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Did Jonas Really Ask About Daniel?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:23 am
by nobackspacebutton
When Jonas went inside the bowling alley...did he really ask about Daniel? Or is Jonas something more sinister than we've been thinking...
What if Jonas went to the bowling alley that night. Daniel wouldn't just leave with a guy...maybe he left with Jonas. Jonas has plenty of cars and money....Daniel wouldn't hesitate to leave with him.
And now, perhaps Jonas is taking Bree, or has already, taken her to where he is holding would be the only way he could get her willingfully and pleasantly to go.
What do you think?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:27 am
by Marbella
Hi Nobackspacebutton,
That is a very valid theory. I posted it last night under "theories," on my "Catch Up" page.
I do not know what to think!
I do believe that you could be right.
Another possibility is that Daniel left with a different guy. Since he's local, Jonas knows him and so they are in on it together.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:54 am
by nobackspacebutton
Thanks Marbella..and you can call me BA, just like everyone else.
Its true...Jonas used to hang out there..its possible he knew exactly where to go. Its strange how he never says to Bree exactly where they are going, but also--if Jonas' plans were evil, how did they upload the video? Laptop?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:01 am
by Marbella
BA, I believe Jonas would not want Bree to think for a second that he is evil. Therefore, I'm sure he would be comfortable with her posting a video. A laptop could have been used. It could even be wireless. Possibly they don't need to stop anywhere to upload the video.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:02 am
by nobackspacebutton
Jonas has always been convienent from the beginning..and its always been curious as to why Op cannot find them. Either Jonas is on Ops side and they have been waiting for a plan to commence...or Jonas is teamed up with Tachyon. I don't believe he is just a convienent friend, and I never have. I don't think he is to be trusted...because for good or for bad, he is lying or hiding information.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:43 pm
by chevyfudd
I am just wanting a new video now. I know this one came out last night, but it seems like it has been forever.
I really hope Jonas is not evil, I think since Gemma was I am not wanting that whole story to come back. Been there, done that sorta thing.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:20 am
by veela-valoom
I agree. I dont' think it would be wise to do the whole "friend betrayal" again. This series has only been on for a short while and that would be quite uncreative to repeat a storyline already.
"Friend talks to them on internet, They trust and listen to friend, friend was lying." Kinda similar don't you think?
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:54 pm
by tayduh1987
chevyfudd wrote:I am just wanting a new video now. I know this one came out last night, but it seems like it has been forever.
I really hope Jonas is not evil, I think since Gemma was I am not wanting that whole story to come back. Been there, done that sorta thing.
Maybe Jonas is working with EVIL Gemma!
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:29 am
by nobackspacebutton
tayduh1987 wrote:chevyfudd wrote:I am just wanting a new video now. I know this one came out last night, but it seems like it has been forever.
I really hope Jonas is not evil, I think since Gemma was I am not wanting that whole story to come back. Been there, done that sorta thing.
Maybe Jonas is working with EVIL Gemma!
But Gemma is dead...O.O
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:50 am
by tayduh1987
nobackspacebutton wrote:tayduh1987 wrote:chevyfudd wrote:I am just wanting a new video now. I know this one came out last night, but it seems like it has been forever.
I really hope Jonas is not evil, I think since Gemma was I am not wanting that whole story to come back. Been there, done that sorta thing.
Maybe Jonas is working with EVIL Gemma!
But Gemma is dead...O.O
Maybe Gemma isn't dead...where's the proof! I also don't believe that Bree's dad is dead...I didn't see no body!
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:38 pm
by BabyYoshi88
Well, Jonas said in one of the videos that he looked in his rear view mirror when driving away, and he saw The Order people put her dad's body in the trunk of their car.
Plus, Daniel, Bree, and Jonas all said they saw him get shot.
I dunno though. Nothing is ever certain.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:58 pm
by tayduh1987
BabyYoshi88 wrote:Well, Jonas said in one of the videos that he looked in his rear view mirror when driving away, and he saw The Order people put her dad's body in the trunk of their car.
Plus, Daniel, Bree, and Jonas all said they saw him get shot.
I dunno though. Nothing is ever certain.

what video did he say that in? i don't remember that
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:27 pm
by autumneternal
tayduh1987 wrote:BabyYoshi88 wrote:Well, Jonas said in one of the videos that he looked in his rear view mirror when driving away, and he saw The Order people put her dad's body in the trunk of their car.
Plus, Daniel, Bree, and Jonas all said they saw him get shot.
I dunno though. Nothing is ever certain.

what video did he say that in? i don't remember that
He said that in "45 Seconds" I believe.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:43 am
by tayduh1987
autumneternal wrote:tayduh1987 wrote:BabyYoshi88 wrote:Well, Jonas said in one of the videos that he looked in his rear view mirror when driving away, and he saw The Order people put her dad's body in the trunk of their car.
Plus, Daniel, Bree, and Jonas all said they saw him get shot.
I dunno though. Nothing is ever certain.

what video did he say that in? i don't remember that
He said that in "45 Seconds" I believe.
i shall have to watch that again. thanks
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:12 am
by Unadrieniel
maybe they shot him with blanks!

conspiracy theories are fun