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frankiswaking - new video (title?)

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:58 pm
by louann
Hi I'm a long time lurker but this is my first post.

New Frank is Waiting Vid on Youtube

New Frank Vid: Breaking and... Stealing

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:43 am
by Absynth
it wont let me watch it yet, keeps saying may need a few mins to process... but i dont care too much bout frank anyway so im not too worried

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:28 am
by trainer101
Added February 10, 2007
From frankiswaking


HELP. ...
Category People
Tags frank frankiswaking cassie itscassie file folder FIND IT hidden music do the ceremony BREE

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:33 am
by trainer101
YRCQ8U is a tiny url which links to three short song clips HERE

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:23 am
by Absynth
stilll cant watch it. but i dont mind at all. i got all the fun i need from todays awesome rescue video

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:13 am
by Midd
cool. this one was good. what are the three song clips? They have to be meaningful, right?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:44 am
by Jeninlb
I watched that video from the tinyurl and underneath it said "reversed 4RBP32" When I tried that it gave me an error message.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:16 pm
by Ganesha
I reversed it to 23pbr4, a tinyurl link, which shows a letter from cassie about doing the ceremony, drinking 'the red stuff' and no more shots...

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:17 pm
by jobee13
Wow very interesting

Seriously though, Cassie has bad handwriting :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:49 pm
by trainer101
1993 - that would have made her 6 or 7 when she wrote that. Seems awfully young considering what we know about the ceremony. I was under the impression that the Order had to wait until adolecence to determine which girls met the qualifications. But I've gotta say - I like that she used the Illuminati symbol. /.\ hmmm...

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:53 pm
by jobee13
Wouldn't this mean that Cassie had already participated in the ceremony at the time Bree and Daniel knew her :?

Seems weird since Bree has stated that Cassie was freaked out by her religion, never mind doing it herself :?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:56 pm
by SapereAudeo
Unless Cassie was freaked out because it brought up bad memories, not because it was new and different.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:58 pm
by jobee13
I suppose so :-k

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:32 am
by girlAnachronism
The songs remind me of 10033's music mash-up, though I forget what the significane behind that was...something with numbers...but there are no number mentioned in these song blips.

Also, frankiswaking seems to be trying hard to entwine itscassie into his films, including her in his tags, etc.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:07 am
by theslyestfox
in the video there are a bunch of stills of the things from the cabinet.
-the first is the op triangle (like the ones at the end of the j19 movies) with the an oval with a dot inside it that looks like a crude drawing of an eye, and "cassie" written on the bottom line of the triangle.

-the second one is a shot of the envelope all the stuff was in

-third one is a DVD with 3 film strips sittin gon some papers that i cannot read

-fourth one is a close up shot of cassie's diary. on the left page is the entry we get a shot of in the next still, and on the right page there is a list that i can't quite read but i think it says:
(title that i can't make out at all)
1. Monday
2. September
3. sapt? (can't quite read it...might be sopt?sept?
4. is
5. it
6. but

78 and 9 are cut off the side of the shot

-fifth one is the cose up of the left diary page. it says:
Cassie May 4 1993
My parents took me
to the ceremony today.

i tasted the red stuff.

the good thing is no
more shots

i have to go
-cassie /_\ (the triangle with a circle in it is after her name)

-the fifth picture is what looks like a school picture with "cassie 1993" written above the pic, and there's some sort of school emblem/seal on the top left corner i can't make out.

- the sixth picture is a close up of the writing above the school picture, and "SEA" is written on the round thing in the corner, which i assume is the beginning of the word "SEAL"

-the seventh picture is a photo of what looks like a park, with trees and something i can't tell what it is int he middle of it. it almost looks like a couchnig black figure

-the eighth picture is a shot of all the above again, there is also something written on the bottom"top of the cassie school picture, underneath the photo. but the writing looks like it's "upside down" which wouls mean that the picture is turned the wrong way than it's supposed to be in the frame....(that was kind of a confusing way to put it, i hope you know what i mean)

the songs in the tiny URL "video"

1. lyrics are: "hey hey hey on my wayy-hey 23 days gone by, why can't eagles fly?" it is the song 23 days by Shedaisy ( ... 3-days.php )

2.lyrics are (i think?): "been on my PDR vacation, ever since you left me hangin" Google was no help in trying to identify this song. I'm maybe mishearing the lyrics?

3. Lyrics are "I just let you slip away..... 4 am forever" the song is 4am Forever byt the Lost Prophets ( ... 9B000F3B59 )

underneath the "video" (i put it in quotes because it's just music and no visuals) it says
when you reverse it and put it back intoo a tiny URL the close up still of cassie's diary comes up:

looking at it up close makes me look harder at the triangle with the "circle" in it...which in this clearer shot really looks an awful lot like......Pacman??

and also the triangle on the folder looks a lot like this /.\ what with the lines coming off it...

so, i need help figuring out the lyrics and song identification of the 2nd clip because there are numbers in the first and third one, but until we know the definite lyrics of the second one we can't do anything with them.