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Egypt: Death on the Nile
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:33 pm
by bubba138
Bree's Christmas present from Jonas had to be a message of some sort. The Mag he gave her had a cover story about an Egyptian princess named Idut who had been placed in someone else's tomb. Even the hieroglyphs were changed to cover up her death-bed take-over.
Read about it
here, and
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:59 pm
by Kanazaka
Interesting theory. If it's true, here are my ideas:
* This is an allegory for what really happened to the original "Chosen One" back when the Order first discovered Denderah
* This is an allegory for what is happening now to Bree, or to Gemma; that is, Bree was to replace someone else in the Ceremony, or Gemma is now replacing Bree in the ceremony
* This is a forecast of what was to have happened to Bree in the ceremony; "the strapping male, standing tall, hovering behind the demure girl" could be Daniel, Jonas, or someone else entirely; and "Idut can be seen in the doorway in the next chamber, a lotus blossum to her nose with another woman standing behind her" could refer to Bree and Lucy or Gemma and Lucy
Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:28 pm
by krmurr87
didn't they fake Brothers death by putting someone elses body in the explosion?