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Should I Or Shouldn't I? [9/8/06]
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:20 pm
by Terryfic
What do you guys think she should do?
Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:27 pm
by timsmith
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:01 am
by k_fed_up
did anyone notice the way she pronounced "been" (when she said "i've never been to a party before)? it rhymed with "seen"... also, the first time she said "party" she struggled over the letter "r". i'm not familiar with the NZ accent at all... just a thought.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:15 am
by HyeMew
This movie was interesting for numerous reasons:
*If people were still trying to divine the secret of the Bree, the clues she drops about her religion (that it uses an ancient extinct language and therefore likely is ancient itself- sorry Scientology!)
*Her first apparent night movie- still just as well lit as ever.
*First time we hear "her parents" talking as her parents, interesting touch. Though a bit of a plot hole because are we then to believe that her parents never spoke a word during all the other times Bree secretly makes her videos? Except for a few mumbles we never heard that before.
*This video is still not on youtube. Is that a sign of a sudden departure and an attempt to move viewers away from there and onto this site (and revver?) I hope not because that will backfire. Only the core fans will actually go to the site and revver to see em, LG will be losing 90% of her audience by no longer posting on youtube.
*This video appears to continue on as if no huge expose' had just blown up. Is this a sign of the future in that they will continue on with the status quo? Or has buka suddenly gotten less lazy than Bree and uploaded her video to his "fan" site first. How'd you get a hold of that Buka, or does this mean that you (obviously) LIED TO US?!
Should I Or Shouldn’t I? 9-8-06
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:21 am
by LGsleuth
She posted her video on YouTube:
It says over an hour ago.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:37 am
by Fiminarl
k_fed_up wrote:did anyone notice the way she pronounced "been" (when she said "i've never been to a party before)? it rhymed with "seen"... also, the first time she said "party" she struggled over the letter "r". i'm not familiar with the NZ accent at all... just a thought.
I'm from New Zealand. The way she said 'been' was definitely the way I would say it. I didn't notice the 'r' struggle though.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:20 am
by beingbored
I notice on this site her videos are not being hosted by youtube. I'm sort of new here, was that always the case? TRES INTERESSANT.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:00 pm
by whatisgoingon
I have noticed that she is not talking about school work yet? School has started all over the US by now. I would think most homeschool study has started too. Don't most follow the school year at home?
Any homeschoolers here to let us know how it works?
Do her parents think study for the ceremony is more important than school study??
Real Bree, don't go to the party if your parents said no.
Story line Bree, go to the party. It makes the story more interesting.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:01 pm
by ashlee8384
my FI was homeschooled as well as his siblings... they start on random days around the time that regular schools start back.. two of his siblings are homeschooled at the moment, one of them started like 2 weeks ago, and the other started i think on this last thursday... if she just got done with her school work in june, it is possible that she is just now going back...
starting school isnt as big of a deal for homeschoolers as it is for kids that go to school either, no new classrooms or new friends. its pretty much you wake up and do your schoolwork when you want to.
What her parents said.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:33 pm
by whatisgoingon
Here's what I can hear of the parents talking
"My Mom's here."
"Hi, How are you?"
"Fine, How are you?"
"I'm good. How was your day?"
"It was _____, fine."
"They're talking."
Dad & Mom
>>>I can't make this part out. Too much banging sounds<<<
"I'm not hungry."
? >>again loud sounds<<
"She got invited to a party and ______"
Bree starts talking can't hear everything he said.
"My mom usually takes my side."
says something at the same time Bree says "My mom usually takes my side. Can't hear it.
loud banging...grrrrrr
Dad says again and sounds the same as above. ?
"She got invited to a party and___________. " (I Can't hear the rest of it.)
Parents talking, can't make it out.
"I'm gonna go try again."
I thought it was kinda funny that she is talking to us like she knows we can hear them.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:09 pm
by sinecure
After Dad says "I'm not hungry," Mom says "What do you mean? You're on a diet..."
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:47 pm
by Casieefan
What's with the room all messed up? I think is the first time we see her closet open.
And I'd say she has been cut off in her home schooling since she had been 'preparing'.
I must say that 'ancient language' bit was an awesome hint.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:26 pm
by assassination
i know this doesnt really go to the video and i dont know if someone else has noticed this either, but isnt it strange that these 2 are not friends on myspace for being such close friends in life and with all the editing that daniel does for her?
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:19 pm
by whatisgoingon
I've been wondering why Daniel is not on her myspace too. It's not normal for a teenager.
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:34 pm
by HyeMew
I think that has nothing to do with her party... let's not get off topic people.