Here is a list of all tags for each video, which ones seem to be irrelevant, and which ones seem like they belong.
Note that I will maintain this list and try to keep it up to date until such time that there is a wiki on this site where anyone can edit a single document.
I also provide a brief definition of what any strange or scientific terms mean in the notes for each video.
I originally posted this in a different thread, but this seems to be the more correct place for it now...
tags - list of tags associated with the video
irrelevant - tags that were included but not in reference to anything in that particular video.
missing - things that were referenced in the video but not included in the tags
note - observations about the video, tags, recurring themes, etc.
So, here goes:
1: First Blog / Dorkiness Prevails
tags: paytotheorderofofof2, thewinekone, dorky, funny, girl, hamster, blog, first, duh, tongue, faces, silly, weird, lg15
irrelevant: hamster
note: the tag "hamster" occurs 5 times and all are irrelevant
2: Purple Monkey
tags: purple, monkey, blog, vlog, funny, comedy, humor, daniel, lg15
irrelevant: [none]
3: School Work in Summer... BLECHH!!!
tags: homeschool, girl, daniel, work, walruses, antarctica, pluto, romans, cannibalism, weird, silly, dork, lg15
irrelevant: walruses
4: The Danielbeast
tags: daniel, beast, australia, safari, animal, girl, silly, pirana, trick, funny, humor, joke, lg15
irrelevant: pirana
5: Grillz feat. Danielbeast, LG15, P. Monkey, and O'n.
tags: nelly, music, video, owen, purple, monkey, lg15, danielbeast, daniel, funny, snl, lazy, sunday, comedy, hamster, humor, rap, hip, hop
irrelevant: hamster
6: My Parents Suck...
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, sad, cry, parents, suck, fourth, july, 4th, lame, dork, weird, hiking
irrelevant: [none]
note: first capitalized occurance of LG15
7: Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!)
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, room, decorate, dance, funny, stupid, feynman, einstein, newton, turtle, ant, physics, teach, hamster, dude
irrelevant: hamster
noticably missing: hawking
8: Proving Science Wrong!
tags: LG15, danielbeast, bree, daniel, science, evolution, quantum, mechanics, brian, greene, string, theory, puppy, staring, contest, stare
irrelevant: evolution, puppy
note: brian greene is a renowned physicist and string theorist; evolution
wasn't mentioned
9: My Parents... Let Us Go Hiking!!!
tags: LG15, Lonelygirl15, Bree, Daniel, Danielbeast, hiking, parents, suck, water, outdoors, genghiskhan, squirrel, fierce
irrelevant: genghiskhan, squirrel, fierce
10: Boy Problems...
tags: LG15, Danielbeast, daniel, sad, problem, weird, like, love, girl, guy, hiking, parents, mad
irrelevant: [none]
11: He Said, She Said
tags: LG15, daniel, danielbeast, happy, relationship, fun, phone, call, girl, boy, turtle, hamster
irrelevant: hamster
note: "turtle" may be a reference to Owen?
12: My Lazy Eye (and P. Monkey gets Funky!)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, funny, lame, hamster, silly, boa, feather, lazy, eye, parents, problem
irrelevant: hamster
13: Proving Science Wrong... with Lonelybeast and Danielgirl15
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, lonelygirl15, spoof, funny, humor, platypus, silly, weird, mauf, pink, boa, dance
irrelevant: platypus
missing: coriolis effect
note: mauf is a band (; nothing was "proven" wrong
in his episode
14: The Tolstoy Principle (and Dad "talks" to Daniel)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, tolstoy, jared, diamond, bree, lame, pelican, science, wrong, dude, uhh, yeah, dad, parents
irrelevant: pelican
15: Daniel The Neanderthal
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, fish, proving, science, wrong, monkey, ape, man, evolution, neaderthal, silly, aphid, nuts
irrelevant: aphid
note: the tag "aphid" occurs 2 times, both are irrelevant; aphids are a type
of insect with 4,000 unique species
16: What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, dad, bree, funny, silly, penguin, annoying, bug, hang, glider
irrelevant: penguin, bug
missing: thor
note: crowley picture close-up; possible to view her camera in mirror; showed 4th wall/window; thor is the teddy bear in the "hang glider"
17: Me, Religion, and Daniel :(
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, religion, freedom, parents, camp, bree, lame, peanuts
irrelevant: peanuts
18: I Probably Shouldn't Post This...
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, fight, parents, religion, llama, argue, mad, girl, weird, bree, chipmunk
irrelevant: llama, chipmunk
19: Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, danielbeast, daniel, travel, australia, new, zealand, england, nottinghamshire, tuck, friar, weird, suck, lame
irrelevant: [none]
20: A Peace Offering (and P. Monkey Boogies)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, dance, funny, peace, offering, native, american, weird, kiwi, odd
irrelevant: kiwi
missing: olive, branch
21: I'm Really, Really, Really Excited!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, excited, happy, play, summer, camp, dad, weird, aphid, silly
irrelevant: aphid
22: Swimming!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, safari, hat, swim, water, river, hike, langosta, mercury, phylum
irrelevant: langosta, mercury, phylum
missing: skeeter, hunting, cannibalism
note: "langosta" is spanish for "lobster"; bree references cannibalism for the second time in the series; i'm not sure how "skeeter" is spelled
23: Bree The Cookie Monster
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, cookies, bake, contest, peanut, butter, purple, monkey, ocelot
irrelevant: ocelot
note: the ocelot is a wild cat related to leopards located in south and central america
24: A Change In My Life
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, religion, ceremony, bar, mitzvah, confirmation, parents, honor, lepton
irrelevant: lepton
note: leptons are particles that don't experience strong nuclear force
25: Poor Pluto
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, pluto, planet, orbit, galaxy, school, home, mean, teacher, cephalopod
irrelevant: cephalopod
note: cephalopods are a class of mollusks; this tag has been linked by some to the Cthulhu mythos
26: Should I Or Shouldn't I?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, party, dad, mom, go, ceremony, practice, sable
irrelevant: sable
note: a sable is a small mammal located in asia
27: I'm Going to the Party!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, party, dad, mom, going, campylobacter, tree, climb
irrelevant: campylobacter
note: campylobacter is a bacteria which can cause a variety of illnesses
28: House Arrest
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, dad, grounded, house, arrest, lemons, lemonade, sad
irrelevant: [none]
29: In The Park
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, park, bowling, trees, dark, fun, aye-aye
irrelevant: aye-aye
note: the aye-aye is a primate located in madagascar
30: What's A Date?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, purple, monkey, tachyon, date, guilty, sneak, parents suck
irrelevant: tachyon
note: A tachyon (from the Greek ταχύς takhús, meaning "swift, fast") is any hypothetical particle that travels at superluminal velocity.
Other Info
All tags that I thought were "missing":
All tags that were irrelevant (sorted, and duplicates removed):
All tags that occur multiple times:
aphid (2 times)
hamster (5 times)
Update Log
15-09-06 Added
What's a Date? info.