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Not Daniel
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:24 pm
by ericski
Hey, i don't know what the implications are for the rest of the video, but in "Miss Me?" there are two occasions when the video shot is further away. (it goes from the head shot to half body) the guy in those shots are NOT daniel. seriously, it is not the same guy. the rest of the daniel head shots have a much broader face than daniel also.
could OP have used some killer editing software to superimpose daniel onto this other guy who looks somewhat similar? i mean maybe in real life this couldn't be done ( i don't really know) but in a mission impossible kind of computerized mask deal? why not? and the voice would be easy after that.
regardless, i am pretty sure that daniel is not the guy in those other shots.
what do you think?
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:53 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
I PMed ericski to inform of the movement of this topic to Plot Discussion!
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:46 am
by covedweller
that's Daniel, different angle.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:09 am
by TheScentofLavender
I'm leaning towards a Hologram of sorts... I saw this show on the Discovery channel this weekend called 2057. They had a holographic machine that displayed an image onto a fog backscreen.
The bleached lighting on Daniel would be a good way to hide the fact that the person is not real and I think Ops has enough technical know how to stitch together the wacky dialogue from other vids of Daniel. You look at the video, and he seems like a cutout almost.
I do think they have Daniel, but I don't think they had anywhere near enough time to brainwash him into saying whatever they wanted.
Unless he was bad to begin with... O_O
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:13 am
by pariah164
TheScentofLavender wrote:Unless he was bad to begin with... O_O
I think you nailed it. I think Daniel has been with the Order this whole time, but he started to deveop feelings for Bree, thus weakening his loyalty. Now that Bree's basically shot him down, it probably didn't take long for the Order to re-influence/re-brainwash him.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:14 am
by Sami
If it's Daniel, he's has been working out a lot lately
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:16 am
by nobackspacebutton
pariah164 wrote:TheScentofLavender wrote:Unless he was bad to begin with... O_O
I think you nailed it. I think Daniel has been with the Order this whole time, but he started to deveop feelings for Bree, thus weakening his loyalty. Now that Bree's basically shot him down, it probably didn't take long for the Order to re-influence/re-brainwash him.
But Daniel did say that he hoped they let him JOIN the order. So he isn't a member of the Order right now. That part of what he said could have been true.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:25 am
by pariah164
nobackspacebutton wrote:pariah164 wrote:TheScentofLavender wrote:Unless he was bad to begin with... O_O
I think you nailed it. I think Daniel has been with the Order this whole time, but he started to deveop feelings for Bree, thus weakening his loyalty. Now that Bree's basically shot him down, it probably didn't take long for the Order to re-influence/re-brainwash him.
But Daniel did say that he hoped they let him JOIN the order. So he isn't a member of the Order right now. That part of what he said could have been true.
Perhaps the Order made him say that, to keep up the illusion? I dunno. But it was a very 'oh crap' moment in any event. I think that even though that person in the video might not be Daniel, that they do HAVE Daniel. If you listen in the beginning you can hear him say 'We have Daniel'. I think Daniel might really be brainwashed. People with experience in those things *coughtheordercough* might not need a lot of time.
And before you bring it up, I don't think they can brainwash Bree. I think the person they need for the ceremony has to be a willing participant.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:26 am
by TheScentofLavender
nobackspacebutton wrote:But Daniel did say that he hoped they let him JOIN the order. So he isn't a member of the Order right now. That part of what he said could have been true.
True, but him saying "I hope they let me join" sounds more plausible then "Hey Bree, I was a full fledge member of the Order the whooooole time, Sucker!". Such a decloration I think would send Bree running the other way, then making her considering to do the ceremony to save Daniel (which I think is what the Order is hoping for).
That is if he's was always a bad guy. I'm still holding out that he isn't.... >.>
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:42 am
by ericski
the other thing is that op wanted daniels fake id. presumably the only information on it that would be worth anything to them would be his photo. if they just wanted a photo to give the cowboy to be able to identify daniel, a screencap would suffice. they could use the id photo to create some kind of usable image. i'm not saying they don't have daniel. just that i don't think it is daniel saying all those things in the video.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:46 am
by nobackspacebutton
I think that by finding the ID, Op found the location Daniel was bowling at

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:55 am
by itsreallyreal
I just wanted to toss this out there...
With the order I think we are dealing more with the "occult" than the "Technological Super Villian"...
I haven;t really seen any part of the ARG where Opy has gone all Sci-Fi and done some crazy stuff... Everyhting has been very realistic even the cell phone trace... So the Hologram and superimposed faces and robot talk is all way too far fetched for me...
Just my $0.02
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:57 am
by nobackspacebutton
itsreallyreal wrote:I just wanted to toss this out there...
With the order I think we are dealing more with the "occult" than the "Technological Super Villian"...
I haven;t really seen any part of the ARG where Opy has gone all Sci-Fi and done some crazy stuff... Everyhting has been very realistic even the cell phone trace... So the Hologram and superimposed faces and robot talk is all way too far fetched for me...
Just my $0.02
Yeah, I kinda agree..I love the idea...LOVE IT...but I think its very unlikely.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:58 am
by ericski
i would have thought the whole bio-genetic engineering thing would suggest at least some non-run-of-the-mill, non-occult, high tech operations.
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:59 am
by nobackspacebutton
hmm interesting..if they can biogenetically engineer people...maybe they made a Daniel. =P