weird how gold and yellow keep showing up everywhere. It could mean something...but then again, it could be the PM making us chase our tails again.
Golden is a warm color that can both provide not only a bright and cheerful feeling but also a somber, traditional, and religious aura.
It's religious! 
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:27 am
by Kasdeja
irenedirks wrote:well wasn't the symbol in the file made by Tachyon??
so maybe she knew these symbols would come up somewhere soon
maybe the other one can be found as well??
too bad she didn't say what they mean!!
oh and don't most of these symbols also have a numeric meaning
like pi is 3.14
maybe all these numbers could lead up to something as well
maybe in hex
or maybe another phonenumber
or an internet adress????????
(wrote this somewhere before but it suits better in this thread)
We have to assume it is part of the information she stole from Op, not that she made it. Especially if you visit the Parallax and see correspondence from Tach relating to the issue.