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Theories on the new video

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:22 pm
by Christie91
Ok firstly, "La Brea Avenue, Hollywood" This is similar to Bree's name so maybe this is hinting something?

Also, I'm curious to know whether Bree knew this was going to happen all along? As she whispers something in Daniels ear, perhap she was telling him that Tachy was going to rescue her? Bree doesn't seem to trust Jonas at first but she has no problem trusting a complete stranger in these circumstances?

Also, "For a girl who scored 112 the last time she went bowling thats an impressive shot" hmm I'm confused here any suggestions?

I dno if a thread has been opened about this video but ye. I'm curious to know your suggestions

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:30 pm
by cup o' noodles
Tachyon is the girl who scored 112. It says so in the description for "Knock 'Em Down." :D

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:37 pm
by Sami
Maybe Bree whispered something like 'Don't worry, there is a plan'. On the other side, the watchers where pretty close, so they could've heard what she said, so maybe it was something random like 'I'm sorry' 'So glad to see you' or maybe... 'I love you' :D

Re: Theories on the new video

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:39 pm
by Flautapantera
Christie91 wrote:Ok firstly, "La Brea Avenue, Hollywood" This is similar to Bree's name so maybe this is hinting something?
I guess the name usage could be a possible thought thrown in there but I think the general concensus is that the name indicates location. ShardinsKitten added this insight to the Vid thread: "earlier in the video it shows a sign that says: la brea, hollywood. that street has a somewhat famous tourist attraction; the la brea tar pits where you can see remains of animals that have been caught in the tar. furthermore the street name "la brea" actually means 'the oil.' also i think the building they're supposed to be in is located somewhere in Downtown Los Angeles. it looks really familiar... "
Christie91 wrote:Also, "For a girl who scored 112 the last time she went bowling thats an impressive shot" hmm I'm confused here any suggestions?
Have you watched any of the Tachyon/Brother videos, Christie? I'd suggest starting there as it should clear up a little of the fuzzy logic. There is a Tachyon video entitled "Knock 'Em Down" where the bowling score of 112 is related. If you're still perplexed about OpAphid, I'd suggest checking out either the OpAphid area of the Forum for some great summaries of the plot and how it meshes with LG15 thus far, or AphidPedia - where you can find transcripts, puzzles and answers, etc.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:13 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
Good call, FP! The AphidPedia is an excellent resource!

I am familiar with the bowling score clue. It was used to solve a message from Tachyon to Brother. It was a test of a code she was using.

Re: Theories on the new video

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:42 pm
by Joel
Christie91 wrote: Also, I'm curious to know whether Bree knew this was going to happen all along? As she whispers something in Daniels ear, perhap she was telling him that Tachy was going to rescue her? Bree doesn't seem to trust Jonas at first but she has no problem trusting a complete stranger in these circumstances?

Also, "For a girl who scored 112 the last time she went bowling thats an impressive shot" hmm I'm confused here any suggestions?

If you listen at the end an interesting conversation
Jonas: "are you sure we can trust this guy, i mean he's not like really brother.. is he?"

Bree: "if she says we can trust him, we can trust him"

ending with them all just shouting go go hurry up etc.

This is definitely my favourite of all the series, it had the most movement i think, and while i don't fully understand everything about these new characters, I think them finally crossing over is magnificent :D

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:00 pm
by mcorneli
Jonas: "are you sure we can trust this guy, i mean he's not like really brother.. is he?"

That was such an odd comment for him to make I think. Like he knew more about Brother than he's let on.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:32 pm
by Magesa
mcorneli wrote:Jonas: "are you sure we can trust this guy, i mean he's not like really brother.. is he?"

That was such an odd comment for him to make I think. Like he knew more about Brother than he's let on.
Yes, recently the characters have really starting mentioning OpAphid, Brother, and Tachyon... I think these characters are more important, and that are trio of heroes are smarter than they let on (also, they wouldn't post everything up here, would they? They know the Order watches their videos.)

We don't even know what Bree is diong anymore! But that's what makes it so EXCITING!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:02 pm
by colbertnationgirl
mcorneli wrote:Jonas: "are you sure we can trust this guy, i mean he's not like really brother.. is he?"

That was such an odd comment for him to make I think. Like he knew more about Brother than he's let on.
reminds me of the unthinkable happened when jonas kept asking if it was really bree's dad...

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:04 pm
by chevyfudd
I am also glad that the characters have crossed paths, gives it a great twist.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:45 pm
by Nessi
definitely a great twist =) I really hope more videos like this pop up <3

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:36 pm
by Krielok
Also, where was Cassie during all of this?

I just figured Brother was flying the helicopter...

Wonder when Gemma will come back. I do miss her. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:51 pm
by Isabella
Gemma... :?:

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:53 pm
by kellylen
Krielok wrote:Also, where was Cassie during all of this?

I just figured Brother was flying the helicopter...

Wonder when Gemma will come back. I do miss her. :)
gemma has bit the dust!

Re: Theories on the new video

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:54 pm
Flautapantera wrote: the la brea tar pits where you can see remains of animals that have been caught in the tar. furthermore the street name "la brea" actually means 'the oil.'
I think Oil is part of the clue.. I mean did they flash to oil drill/pumpy thingies (I lack the technial term) and I think they showed the actual tarpits.