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If Bree is so sheltered, why is DB always in her room?
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:51 pm
by TheFatLady
This question has bugged me from the beginning, and I've seen other people mention it on various boards. It seems so bloody uncharacteristic for parents who have NEVER LET THEIR KID GO TO A PARTY to allow her to have a boy in her room, repeatedly, with the door closed and with only a desk chair or (drumroll) A BED to sit on.
Either this is a major flaw in The Creators' understanding of human psychology, or some plot point is going to be revealed which makes this incongruity plausible.
I figure this thread can be a place to discuss the possibilities, in case the inconsistency is intentional and not a result of, shall we say, oversight. So here are the thoughts, however far-fetched, I've had or have read in other posts:
Possibility 1: The parents actually do know about YouTube and about Bree's vlog, and are pretending ignorance so they can view her posts and find out stuff she'd never let them know on purpose. This could explain how Bree's dad knew to wait up for her when she snuck out of the house. (On the other hand, he could just have heard her climbing out her window.) Since they can tell from the vlog that Daniel's pretty much always across the room from their daughter, and since in one post she says she's never thought of Daniel "that way," they're not worried about him.
Possibility 2: The parents are REALLY invasive/protective and have some sort of hidden camera in Bree's room. In this case, too, they might have seen enough to know there's nothing sexual going on when Daniel's there.
Possibility 3: (Suggested by someone in another forum.) Daniel isn't real. Either he's a ghost or he's Bree's imaginary friend, in which case her parents might be aware of his "existence" but be confident he's not going to ruin Bree's virginity(!). I don't know how he could have filmed the swimming video if he were non-corporeal, but who knows what clever story writers could do about that.
Possibility 4: If, as a lot of people have speculated, Bree and Cassie are just two of a single person's split personalities, Daniel could be another. Same problem with how he filmed Bree swimming. Again, as a non-physical entity, he's not someone the parents need to worry will jump their daughter.
Possibility 5: Daniel is a spy in Bree's parents' (or in her whole religion's) employ. As her one and only friend, he's charged with keeping her from becoming so lonely she rebels (yeah, I know he appears to have encouraged her to rebel), and with passing on every confidence she shares with him prior to the Ceremony. His video claim not to be interested in Bree's religion could have been a ruse to keep Bree (whom he could be confident would watch the video) from suspecting his complicity.
So. Anyone else have ideas? Why the heck *would* such conservative parents let a teenage girl entertain a boy alone in her bedroom?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:05 am
by Lemonyfresh
Yeah this really made me wonder too, as well as the fact that her dad was up waiting for her (which I thought was a little bit weird) does he check up on her often while she sleeps or something?
Even if they are strict and let her have a male friend over, keeping the door closed is inviting trouble. It's tooo prominent to brush off, and I hope it's addressed.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:43 am
by Box Of Pandoraz
Lemonyfresh wrote:Yeah this really made me wonder too, as well as the fact that her dad was up waiting for her (which I thought was a little bit weird) does he check up on her often while she sleeps or something?
Even if they are strict and let her have a male friend over, keeping the door closed is inviting trouble. It's tooo prominent to brush off, and I hope it's addressed.
It wouldn't have to be checking up on her "often" to discover that she wasn't in her room when she was supposed to be. All it takes is a knock on the door to say something to her, no response and, "Bree, are you alright?" *Opens the door* "Oh noooo! She's not here!"
I agree that it is kind of odd that her parents, who seem kind of overprotective, for lack of a better word, allow a boy in her room with the door closed and no supervision. Especially after we've already seen that Daniel and Bree's Dad aren't exactly pals...
Re: If Bree is so sheltered, why is DB always in her room?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:52 am
by Ally
TheFatLady wrote:Possibility 5: Daniel is a spy in Bree's parents' (or in her whole religion's) employ. As her one and only friend, he's charged with keeping her from becoming so lonely she rebels (yeah, I know he appears to have encouraged her to rebel), and with passing on every confidence she shares with him prior to the Ceremony. His video claim not to be interested in Bree's religion could have been a ruse to keep Bree (whom he could be confident would watch the video) from suspecting his complicity.
Maybe he's been in on it all along and recently started developing stronger feelings for her and is having seconds thoughts. Hence why he and her father are not on such great terms (anymore)? LOL.
It is strange tho that he is allowed in her room unsupervised.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:52 am
by Icaterus
Yea very suspiscious, there has to be something going on.
But Bree's Dad did ban Daniel from their house now though. She says it in the latest episode 'What's a date?'
Re: If Bree is so sheltered, why is DB always in her room?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:07 pm
by Breeze
Ally wrote:TheFatLady wrote:
Maybe he's been in on it all along and recently started developing stronger feelings for her and is having seconds thoughts. Hence why he and her father are not on such great terms (anymore)? LOL.
It is strange tho that he is allowed in her room unsupervised.
I think you're on to something

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:16 pm
by o6server
Quite clear the 3 male creators are not very knowledgable about how parents overprotect their children.
Bed and chair, right, Bree is so neat there are never new items lieing around. No half done chores lieing around either. No talk about outside weather, something happening in the world today, and nothing interesting going on with her family. She is lonely yet she chooses to stay in her room even more. And Bree's life just consists of Daniel issues.
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:22 am
by busterP
I think you're making some fundamental assumptions here about Bree's religion and her parents' attiudes toward child-rearing. The phot of Crowley suggests that they aren't Christians/Jews/Muslims. Maybe Bree's religion doesn't have the same moral repulsion to sexual behavior. The Thelemic and occult rituals described on Wikipedia and elsewhere seem to have a lot of sexual overtones, so maybe sex isn't a big concern for Bree's parents. Then again, maybe they just trust their daughter. Any family as isolated as Bree's seems to be is bound to be tightly knit.
As for the party, Bree's parents could have all kinds of reasons they don't want her to go out asides from fearing she might become sexually active. Maybe they don't want to attract attention to their religion (think about modern day polygamists) or maybe they are afraid that Bree, a teenager and so naturally attracted to rebellion, will see how other kids live and decide to turn on her faith.
Also, and I admit this is a stretch, maybe Bree can't (or shouldn't) go out at night for some reason. Did anyone else think she was acting weird in the park. Why did she want to stay there? She seemed like she was ready to cry when she asked, "Please"?
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:21 am
by TheFatLady
The Thelemic and occult rituals described on Wikipedia and elsewhere seem to have a lot of sexual overtones, so maybe sex isn't a big concern for Bree's parents.
My point, actually, centers on speculation that's going on in many other threads here: that possibly the Ceremony Bree's preparing for involves a young virgin, and Bree is going to play that role. In this case, her parents would definitely scramble to preserve her virginity. Are you familiarizing yourself with the various discussions on this board?
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:02 am
by GimmeYourForever
I think that her parents probably just trusted her... up until the whole sneaking out for a party thing. After that is when they banned Daniel since he was obviously the enabler in that.
They probably didn't want to let her go to the party because she was supposed to be preparing for the ritual and they wanted her focused.
Originally her character was a highly intelligent girl, with a deep respect for her religion and her parents. Why should they not trust her until she gave them reason not to? I know my parents and several of my friends' parents were the same way. We had their full trust until we broke that trust some how... but we never did cause we were angels

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:10 am
by TheFatLady
Ah, it's good to know someone from the heavenly host!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:07 pm
by busterP
TheFatLady wrote:The Thelemic and occult rituals described on Wikipedia and elsewhere seem to have a lot of sexual overtones, so maybe sex isn't a big concern for Bree's parents.
My point, actually, centers on speculation that's going on in many other threads here: that possibly the Ceremony Bree's preparing for involves a young virgin, and Bree is going to play that role. In this case, her parents would definitely scramble to preserve her virginity. Are you familiarizing yourself with the various discussions on this board?
Oh, trust me, I have. But the idea that Bree's virginity must be preserved for the ceremony is pure speculation, there hasn't been anything in the vids about it, so I was simply offering a motive for her parents allowing her to have a boy in her room.
If anything, the fact that Bree has been allowed to spend so much time alone with Daniel, inside and out of the home, suggests that Daniel taking Bree's virginity is not of tantamount concern to her parents. Otherwise, as you querried, why would they let him be with her unsupervised?
So maybe the virginity theory is off the mark.
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:10 pm
by HyeMew
The whole virginity theory disturbs me. This started out as a very innocent and charming series. It has become slightly darker, but veering off into the realm of needing to keep/lose virginity it disturbing. It has drawn in a very young audience and I can't believe anyone would even consider having virginity having any sort of relation to their plot. While I am positive it is not related to the plot, if it did it'd be wildly inappropriate. Also now that they've gotten all this national press, can any of you imagine her virginity being a part of it? That'd just weird everyone out.
And especially if a part of the theory is she needs to lose her virginity for the ceremony, or will lose it in the ceremony?! That'd imply her viewers would need to see something to suggest that happened, or at least hear about it described to them if that was actually a part of the plot. As I said, wildly inappropriate.
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:05 pm
by busterP
Yes. thank you.
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:16 pm
by kalli182
o6server wrote: She is lonely yet she chooses to stay in her room even more. And Bree's life just consists of Daniel issues.
we can't assume just because we mainy see her in her room (other than outdoors) that she spends all her time in her room...we have no way of knowing what she does with her time when she isn't filming