I think you should be a zoologist since you're so fond of turtles and monkeys or maybe a home school tutor since you know what it's like and maybe know how to make it fun for someone else!
i mean most of those people are heartless and dont care about anyone else, i saw a bus driver drive off when an old lady was running for the bus with bags... and it was pissing down
and seeing as you dont seem to give 2 shits about anyone but yourself, thats what you should do
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
When you were chosen for the ceremony, the order had one thing right. You are special and you are important. Your place in life is just as it should be, you just need some direction.
You need to investigate the order Bree. Once you learn who you really are, you will understand why the order wanted you.
If you achieve this, your best career--the one that would be most fitting--would be for you to help other girls who were 'chosen' like you. Right now there are hundreds of these girls being torn away from their birth families and unknown to them are living with strangers. You could help these girls Bree, and eventually you could stop the order from taking these girls completely.
You like to help people, Bree. Why be an ordinary doctor when you are unordinary yourself? You have a special place in this world and you need to use your talents. You are very intelligent and I know that you yourself can figure things out.
Think about what I've said Bree.
You said it was time to grow up, and I agree.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
I merged a few of the topics of career suggestions into one, so Bree can find it easier!
Folks, Bree asked for our help! Let's offer some serious suggestions for what she should do with her life!
Personally, Bree, I think you've shown your affinity for science and research. Working in an academic setting where you can interact with other intelligent people and spend your days conducting research and forging new paths could be very fulfilling!
I agree with Broken Kid, but Bree, you need to finish high school before you decide on a career. You're going to need to get your GED or work online at an accredited high school program. There are also online college classes. educationdirect.com is a great place to go...I finished high school that way. They have payment plans for only 20 bucks a month or so...but you can't graduate till you pay the courses in full.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
Without an education, your career choices are limited.
Perhaps you should think about becoming an Environmental Scientist?
You have shown a strong interest in science, and you seem to love being outdoors. This career would allow you to conduct experiments taking soil and water samples, and unlike a forest ranger, you would not need to carry a firearm or kill an animal.
When you were chosen for the ceremony, the order had one thing right. You are special and you are important. Your place in life is just as it should be, you just need some direction.
You need to investigate the order Bree. Once you learn who you really are, you will understand why the order wanted you.
If you achieve this, your best career--the one that would be most fitting--would be for you to help other girls who were 'chosen' like you. Right now there are hundreds of these girls being torn away from their birth families and unknown to them are living with strangers. You could help these girls Bree, and eventually you could stop the order from taking these girls completely.
BA - this may be something....move to plot discussion!
One time, in school, we had career day, and I said I wanted to be a doctor, and they laughed at me, and my teacher stopped them, and then, they said doctors don't have bad grades and my teacher said, even though I have bad grades, I could be whatever I wanted if I worked hard enough.
So I think Bree can be whatever she wants if she works hard enough.
I said that I thought you should be an aerobic teacher, but you said you wanted to use your brain (Medula abolngata). It's good to think of planning your future. Be a doctor. Your smart enough.