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Danielbeast & Crowely (BEASTS)
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:20 pm
by CweetXPeez
Okay, I'm not a newbie so don't think of me as the "Cute little OMG-ish noob", I just haven't been on in ages. So, I don't know if this has been posted.
I found something very interesting on Aleister Crowely's wikipedia:
He grew up in a staunch Plymouth Brethren household. His father, after retiring from his daily duties as a brewer, took up the practice of preaching at a fanatical pace. Daily Bible studies and private tutoring were mainstays in "Alick's" childhood; however, after his father's death, his mother's efforts at indoctrinating her son in the Christian faith only served to provoke his skepticism. As a child, his constant rebellious behaviour displeased his devout mother to such an extent she would chastise him by calling him "The Beast" (from the Book of Revelation), an epithet that Crowley would later happily adopt for himself. He objected to the labelling of what he saw as life's most worthwhile and enjoyable activities as "sinful".
The bolded part is what I'm pointing out. It's quite odd seeing as to how Daniel is refered to as "Daniel Beast".
Again, excuse me if this has been posted before.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:22 pm
by Broken Kid
Note: Edited subject title to make it more clear to people browsing.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:39 pm
by Lois_Meet_Clark
Maybe he's a descendant?
Remember when he researched Aliester Croweley? He said a girl disappeared in that one town.
Maybe instead of abducting the girl for the ceremony, Crowley made her disappear to save her from it?
Maybe the line of Croweley is to protect the chosen girl for the ceremony?
Eh I don't know.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:46 pm
by CweetXPeez
Yeah, what if Crowely did take the girl because she was part of the same religion as Bree? He wanted to protect her, but no one could understand what was going through Crowely's head.
Maybe Crowely is Daniel's great- (or maybe great great?) grandfather. Or uncle? Something, but maybe. And his father could have saved someone from The Order.
Has he ever really mentioned his father in any of his videos? I don't think so. Maybe he got killed trying to save another Bree?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:15 pm
by Killthesmiley
daniel is also called and recognized as the beast as well...
also the neanderthal.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:35 pm
by Jo_16_2
crowley saving a girl from a ceremony? hmmm i dont think so. if you really searched about crowley, you would know that he was a "maniac" and he invented some freaking weird rituals/ceremonies
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:39 pm
by CweetXPeez
Yeah, I knew that when I posted it about Crowely... he wouldn't do that. Or would he? He could have just been a misunderstood man, and everyone created conspiracy theories about him.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:24 pm
by Lois_Meet_Clark
Yah but his ceremony that Daniel discovered had to do with walking and facing the sun and honoring a goddess. It involved WALKING. Not bleeding.
You know how ppl sometimes take things you create and make it into a weird twisted version? Or like they take it way to seriously and transform it into something else? Like Darwin denounced evolution before he died and yet it became this big controversy in public schools. There are like a bazillion denominations of Christianity. Etc Etc.
Maybe he realized what his whole ordeal turned into and was horrified by it and tried to save the girl?
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:07 am
by Jo_16_2
i still dont think so, it wasnt something ppl made up, i mean, he wrote books about it and...there are some pretty sick stuff in there.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:49 am
by AniDonia
I just made a good long reply to a post on how LG15 is a coming-of-age story by way of Crowleyan Thelema (or what I can garner from it) here: ... 795#132795
Ok, I'm no expert on this (so everything here is by way of Wikipedia), but according to Crowley, the Law of Thelema can be summed up as :
* "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"[24]
* "Love is the law, love under will"[25]
* "There is no Law beyond Do what thou wilt"[26]
Which is a mandate to discover and manifest one's True Will, which he described as one's inner divine nature, spiritual destiny, or proper course in life.
So anyway, from what it appears, the Order/her parents/all that is powerful in Bree's life have controlled all aspects of it up until a couple months ago. She was confined by her homeschool seclusion, her parents' strictness, her religion--which seemed like it was one of those all encompassing ones that have camps and communes, etc. Despite being an obviously intelligent girl, she never acted/made big decisions as expressions of her own free will.
This is evident in the earlier videos, which nearly all take place in a box (i.e. her room), and all her decisions are her parents' decisions for her, despite her own self wanting something else.
The catalyst to her changes is Daniel. Due to pulling power of their brief relationship (i.e. Love), Bree begins to challenge her parents/religions' impositions on her free will, declaring at one point: "If I want to do something and my parents say no, I'm going to do it anyway" (paraphrased)
After choosing this though, Bree (as a girl) has to deal with the consequences of the expressions of her will, as well as the continual challenges to her expression of it.
I think Daniel's role isn't so much mandated by someone In-Series (i.e. Tachyon's organization, Bree's dad, etc) as out-of-Breeniverse symbolic of themes presented in the story as a work of fiction. He represents the power of love as a draw/impetus for Bree to begin/continue expressing her will.
Since Daniel is the catalyst for Bree's journey to discover and manifest her True Will, as per Crowley, it only makes sense for him to be Danielbeast. Even though that is supposed to be her religion already, but I think somewhere along the way her religious organization lost track of where it came from and became this sinister, all-controlling entity. Bree is in some many ways the ultimate manifestation of the will-suppressing horror that it has become (a nearly-manufactured child ordained from birth for use in something in which she will have no control). Her embarkment on a journey that was the original intention of her religion by way of Daniel makes sense for him to be The Beast.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:02 am
by nobackspacebutton
Maybe her religion was something different..and Daniel was the one who actually followed Crowley's beliefs..
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:08 pm
by sororyzbl
nobackspacebutton wrote:Maybe her religion was something different..and Daniel was the one who actually followed Crowley's beliefs..
Wouldn't that be a hoot.
Of course, I didn't see *him* at the last bake sale, either.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:41 pm
by AniDonia
Anyone notice how Jonas' nickname for Daniel is simply, "the Beast"?
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:42 pm
by sororyzbl
I think it's more of a pet name, like Schmoopy or Sweetie.
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:26 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
sororyzbl wrote:I think it's more of a pet name, like Schmoopy or Sweetie.
damnit...why isn't there a buttlove smiley?