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Music in the Videos
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:33 am
by zeutheir
In the hopes of compiling a CD / LimeWire collection of all the music they've used in the videos for further study, has anyone made a full list of them and noted anything interesting about them? Is that thread somewhere else or can we get this going here?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:37 am
by itspronouncedNO
not saying this has any significance, but, in the last video, the word monkey is in the lyrics..and i noticed p. monkey was getting alot of air time...not sure if she was mimicking a monkey, but it surely could have been interpreted that way...maybe just some other animal, but im not ruling it out.
Other Songs by The Jane Doe's ("Junkie" from 'Swim
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:29 am
by CurlyKrakow
This is tangental, since it's not music that's actually in one of the eps, but I was checking out other songs from 'The Jane Doe's' ( on their myspace page, and came across some interesting lyrics for the song 'All':
FYI- I didn't transcribe these (so the spelling of "oozy" is theirs), just C&P from their page, but I did edit the linebreaks as I understood the flow of the lyrics:
I wanna be him with the sinister grim,
walking with the legs that stop at her chin,
and talking to hide her nervous battle within
empowered he decides if she will sink or sin
I wanna be all
I want your youth, to you it's no use,
blind to the layers that bind and confuse,
I will eat you absorb for you are my food,
nourish my blood with your delectable juice
I sit inside my little home
also known to be skin and bones
just me and my heart all alone
it tells me to move out
we argue until I shut down
no lights no love the windows are all closed
I wanna be rich and sue and judy,
I wanna be you behind the trigger of an oozy,
I wanna be who you believe, who you believe
If you take it as an "in-game" assumption that Daniel choose the song 'Junkie' while editing the "Swimming" video, then he's also likely to know this song from the same band. Depending on where this whole story eventually goes, that could be an incredibley strong foreshadowing, though in kind of a meta-fan-fic way..
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:48 pm
by Breeze
"Junkie" by The Jane Doe's
I am a junkie and you are the moon streaming through
my blood still I cant get enough of you
Innocent at first one kiss turned curse
Sixteen my first love so true but no one told me what that kiss
would do
Now, I am a junkie and you are the moon streaming through
my blood still I cant get enough of you
I close my eyes and I see hips and lips and eyes
willing to satiate this insatiable dream I would do
I am a junkie and you are the moon streaming through
my blood still I cant get enough of you
No, I can't get enough of you. No I can't get enough
of you

From the "swimming" video...
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:07 pm
by ogami1972
Also interesting, IMO, is the timing of the lyrics. "Innocent" is sadi right after daniel says he doesn't kno what bree is talking about re: cassie in the 'swimming' episode. The word "sixteen" is well timed also. But, as I've said before, e maybe reading way too much into this ( but I still like it!)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:40 pm
by curriguy
uh this Might be important, it's certainly interesting
so in the swimming video
you can hear the entirety of the first TWO verses.
I am a junkie and you are the moon streaming through
my blood still I cant get enough of you
Innocent at first one kiss turned curse
Sixteen my first love so true but no one told me what that kiss
would do
but that's not ACTUALLY true.
they've editted out half of one line.
in the part where it says "Innocent at first turned curse,"
turned curse has been removed.
so the lyrics say "innocent at first, sixteen my first love so true"
this was either intentional and for us to find
or done in order to make edit the video tighter.
only someone experienced in video editting can tell us that.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:23 pm
by charliebrown
i wonder if the title of jane does cd has anything to do with the story "You bring the devil" ?
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:42 am
by clarrisa
charliebrown wrote:i wonder if the title of jane does cd has anything to do with the story "You bring the devil" ?
Doubt it. This has become my new favorite song of the moment, however.
The songs are available for download from their myspace page, just so everyone knows. I put those on my iPod first thing.
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:56 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:58 pm
by TehSpectre
Stirring up trouble again are ya.
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:23 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Trouble is my middle name
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:33 pm
by pesbs
Thanks for the song lyrics
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:00 pm
by kalli182
please resize your avatar
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:38 pm
by mousegirl
yeah, please do!