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Strange Tags in the Videos

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:41 pm
by admin
Post strange tags from the videos here.

Edit: Please note that all posts from the "Tags" section have been moved to Plot Discussion, since there hasn't been much activity here.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:51 am
by zeutheir
I guess just to start some discussion:

I've noticed these kind of strange ones

cephalopod (Poor Pluto), aye-aye (In the Park), campylobacter (I'm Going to the Party!), sable (should I or shouldn't I), lepton (A change in my life), ocelot (Cookie monster), langosta (Swimming!), aphid (excited), Nottinghamshire (mysteries), peanuts (me, religion, and Daniel), mauf (proving science wrong...with lonelybeast and danielgirl15).
There may be a few more, but let's get to explaining these.


Everyone knows what a cephalopod is. It's the type of animal (or demigod) that has a bulbous head and, usually, tentacles. Famous examples are octopi, squid, and Cthulhu. I'm kind of an H.P. Lovecraft expert, and, as much as I try to reach for Lovecraft referrences, it's just not consistant enough. I think it's easier to say that this just fits in with her other scientific-sounding tags.

This must be some kind of Aussie/NZ sports referrence that I don't get.


This is kind of weird. It seems to be some sort of disease or condition. Here's a definition:

Campylobacteriosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Campylobacter. Most people who become ill with campylobacteriosis get diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever within 2 to 5 days after exposure to the organism.

And a link to learn more: ... pylobacter


This seems to be another scientific referrence. A lepton is a particle with spin, 1/2 (a fermion) that does not experience the strong nuclear force. The leptons form a family of elementary particles that are distinct from the other known family of fermions, the quarks.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the name "lepton" (from Greek leptos) was first used by physicist Léon Rosenfeld in 1948. The name originates from before the discovery in the 1970s of the heavy tau lepton, which is nearly twice the mass of a proton.

Sable and Ocelot

These are both wild cats.

There is also a character from the Metal Gear Solid video game series named "Revolver Ocelot."


I think this is a type of lobster or just "lobster" in a different language. This goes along with cephalopod in the seafood catagory.


These are those little bugs that feed on the underside of leaves...or Master Shake after being beaten in a quiz night tournament.


This seems to be an a capella beatboxing band. There's a trailor on YouTube. Also...

Urban Dictionary gives two definitions:
1. You say this when you want someone to stop doing something (to you in most cases).

2. You yell this word at random people at random times to scare or annoy them.

This is just a start. Feel free to add on, comment, or make corrections.


"One day, people will look back and say that Jess Rose gave birth to the 21st century."

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:25 am
by curriguy
mauf isn't a strange tag OR a clue, she uses a song by mauf in that video. that's why she tagged it. end of story.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:44 am
by zeutheir
Cool, I didn't even realize that. I'd just never heard the word "mauf" before. Thanks.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:55 am
by Woo
nottinghamshire isn't a strange tag, she used to live there, she reveals that in "mysteries..." :-)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:04 am
by onion13
Aye-Aye is an animal like a lemur
The Aye-aye is not only an endangered species because its habitat is being destroyed, but also due to native superstition. Besides being a general nuisance in villages, ancient Malagasy legend said that the Aye-aye was a symbol of death. It is viewed as a good omen in some areas, however, but these areas are a minority.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:09 am
by Woo
campylobacter is a type of food poisoning!

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:35 pm
by dave
Here is a list of all tags for each video, which ones seem to be irrelevant, and which ones seem like they belong.

Note that I will maintain this list and try to keep it up to date until such time that there is a wiki on this site where anyone can edit a single document.

I also provide a brief definition of what any strange or scientific terms mean in the notes for each video.

I originally posted this in a different thread, but this seems to be the more correct place for it now...


tags - list of tags associated with the video
irrelevant - tags that were included but not in reference to anything in that particular video.
missing - things that were referenced in the video but not included in the tags
note - observations about the video, tags, recurring themes, etc.

So, here goes:

1: First Blog / Dorkiness Prevails
tags: paytotheorderofofof2, thewinekone, dorky, funny, girl, hamster, blog, first, duh, tongue, faces, silly, weird, lg15
irrelevant: hamster
note: the tag "hamster" occurs 5 times and all are irrelevant

2: Purple Monkey
tags: purple, monkey, blog, vlog, funny, comedy, humor, daniel, lg15
irrelevant: [none]

3: School Work in Summer... BLECHH!!!
tags: homeschool, girl, daniel, work, walruses, antarctica, pluto, romans, cannibalism, weird, silly, dork, lg15
irrelevant: walruses

4: The Danielbeast
tags: daniel, beast, australia, safari, animal, girl, silly, pirana, trick, funny, humor, joke, lg15
irrelevant: pirana

5: Grillz feat. Danielbeast, LG15, P. Monkey, and O'n.
tags: nelly, music, video, owen, purple, monkey, lg15, danielbeast, daniel, funny, snl, lazy, sunday, comedy, hamster, humor, rap, hip, hop
irrelevant: hamster

6: My Parents Suck...
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, sad, cry, parents, suck, fourth, july, 4th, lame, dork, weird, hiking
irrelevant: [none]
note: first capitalized occurance of LG15

7: Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!)
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, room, decorate, dance, funny, stupid, feynman, einstein, newton, turtle, ant, physics, teach, hamster, dude
irrelevant: hamster
noticably missing: hawking

8: Proving Science Wrong!
tags: LG15, danielbeast, bree, daniel, science, evolution, quantum, mechanics, brian, greene, string, theory, puppy, staring, contest, stare
irrelevant: evolution, puppy
note: brian greene is a renowned physicist and string theorist; evolution
wasn't mentioned

9: My Parents... Let Us Go Hiking!!!
tags: LG15, Lonelygirl15, Bree, Daniel, Danielbeast, hiking, parents, suck, water, outdoors, genghiskhan, squirrel, fierce
irrelevant: genghiskhan, squirrel, fierce

10: Boy Problems...
tags: LG15, Danielbeast, daniel, sad, problem, weird, like, love, girl, guy, hiking, parents, mad
irrelevant: [none]

11: He Said, She Said
tags: LG15, daniel, danielbeast, happy, relationship, fun, phone, call, girl, boy, turtle, hamster
irrelevant: hamster
note: "turtle" may be a reference to Owen?

12: My Lazy Eye (and P. Monkey gets Funky!)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, funny, lame, hamster, silly, boa, feather, lazy, eye, parents, problem
irrelevant: hamster

13: Proving Science Wrong... with Lonelybeast and Danielgirl15
tags: LG15, danielbeast, daniel, lonelygirl15, spoof, funny, humor, platypus, silly, weird, mauf, pink, boa, dance
irrelevant: platypus
missing: coriolis effect
note: mauf is a band (; nothing was "proven" wrong
in his episode

14: The Tolstoy Principle (and Dad "talks" to Daniel)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, tolstoy, jared, diamond, bree, lame, pelican, science, wrong, dude, uhh, yeah, dad, parents
irrelevant: pelican

15: Daniel The Neanderthal
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, fish, proving, science, wrong, monkey, ape, man, evolution, neaderthal, silly, aphid, nuts
irrelevant: aphid
note: the tag "aphid" occurs 2 times, both are irrelevant; aphids are a type
of insect with 4,000 unique species

16: What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, dad, bree, funny, silly, penguin, annoying, bug, hang, glider
irrelevant: penguin, bug
missing: thor
note: crowley picture close-up; possible to view her camera in mirror; showed 4th wall/window; thor is the teddy bear in the "hang glider"

17: Me, Religion, and Daniel :(
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, religion, freedom, parents, camp, bree, lame, peanuts
irrelevant: peanuts

18: I Probably Shouldn't Post This...
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, fight, parents, religion, llama, argue, mad, girl, weird, bree, chipmunk
irrelevant: llama, chipmunk

19: Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, danielbeast, daniel, travel, australia, new, zealand, england, nottinghamshire, tuck, friar, weird, suck, lame
irrelevant: [none]

20: A Peace Offering (and P. Monkey Boogies)
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, purple, monkey, dance, funny, peace, offering, native, american, weird, kiwi, odd
irrelevant: kiwi
missing: olive, branch

21: I'm Really, Really, Really Excited!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, excited, happy, play, summer, camp, dad, weird, aphid, silly
irrelevant: aphid

22: Swimming!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, safari, hat, swim, water, river, hike, langosta, mercury, phylum
irrelevant: langosta, mercury, phylum
missing: skeeter, hunting, cannibalism
note: "langosta" is spanish for "lobster"; bree references cannibalism for the second time in the series; i'm not sure how "skeeter" is spelled

23: Bree The Cookie Monster
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, cookies, bake, contest, peanut, butter, purple, monkey, ocelot
irrelevant: ocelot
note: the ocelot is a wild cat related to leopards located in south and central america

24: A Change In My Life
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, religion, ceremony, bar, mitzvah, confirmation, parents, honor, lepton
irrelevant: lepton
note: leptons are particles that don't experience strong nuclear force

25: Poor Pluto
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, pluto, planet, orbit, galaxy, school, home, mean, teacher, cephalopod
irrelevant: cephalopod
note: cephalopods are a class of mollusks; this tag has been linked by some to the Cthulhu mythos

26: Should I Or Shouldn't I?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, party, dad, mom, go, ceremony, practice, sable
irrelevant: sable
note: a sable is a small mammal located in asia

27: I'm Going to the Party!
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, party, dad, mom, going, campylobacter, tree, climb
irrelevant: campylobacter
note: campylobacter is a bacteria which can cause a variety of illnesses

28: House Arrest
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, dad, grounded, house, arrest, lemons, lemonade, sad
irrelevant: [none]

29: In The Park
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, daniel, danielbeast, park, bowling, trees, dark, fun, aye-aye
irrelevant: aye-aye
note: the aye-aye is a primate located in madagascar

30: What's A Date?
tags: LG15, lonelygirl15, purple, monkey, tachyon, date, guilty, sneak, parents suck
irrelevant: tachyon
note: A tachyon (from the Greek ταχύς takhús, meaning "swift, fast") is any hypothetical particle that travels at superluminal velocity.

Other Info

All tags that I thought were "missing":


All tags that were irrelevant (sorted, and duplicates removed):


All tags that occur multiple times:

aphid (2 times)
hamster (5 times)

Update Log

15-09-06 Added What's a Date? info.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:06 am
by ravensgrace

From: Wikipedia
"Mercury has a higher iron content than any other major planet in our solar system."

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:11 am
by ravensgrace
From the latest video, What's A Date?.

One curious effect is that, unlike ordinary particles, the speed of a tachyon increases as its energy decreases.
source: Wikipedia tachyon

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:57 am
by Joanna
Aye aye like in Aye aye captan.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:31 pm
by shiloh
Ancient Malagasy legend said that the Aye-aye was a symbol of death.

The Aye-aye is often viewed as a harbinger of evil and killed on sight. Others believe that should one point its long middle finger at you, you were condemned to death. Some say the appearance of an Aye-aye in a village predicts the death of a villager, and the only way to prevent this is to kill the Aye-aye. The Saklava people go so far as to claim Aye-ayes sneak into houses through the thatched roofs and murder the sleeping occupants by using their middle finger to puncture the victim's aorta.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:50 pm
by Broken Kid
Notice that there's no unusual tags in the latest, "How My Parents Met":
LG15 lonelygirl15 parents dad mom england london met love

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:06 pm
by Withe
Various things about sable that I ran up on and found interesting:

Sable is also another name for a marten , which is closely related to the sable. Regardless, their pelts are used to make fur coats or stoles.

Sable hair is commonly used in artist's brushes.

Sable is also considered the name for the color dark/jet black (bluish tint/blue-black), it has been referred to a mustard-brown color as well.

Sables are also a term for a mourning garment or funeral robe. (fitting for the color description). It is also to note that I found this word referenced in several poems, ranging from the Elizabethan Period all the way up to the Victorian period.

Sable is also a coat classification for the hunting breed of dogs, the beagle. (most likely attributed to the coat's color and sheen). It is possible that this classification could extend to other breeds.

There is a Sable Island found off the coast of Nova Scotia.

"Sable" was a superhero-like TV series that aired in 1987.

If my french doesn't fail me, 'Sable' is also the French word for sand.

There's a ton of stuff out there if you Google the word 'sable', ranging from the animal to some offshore oil rig project sponsored by ExxonMobil. I just ran across a few of these and thought I'd share.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:41 pm
by andrea6
here ist some info about mauf:

they are playing at the mtvu-awards in new york
the a cappella beatboxing band ist from austria

for buying the cd:

i bought it and it is wonderful!!!

thank you bree for this tip!!