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[VIDEO] 2-4-07 Miss Me?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:24 pm
by quizzoc
"We even did spin art" :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:35 pm
by NillaWafers
OK guys, I noticed something when watching the video. Symbols flash on the right and left hand corners. Here are the screencaps.



Weird no?

Edit: Found another one, right after intro screen. I went beck to put times into the posts, but then I noticed revver doesn't show time. Either that or I'm a noob. Here's the other cap:


Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:36 pm
by colera
are all old opaphid vids are now uploaded??
opaphid is a haxx0r

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:44 pm
by shadower
is there a way that someone could type up the transcript for this?
I've listened to it a couple of times and still am not able to understand all that daniel is saying.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:46 pm
by tigerlilylynn
Reverse audio

by Washington Irving

Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:46 pm
by kellylen

thats all i have to say for now.

let me collect my thoughts and then reply

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:54 pm
by surrealisticpill
I adjusted the brightness and contrast to bring out the symbols in Nilla's screen caps:




maybe it's Braile?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:54 pm
by tigerlilylynn
symbols look like braille to me

Here are links to contrast photos in the chat ... redone.jpg

look for more guys ^_^
(damn errands!!!)

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:56 pm
by NillaWafers
Hmm what is the sudden fascination with braille all the sudden. I still don't think theya re clear enough to get anything out of them :(

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:10 pm
by bethy
Here'sthe video transcript minus the reverse audio). There's only one small part I still don't understand, marked with (???):
What up, Bree? It's me, DannyB. You know what I'm sayin'?

You know, I heard you've been looking for me. Check it out, I have new friends.

We're having a great time here.

I remember I had all these concerns about the religion you were into. You know? They're treating me great. They're good people.

We have Daniel.

Yo, yo? When we gonna hit up that ceremony? That's all we've got to do, ain't no big thing.

C'mon, just do the ceremony, that's all you need to do.

Think about the good times. Last summer, thinking you were going to do the ceremony back then. It's all good. Well now, well you're not doing the ceremony, everything's kinda bad. See the connection?

You know, I knew I'd always go to community college. The last shot I had was at a gas station. But that's math that even I can do.

It's amazing. I think you should do the ceremony. Bring the puppets along, too, baby, no problem. P Monkey and Owen? I got mad love for them.

You know? I wa--I'm gonna try to join the Order. I hope they let me in. I really like what they're about. It's cool.

Them being evil? It's wrong. They treat me better than you do.

You know, I'm having the best time here. We have pizza, I had ice cream--we even did spin art. How cool is that?

That thing with your dad? Just a big misunderstanding. He actually wanted that to happen.

Don't you want all (???) people something? Come back to us.

Yeah, I remember that girl, Cassie. She was in my class. She'd want you to do the ceremony, too.

Listen to your friend Daniel. Do the ceremony.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 pm
by Jo_16_2
ok, what i was able to translate from the 3 images...

1st one:






anyone can make any sense of it?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 pm
by quizzoc
"What up Bree, its me, Danny B, you know what I'm sayin.
Yo, I heard you've been looking for me.
Check it out. I have new friends. We're having a great time here.
I remember I had all these concerns about the religion you were in too.
You know they're treatin' me great, they're good people.
We have Daniel.
Yo girl, when we gonna hit up that ceremony? Thats all we gotta do.
Ain't no big thang. C'mon, just do the ceremony.
That's all you need to do. Think about the good times, last summer.
You were gonna do the ceremony back then. It's alll good.
Now, well you're not doin the ceremony, everythings kinda bad.
See the connection?
You know, I know I've only gone to community college.
Last job I had was at a gas station,
but that's math that even I can do.
It's amazing. I think you should do the ceremony.
Bring the puppets along too maybe, no problem.
P. Monkey, you know what, I got mad love for them.
Yo, Im gonna, Im gonna try to join the order. I hope they let me in.
I really like what they're about. It's cool.
Them being evil, was wrong. They treat me better than you do.
Yo, I'm having the best time here. We had pizza, I had ice cream.
We even did spin art! How cool is that?
That thing with your dad, it's just a big misunderstanding.
He actually wanted that to happen.
Don't you want all of this to be worth something (altered voice)?
Come back to us...
Yeah i remember that girl Cassie. She was in my class.
She'd want you to do the ceremony too.
Listen to your friend Daniel.
Do the Ceremony."

Re: [VIDEO] 2-4-07 Miss Me?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:12 pm
by aeryolol
quizzoc wrote:"We even did spin art" :lol:
maybe that was a form of hypnosis?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:17 pm
by kellylen
yeah they are def braille.

the first one looks like q u e r a s

the second looks like h e s t e r p i n p

the third looks like r h d a

I'm not too sure thats what I made out of it.

and then its obviously scrambled. I can make the 3rd one out to be hard. but i could be wrong

edit: soooo q u e r a s = square
h e s t e r p i n p = she/hes (I can't get the 2nd word)
r h d a = hard

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:20 pm
by lorien

Note: Screencaps adapted by Lorien and Shifty

Lower Left #1: Found by NillaWafers
Right After Introduction

Braile: RHDA

Rearranged: HARD


Upper Left #1: Found by AcidFingers
"...the religion you're into..."

Braile: LAD FINE Found by swampiedonkey

Rearranged: AND LIFE Found by swampiedonkey


Lower Right #1: Found by McPackage
Between "That's all you need to do." and "Just think about the good times."

Braile: ZINEH Found by McPackage

Rearranged: HEINZ

NOTE: OpAphid has referenced Heinz in her emails. Found by Nieriel.Manwathiel.
"We are Heinz people within our organization and operation." ... 52c0e7995c

Trainer101 posted a note in the LG15 Miss Me thread:

"One of the descrambled words is "Heinz" which possibly refers to 'Heinz Body'.

From Wiki:
Heinz bodies (also referred to as 'Heinz-Erhlich bodies') are inclusions within red blood cells composed of denatured hemoglobin. They are named after Robert

Heinz (1865-1924) a German physician, who in 1890 described these inclusions in connection with cases of hemolytic anemia.

This could have some relation to the Epogen shots."

Alternatively, some have mentioned the Heinz Square puzzle.

Upper Right #1: Found by AcidFingers
"Junior College"

Braile: QUERAS

Rearranged: SQUARE Found by GoodGollyItsHolly


Lower Left #2: Found by AcidFingers
"...join the order..."

Braile: LIME Found by shifty

Rearranged: MILE Found by mourningbelle


Upper Left #2: Found by NillaWafers
Coincides with "Your Dad"

Braile: HESTERPINP Found by Kellylen

Possibly "Stephen RIP"
Found by enigma117
Possibly "The Snipper" Found by GoodGollyItsHolly


Upper Right #2: Found by NillaWafers
" the ceremony, too"
Also, note that the video is #0127.

Braile: OIAMSAD Found by mourningbelle and shifty

Rearranged: ADIOS MA Found by MrPackage or just "O I AM SAD"


Alternatively, some are considering an anagram of all letters collectively.



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15 second gap.

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13 second gap.

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17 second gap.

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12 second gap.

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